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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
I like what Bloomberg is saying, but it sucks that he can personally outspend millions of individual donations to Bernie and that is not an amount of money that changes his personal finances one bit.

Tax them if they don’t spend it here.
A higher minimum wage would do virtually the same thing.
Medical benefits that don’t go away if you lose your job or are unable to work.

Billionaires need to pay real taxes.

National healthcare is so much more important that much of what they blow our tax money on. That was one thing Williamson said that I liked, "If it doesn't benefit the American people then I don't want it". She was right on.


Well-known member
That's the problem with America these days, we need more John Wayne's and Clint Eastwood's, but no, we get a bunch of fairies like Buttigieg.

The way I see it Trump is the only man running for president and he's a little bitch compared to John Wayne. The Democrats need someone who could win, like Chuck Norris. :biggrin:

"John Wayne was a Fag. I installed two way mirrors at his pad in Brentwood... he came to the door in a dress."



Active member
Massive taxes would result in massive influence as the government became massively dependent. We’re already there now. In fact. We’ve gotten to the stage of dependence, they no longer pay the taxes.

They can give us the money in our paychecks. We can give to the government ourselves. We just need to take back control.

White Beard

Active member
You can't achieve financial equality or even fairness in a system that runs on debt based fiat money.

When you get that mortgage, car loan or put a new washing machine on your credit card new money is created out of thin air. But what's not created is the interest required to pay them back.

The biggest driver of wealth inequality is our debt based fiat currency. To many Americans have no clue how money works, especially how new money is created.

Depends entirely on your standard of value: if your standard is weight of gold, or volume of oil, or unit of labor, or share of land, it changes what is and isn’t feasible - who is and isn’t wealthy.

For a lot of ‘conservatives’ “fiat money” is a shibboleth: at its core, an economy exists to track the production, transfer, use, and disposal of resources. Using it to count economic coup on winners and losers warps it and ‘deprives’ it of an important function.

From a larger view, the biggest single driver of wealth inequality is the fact that the wealthy get paid for being wealthy, every day. The second big driver is that the “less wealthy” are chiefly the ones paying the wealthy, and with funds underpaid to them *by* the wealthy. Both of these drivers are in operation full-time in our society.


Well-known member
I like what Bloomberg is saying, but it sucks that he can personally outspend millions of individual donations to Bernie and that is not an amount of money that changes his personal finances one bit.

Billionaires need to pay real taxes.

National healthcare is so much more important that much of what they blow our tax money on. That was one thing Williamson said that I liked, "If it doesn't benefit the American people then I don't want it". She was right on.

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Active member
Depends entirely on your standard of value: if your standard is weight of gold, or volume of oil, or unit of labor, or share of land, it changes what is and isn’t feasible - who is and isn’t wealthy.

For a lot of ‘conservatives’ “fiat money” is a shibboleth: at its core, an economy exists to track the production, transfer, use, and disposal of resources. Using it to count economic coup on winners and losers warps it and ‘deprives’ it of an important function.

From a larger view, the biggest single driver of wealth inequality is the fact that the wealthy get paid for being wealthy, every day. The second big driver is that the “less wealthy” are chiefly the ones paying the wealthy, and with funds underpaid to them *by* the wealthy. Both of these drivers are in operation full-time in our society.

Completely agree with you.

The wealthy have a pretty good scam going on. Billionaires hate cash on hand. Cash on hand doesn't make a return.

Bezos takes most of the money Amazon makes and invests it back into his company. doing this creates wealth ON PAPER. The more wealth he can create on paper the more people will invest in Amazon and the beast grows. The average American goes to their financial adviser and only cares if their "stocks" are making money.

The average person is just praying their stocks and retirement investments will be worth something when they cash them in. The common person who tries to take money from their investments early gets fucked. It's not worth taking the money when the fee's and penalties of an early payment wipe out the profits made. The wealthy don't worry about this because their money comes from interest made on investments.

Bezos may be worth 115 billion on paper but if he tries to sell it off to collect his cash it will create a sell off on Amazon stock and stock prices will fall and the average american who is invested in Amazon gets screwed. It's better for Bezos to have paper wealth then cash.

