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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Trumps “speech” yesterday proved he was anti American scum. You worry about fucking white dresses.

If someone can watch his prayer breakfast speech and then his celebration speech yesterday, and still think shithead is fit for anything greater than a urinal, they are stupid. Please leave our country before you make it any worse. Go now

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What the dems need to do is come up with another Trump type of candidate - and out Trump-Trump - lol

- A Trump fundamentalist no-less - instead of orange - make him/her brown or beige - with some weird type of hair-do people can talk about forever - and a VERY checkered past - the naughtier the better - with a few misdemeanours and maybe even the odd felony thrown in for good measure - perhaps a mad ex-grower would do?


Active member
If someone can watch his prayer breakfast speech and then his celebration speech yesterday, and still think shithead is fit for anything greater than a urinal, they are stupid. Please leave our country before you make it any worse. Go now

I’m “praying” for him.


Active member
Past all that rotten history, what Pete uses his platform to say is… nothing. The soundbites have been focus-grouped till they sound like taglines for a bank commercial. Most of this stuff is microwaved mush, the same old pleas for civility and the platitudes that aim to inspire the common citizen without offending the corrupt and powerful. And so, for a despairing youth (or the under-45 set, anyway), he’s little more than a class and generational traitor, a vulture capitalist, an empty suit promising change in terms vague enough that he’ll never be accountable to them.
What would a Buttigieg presidency look like?
He doesn’t seem to know, or care. Winning is the point for this guy, as his naive fantasies of “turning the page” on polarization in Washington attest — somehow he, rather than anything he would do, is the solution. The paranoia over what went wrong in Iowa, and the allegations of scheming with the party establishment to weaken Bernie — that’s basically window dressing. You don’t have to view Pete as a CIA asset to oppose him. Sometimes your enemy is just another fucking consultant.


ICMag Donor
The universe does not believe in you either. It ok. We are not missing anything.
Who is "we"? Oh, that's right. You've convinced yourself that you're the majority and have the moral highground to stand on your soapbox and turn your nose to the sky as if you're superior in some way.

You: Part of the universe
Me: Not part of the universe
Reason: You don't like what I say


Well-known member
Who is "we"? Oh, that's right. You've convinced yourself that you're the majority and have the moral highground to stand on your soapbox and turn your nose to the sky as if you're superior in some way.

You: Part of the universe
Me: Not part of the universe
Reason: You don't like what I say

Whatever you say does not fix the fact your are a stupid fuck and everything you do and say proves it. Once you threaten me. Which you have several times. You are dirt. Go the fuck away.
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