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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
In 1996 California was the first state legalize medical marijuana. Had the activists during that time tried to legalize recreational marijuana it would never had been passed. The reason we have recreational marijuana legal in so many states is because we took the medical route first. Every state that has went rec was medical first.

This is why I'm not for a single payer health care system. It just won't pass. Just like recreational weed would have never passed in California in 1996. That's the reason Obama went with the public option. Get the public option rolling good and that would lead to a single payer system the people in the US could buy into and like.

There's nothing wrong with a stepping stone in politics. Can't always go for the hail Mary on every play. We should take a lesson on how we finally got recreational weed legal in so many states and apply that to other areas of politics.


Active member
Dude are you that ignorant., there's is no way any of these people will see any jail or even see a courtroom lol. Lets say there 100% guilty with all the BS involved with our broken legal system it will take a decades for it to even get to a court. Even if asshat wins another term none will ever see a courtroom. It's all political BS to distract the weak minded so asshat can get re elected.

You cant impeach a previous POTUS lmao..

Hate to burst your bubble einstein... of coarse you can impeach a former office holder....it would be to keep him from holding any other offices....

In the black mans case...we want him in leg irons and belly chains....


Well-known member
I highly doubt Buttigieg has a chance against Trump. Sad really, I was hoping for a good Democrat, but apparently they don't exist. Going to be funny seeing Trump win even California.

There is still Vermin Supreme, I just don't really want a pony, at least a horse I can ride and put it to work.

White Beard

Active member
Obviously, Hunter is the small potato. Obama, Biden and Kerry are the prize targets. It was a conspiracy to defraud the United States. The media is also involved. This is going to lead to a lot of people spending many years in prison. There is talk of impeaching Obama and Biden as well, which will strip them of their executive privileges.

I’m reasonably sure you don’t know, but this is a stunningly ignorant set of words. I don’t blame the words, it’s not their fault.

TL;DR == impeachment is for those IN OFFICE, which neither Biden nor Obama is still. *AND* ONLY the sitting president has executive privilege, and as VP Biden *never* had it.

The rest is circle-jerk suitable for Qanon


Active member
It's hard to compare the US to European countries when one of our states are the size of one of their countries. It's why we lag behind Europe.

Thought this post of mine would get more traction.

Bigger issue is a difference of views on ‘social services’. Muricans use it as a crutch to be fat overweight and generally lazy. Europeans (minus the influx of North Africans who ARE there for a better life and by better life I mean handouts) take pride in PUTTING IN before taking out. As long as you have generations depending on welfare while having no desire to better their own life, the system gets gamed. The tired ol’ ‘well the jobs created through the trump administration are only entry level jobs’ argument is moot. Get out the hood, get a fucking job and keep your hands out of my pocket....


ICMag Donor
Bigger issue is a difference of views on ‘social services’. Muricans use it as a crutch to be fat overweight and generally lazy. Europeans (minus the influx of North Africans who ARE there for a better life and by better life I mean handouts) take pride in PUTTING IN before taking out. As long as you have generations depending on welfare while having no desire to better their own life, the system gets gamed. The tired ol’ ‘well the jobs created through the trump administration are only entry level jobs’ argument is moot. Get out the hood, get a fucking job and keep your hands out of my pocket....

Fishy, What you say actually has allot of truth. In Europe, it's not just north africans but also eastern europeans. Hungary is now banning Serbians from entering. One of the bottom lines of having strong social programs is that it's not a bottomless pit. People coming in without contributing can destroy the programs as Europe is now finding out. This is likely the reason for the shift to the right that they are now seeing.

White Beard

Active member
It's hard to compare the US to European countries when one of our states are the size of one of their countries. It's why we lag behind Europe.

Thought this post of mine would get more traction.
It’s a good post, thanks for putting it back up.

It reminds me of almost entirely undiscussed matter of representation in the House, (no, this isn’t about parties (except in the plural)): we don’t have enough.

