I like what Bloomberg is saying, but it sucks that he can personally outspend millions of individual donations to Bernie and that is not an amount of money that changes his personal finances one bit.
Billionaires need to pay real taxes.
National healthcare is so much more important that much of what they blow our tax money on. That was one thing Williamson said that I liked, "If it doesn't benefit the American people then I don't want it". She was right on.
Tax them if they don’t spend it here.
A higher minimum wage would do virtually the same thing.
Medical benefits that don’t go away if you lose your job or are unable to work.
Billionaires need to pay real taxes.
National healthcare is so much more important that much of what they blow our tax money on. That was one thing Williamson said that I liked, "If it doesn't benefit the American people then I don't want it". She was right on.