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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
Just the amateurs thinking they are in the same league as the Russians. Prepare for more election medaling. What would delight Putin more?


Active member
If they would have used USPS they'd have the results by now.

email, perhaps? How about the precinct captain’s cell phone?

Gotta keep Biden in the race as long as possible to keep the ‘political rival’ narrative going. Biden’s announcement for running timing is suspect at best


Active member
Implying the CIA along with their mossad puppet masters haven’t meddled in most ‘elections’ since the 50’s... top bantz boomer

Mr D

Gotta keep Biden in the race as long as possible to keep the ‘political rival’ narrative going. Biden’s announcement for running timing is suspect at best

The idea that a twice failed presidential candidate who doesn't know what state he is in, was ever a viable candidate, could not be taken serious by anyone with an IQ above room temperature.

Mr D

Don Peebles a lifelong supporter of the Democratic Party. He was a member of the Barack Obama National Finance Committee for both of Obama’s presidential elections.

Bashes Pelosi: 'I Just Don't Recognize the Democratic Party'
“I mean, the party has turned so far-left. Also, to see members of Congress jointly dressing up in white as some form of protest or solidarity at the State of the Union address is astonishing.”

“I just think was unprofessional, undiplomatic, disrespectful act. Not just to the president, but to the country as a whole,” he said. “And I think it makes people who see her there wonder about her leadership, which has already been called into question.”


Active member
Hello all,

Remember when fat conald* ran this fraudulent real estate seminar school....remember when he settled the fraud lawsuit for 25M and closed the school's doors? Buahahahahaha, yeah good times ey?



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Don Peebles a lifelong supporter of the Democratic Party. He was a member of the Barack Obama National Finance Committee for both of Obama’s presidential elections.

Bashes Pelosi: 'I Just Don't Recognize the Democratic Party'

What is he stupid? They dressed in white last year and Trump applauded them. I tell you Americans have no memory.


ICMag Donor
Trump's supporters are clogging the phones in Iowa for 3 days now.

What kind of rational human believes this tripe. I guess Russiagaters will believe anything.

They skipped by on the Mueller report.

The next day after they get over on the last caper and it's time to spool up for the next crime spree, screwing up Iowa. I see screwing with an election as much worse than making swat calls. People should get some real time for that kick in the stars.

It is like hooligans rampaging at football games and then they control the police chief and the cops. Next they cancel all the football games because there is too much chaos to play. The difference is that it is not football, it's the constitution. Nobody loves seeing that play more than trumps buddy Putin.

As you watch it happening they are telling you it's not blue, it's red. It's fake news.


Active member
Don Peebles a lifelong supporter of the Democratic Party. He was a member of the Barack Obama National Finance Committee for both of Obama’s presidential elections.

Bashes Pelosi: 'I Just Don't Recognize the Democratic Party'

Trumps “speech” yesterday proved he was anti American scum. You worry about fucking white dresses.


Active member
Trumps coming!


5:00 PM

The Broadmoor World Arena
3185 Venetucci Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Ticket for: Gofuk Yosself
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