That's the scam the wealthy get to play. Have people invest in your company then if the company starts to falter they can sell off their shares make bank and the average american is stuck holding a worthless piece of paper.

In the 1990's many dot.com companies went from nothing to being multi millionaires overnight on paper. The smart ones sold their company and turned it into real money before the company went under. The average american is the last in line to turn their wealth on paper into actual usable cash.


Do billionaires pay enough in taxes? Hell No!

Everybody out there knows billionaires don't pay their fair share in taxes. A politician stating this is like Captain Obvious. The question is how the hell do you get them to pay more? This is the tough part. Simply saying raise taxes on them is simple to do on the campaign trail but harder then fuck to do in reality.

The game/system.
Most politicians out there know raising taxes on billionaires is going to be a huge fight, spend tons of political capital for little to no gain. This is why most don't pound this dead horse.

Lets just say we pass a tax on billionaires creating 100 billion in new taxes. These billionaires will be happy to pay several tax attorney corporations 50 billion to get out of paying what the new tax says. For every one tax attorney working for the federal government to write tax code the wealthy have 10 tax attorneys figuring out how to beat the new tax. It's not a fair fight.

Does it mean we just give up? Fuck no. The question is how do we get the wealthy to pay more and keep that money in the US to help the American worker? We should allow the american worker to sell off their stocks in companies with no penalties. Many Americans feel good about what they have "saved" on paper. You hear them talk about how much their stock has went up. I would like to see them turn the money they have on the books into actual working capital for them. The tax code now basically kicks the average American in the dick for trying to cash out early. Changing these tax codes could be the first step to helping the people in this country who need it most.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Those people can live off interests and dividends. Other people pay for them to live high on the hog. They don't need to have any cash. Us common folk don't have that. These people didn't do everything by the book to get that rich. Losing $50m wouldn't make any difference to there bottom line. All these CEO that get paid 200x the salary there workers get paid is a huge problem. When every single citizen of the USA get to the age of 50 they should be given 1 million tax free to enjoy whats left of there lives. Instead we worry how we can keep a roof over our heads. SSI doesn't pay enough to live out our old age in comfort. All we need is a home,medical insurance and food on the table.
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St. Phatty

Active member
I'm thinking about voting for Trump.


I thought he was 11 months away from being a bad memory, but after the circle jerk of Iowa, and the expected outcome of the impeachment, it's looking Trump might have the votes.

Are there really that many stupid, greedy, & cruel people in the US ?

Trump's character wasn't entirely clear in 2016. Now it is.


Well-known member


Active member
fuckin cry babies...try putin your acid down and go invent a better mouse trap...lazy slackers get fucked in this country...get over it



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Our uneducated population has grown that's for sure.. We produce some of the most ignorant people on the planet. Its pretty clear generation stupid doesn't know the difference between right/wrong. Most people use to think there character meant something. When asked they don't even know what it means anymore. As long as the dick in the middle gets what he thinks he deserves fuck everyone else.

USA is ranked 14th with a score of 0.39. These countries do a much better job educating.

  1. South Korea (1.30)
  2. Japan (1.03)
  3. Singapore (0.99)
  4. Hong Kong (0.96)
  5. Finland (0.92)
  6. United Kingdom (0.67)
  7. Canada (0.60)
  8. Netherlands (0.58)
  9. Ireland (0.51)
  10. Poland (0.50)


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Does it mean we just give up? Fuck no. The question is how do we get the wealthy to pay more and keep that money in the US to help the American worker? We should allow the american worker to sell off their stocks in companies with no penalties. Many Americans feel good about what they have "saved" on paper. You hear them talk about how much their stock has went up. I would like to see them turn the money they have on the books into actual working capital for them. The tax code now basically kicks the average American in the dick for trying to cash out early. Changing these tax codes could be the first step to helping the people in this country who need it most.

I still think a flat tax would work. I've been trying to source data to do the rough math but it is difficult so far to find average income of billionaires and millionaires in the US.

For making instant cashable income, check out the Forex market. It dwarfs the stock market.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Wow just sat and watched an awesome movie
The Last Full Measure
To bad we dont have people running the country with half of the honor,or integrity of the soldier this movie was based on.Damn shame
Anyways if anyone's looking for a good flick to take in.
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