The constitution specifies the level of representation as “at least 1 per state, And no more than on perf 30,000 residents, and those are supposed to be fairly divided into districts. In order to provide that representation, we would need ELEVEN THOUSAND members of the House. Instead, we have 435. Projecting from past censes that’ll give us roughly 1 representative PER MILLION US residents now.

Your comments about scale are very appropriate: we are too large for the structure we have, it can’t hold together. Not saying it can’t be saved, but parts need work...

In 1996 California was the first state legalize medical marijuana. Had the activists during that time tried to legalize recreational marijuana it would never had been passed. The reason we have recreational marijuana legal in so many states is because we took the medical route first. Every state that has went rec was medical first.

This is why I'm not for a single payer health care system. It just won't pass. Just like recreational weed would have never passed in California in 1996. That's the reason Obama went with the public option. Get the public option rolling good and that would lead to a single payer system the people in the US could buy into and like.

There's nothing wrong with a stepping stone in politics. Can't always go for the hail Mary on every play. We should take a lesson on how we finally got recreational weed legal in so many states and apply that to other areas of politics.

I’m on Medicare, and it’s single-payer. Millions have Medicare and don’t experience anything weird or hard, particularly: which I guess is a long way of saying maybe what you ask for is already in place. The public option, you may remember, was supposed to be a Medicare buy-in option. THAT was the public option. Medicare is a known quantity for millions of us, as I say.

As far as weed is concerned, I’m in the rights-of-a-citizen camp: remove all restrictions on growing, possessing, and using the plant, cancel all punishments, repair the law in the eyes of the nation. End of story. Not to say I don’t recognize the truth of your post, or appreciate its value, I do. I just think that, if we’re trying to make it easy for them, we must be doing it wrong: ‘legalization’ seems to add up to a terrific shit-show, whether it be med or rec, a la “shut up and give us your money, criminal!”.

Not right or wrong, good or bad, just complicated and unsatisfactory, but maybe it’s just what I hear...it’s very...policed here

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I’m reasonably sure you don’t know, but this is a stunningly ignorant set of words. I don’t blame the words, it’s not their fault.

TL;DR == impeachment is for those IN OFFICE, which neither Biden nor Obama is still. *AND* ONLY the sitting president has executive privilege, and as VP Biden *never* had it.

The rest is circle-jerk suitable for Qanon

Re-read more carefully.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Breaking News......Hannity reports
At the conclusion of this morning's prayer breakfast,Nancy ripped up the bible.

Mr D

Trump's supporters are clogging the phones in Iowa for 3 days now.

What kind of rational human believes this tripe. I guess Russiagaters will believe anything.

Whether he realizes it or not, Andrew Weissmann just admitted what we always knew:

The purpose of the Mueller investigation was "trying to get rid of" President Trump and laying a perjury trap



Active member
Fishy, What you say actually has allot of truth. In Europe, it's not just north africans but also eastern europeans. Hungary is now banning Serbians from entering. One of the bottom lines of having strong social programs is that it's not a bottomless pit. People coming in without contributing can destroy the programs as Europe is now finding out. This is likely the reason for the shift to the right that they are now seeing.

Remove the word likely and you are spot on. I have friends throughout Sweden and whether big city or rural, ive watched over the past few years their views shift from (if we must use the left/ right paradigm) far left to right. As the immigration started at first the sentiment was we have a surplus all will be fine... today most are resentful. Because those that put in are being refused. Why people shill for open borders is beyond me.


Active member
Iowa is pretty rural, still a heavy reliance on the party line system. Can’t all be using the phone at the same time

Mr D

Yeah the NBC article is complete bullshit. Google will NEVER link a thread from the forum much less the subforum NBC is blaming. Damn how the spicy learn to code meme went full circle

If they would have used USPS they'd have the results by now.

email, perhaps? How about the precinct captain’s cell phone?
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