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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

I suppose under the same health diagnosis,Al Sharpton quite possibly could have the same honor bestowed upon him.
It's a fucked up world,best taken with a grain of salt.

Hey brother it's good to see you back. My deepest condolences.

Mr D

One minute the opposition and media calls you a felonious tax cheat that caused cancer.

The next minute you are Mittens the honorable man who does what's right in the face of controversy. Bain capital has always produced such honorable politicians.

BTW he's not going to be running for office 2024, he's trying to cover his families criminal behavior in Ukraine. This idea that he's looking ahead to 2024 is a joke. He's one of the 4 amigos who was cashing in on Ukraine...Pelosi, Biden, Mittens and Kerry.


Well-known member
After listening to shitheads speech today I find myself wondering how nobody in the room had the good sense to take off a shoe and wing it at that dumb fuck. Whole room full of the worst our nation has to offer.

I am ashamed to be American if that is what being a proud one looks like.

Mr D

Damn Warren lost in her own county... :biggrin:




ICMag Donor
After listening to shitheads speech today I find myself wondering how nobody in the room had the good sense to take off a shoe and wing it at that dumb fuck. Whole room full of the worst our nation has to offer.

I am ashamed to be American if that is what being a proud one looks like.

It's been a while since we saw George duck an incoming shoe.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
How does Hunter Biden affect any U.S. taxpayer, guilty or not?

Lotta made up innuendo with a boring outcome either way.

Man gets job because of dad and uses drugs. Wow.

Mitt had a lot of good points that you don’t address.

Obviously, Hunter is the small potato. Obama, Biden and Kerry are the prize targets. It was a conspiracy to defraud the United States. The media is also involved. This is going to lead to a lot of people spending many years in prison. There is talk of impeaching Obama and Biden as well, which will strip them of their executive privileges.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Obviously, Hunter is the small potato. Obama, Biden and Kerry are the prize targets. It was a conspiracy to defraud the United States. The media is also involved. This is going to lead to a lot of people spending many years in prison. There is talk of impeaching Obama and Biden as well, which will strip them of their executive privileges.

Dude are you that ignorant., there's is no way any of these people will see any jail or even see a courtroom lol. Lets say there 100% guilty with all the BS involved with our broken legal system it will take a decades for it to even get to a court. Even if asshat wins another term none will ever see a courtroom. It's all political BS to distract the weak minded so asshat can get re elected.

You cant impeach a previous POTUS lmao..

Mr D

Obviously, Hunter is the small potato. Obama, Biden and Kerry are the prize targets. It was a conspiracy to defraud the United States. The media is also involved. This is going to lead to a lot of people spending many years in prison. There is talk of impeaching Obama and Biden as well, which will strip them of their executive privileges.

I'd look in to Bill Barr's history if you believe his purpose involves more than saving the corrupt institutions. Durham is red meat for the millions who want justice. However don't be surprised to learn Durham's role is to run out the clock.

Uniparty corruption is so deep it would take decades to root it out.

If you are young you might not realize this type of corruption is not unique or new and it's always, always covered up.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hunter was more than a board member @ Burisma. He was put in charge of ethics. There is so much to this. I recomend watching Giuliani's podcast. ...Even if you aren't a fan.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys,
I appreciate you all keeping my family in your thoughts.
Thanks for checking in on us from time to time,it helped.
Some good people on here,with more in common than we realize at times.I guess all a tragedy is good for is it changes your perspective on what really matters in the time we're here.


Active member
It's hard to compare the US to European countries when one of our states are the size of one of their countries. It's why we lag behind Europe.

Thought this post of mine would get more traction.

The US is just too big for a third party to be viable.

Lets look at England.
England sq miles=50,346
Population=56 million

Now the US
US sq miles=3.79 Million
Population=327 Million

Illinois sq miles=57,915
California Population=40 Million

The US lacks the population density of our European counterparts. The US population is spread far and wide. The US and all of Europe is about the same in square miles but Europe has double the population of the US.

England and Illinois are about the same size in sq miles. Picture the population of California(40 million) plus 16 million living in a state the size of Illinois? That's what England is like.

A politician in England can drive from one end of England to the other end in about 4-5 hrs. The politician's there have a much better opportunity to meet and greet the people of their country. Not so much here. Get their ideas out. Have the people come see them more because they don't have to make a 1000 trips to reach the citizens of their country. It's prime opportunities for third parties to thrive.

The US isn't feasible for a third party candidate to do that. They would go broke. lol. Rust belt Dems are not like California Dems. California Dems aren't like Texas Dems and so on. Strong third parties would resemble the state they are from. 50 third parties one from each state would get no where. It's why most third parties in the US are a one party platform. It's the only way to get support from the entire US.

Unlike our European counterparts who have high population densities and have the environment to support third parties here in the US we get stuck with two and nobody really gets the candidate they like.

Just my cents.


ICMag Donor
On the news, It was prank calls from trumpers clogging the phone lines used to get the voting data from Iowa precincts .

Glad you're back NE. Hope you're doin' ok.
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