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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
The new face that cant win a black vote if his life depended on it.

This is dogshit level analysis. Stick to your one word posts, at least they give the facade as if you know what you're talking about.

LOL dude just said CIA Pete is the new face LOL

Deny all you. Better come up with some fresh ideas other being the victim. Trump already trademarked that one.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Unfortunately, Buttigieg is the new face.
Bernie is stuck in the past. While he gets the younger idealists, boomers have left him behind. He’s maxed out.

Thats false, im a boomer all my friends are boomers. Many of us are for Bernie.


Active member
Thats false, im a boomer all my friends are boomers. Many of us are for Bernie.

It is a generalization I admit. It’s a fallacy to pinpoint any chosen group. Certainly there will be subgroups as well.

At that, Bernies main base is young.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I don't know if this was posted but
Rush Limbaugh gets surprise honor, Presidential Medal of Freedom.

This guy is 100% racist. There's hundred's of clips to prove that


ICMag Donor
hh, It's not like that at all. America has stubbed it's toe in the process of social evolution. Other first world, socially evolved counties excel in education and medical while America lags far behind. This is the only reason a bad actor like trump is possible. When Americans once again gain access to education and medical they will not let go. They will find financial concessions in other areas to make these unalienable rights. Bernie is the frontrunner proponent. A better educated America will make better smarter political choices.

When we make our education system world class and accessible to all once again then clown shows like we are currently seeing will no longer be possible. Trumps education secretary, DeVos, has taken us far backwards in this process. Not only is a college education financially impossible for many but now she has taken money from public schools and steered it towards charter schools for 'the chosen ones'.

We’re not going to be able to tax and spend our way into quality education and healthcare until we get new and outside the box thinking.

Buttigieg doesn’t have the experience and Bernie has too much experience of not getting anywhere.

Of the top 5 in Iowa, two are progressive, three are conservative. Add up the percentages in both groups, the progressives only have about 45% of the support, with little chance of crossover support from republicans. The movement has a lot of energy, but it still isn’t strong. Not strong enough anyway.

In the next few years, as trumps pony show starts to fail, whoever is in office will take the hit. If it’s a progressive, the movement will fail. They’ll be a one term president followed by 8 years of republican rule. If it wasn’t for judicial appointments, it would be as well to leave trump to face his own failures, but it’s just not worth the damage he would do.
I believe it will take a conservative Democrat to not only beat trump, but to hold the office successfully for 2 terms. Progression needs to work it’s way up through Congress.

It’s too many battles all at once.

I believe that in spite of low percentages, the one with the experience, and the best chance to beat trump while lasting 2 terms, is Klobuchar.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I don't know if this was posted but
Rush Limbaugh gets surprise honor, Presidential Medal of Freedom.

This guy is 100% racist. There's hundred's of clips to prove that

I suppose under the same health diagnosis,Al Sharpton quite possibly could have the same honor bestowed upon him.
It's a fucked up world,best taken with a grain of salt.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Look who gave it to him. No moral person would have done that..



Active member
When Al Sharpton starts talking about how homely Barron Trump is, I may take your point seriously.
It’s really just hypothetical anyway.
Didn’t miss your gaslighting, but welcome back. I hope everybody’s doing well.


Active member
hh, It's not like that at all. America has stubbed it's toe in the process of social evolution. Other first world, socially evolved counties excel in education and medical while America lags far behind. This is the only reason a bad actor like trump is possible. When Americans once again gain access to education and medical they will not let go. They will find financial concessions in other areas to make these unalienable rights. Bernie is the frontrunner proponent. A better educated America will make better smarter political choices.

When we make our education system world class and accessible to all once again then clown shows like we are currently seeing will no longer be possible. Trumps education secretary, DeVos, has taken us far backwards in this process. Not only is a college education financially impossible for many but now she has taken money from public schools and steered it towards charter schools for 'the chosen ones'.

It will happen. That and much more. It just won’t happen quickly. There’s too much resistance.
Better to pick battles and keep plugging, than to deal with roadblocks.


Well-known member
Were going to have a bunch of upset commies in here when America kicks Bernie into the curb.


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Well-known member
Were going to have a bunch of upset commies in here when America kicks Bernie into the curb.
perfect, one of many that don't get it
what we're seeing is the death of the old democratic party
the head anyways, but another head will take its place
not good for Trump, more voters don't like Trump than do
get rid of the excuse not to vote and the numbers crush him


ICMag Donor
perfect, one of many that don't get it
what we're seeing is the death of the old democratic party
the head anyways, but another head will take its place
not good for Trump, more voters don't like Trump than do
get rid of the excuse not to vote and the numbers crush him

Social evolution is happening.

Europeans have always been way ahead.

White Beard

Active member
Barr: Attorney general, FBI director must clear any investigations like Trump campaign probe

That’s why the town boss owns the sheriff first: to keep the rabble from interfering.

In the veto-proof dem Congress upcoming, expect to see an oversight exception laid into law.

“Nasty Little Shit 2024!”

Unfortunately, Buttigieg is the new face.
Bernie is stuck in the past. While he gets the younger idealists, boomers have left him behind. He’s maxed out.
With respect, I think Buttigieg is the new face of Biden. And Clinton. A kinder, gentler, younger business-as-usual ‘centrist’.

We’re not going to be able to tax and spend our way into quality education and healthcare until we get new and outside the box thinking.
plenty of fresh ideas and extra-rectangular thinking at large, one needn’t be young to find it

Buttigieg doesn’t have the experience and Bernie has too much experience of not getting anywhere.
Sanders has plenty of experience working against the flow, and considering that flow, he’s done better than you suggest. Buttigieg has the experience he has, but when you put it all on the table, he brings no more than a Eric Swallwell did: good guys, noble effort, not prepared.

Of the top 5 in Iowa, two are progressive, three are conservative. Add up the percentages in both groups, the progressives only have about 45% of the support, with little chance of crossover support from republicans. The movement has a lot of energy, but it still isn’t strong. Not strong enough anyway.
Of the top three, two are progressive. Also true, different picture.

In the next few years, as trumps pony show starts to fail, whoever is in office will take the hit. If it’s a progressive, the movement will fail. They’ll be a one term president followed by 8 years of republican rule. If it wasn’t for judicial appointments, it would be as well to leave trump to face his own failures, but it’s just not worth the damage he would do.
That’s an important point: blaming the Democrats for the mess they get saddled with by outgoing ex-GOP regimes has been a reliable go-to for the wrong-wing since Reagan. It will be a mark of genuine maturity if we can remember who did what for more than a couple of years.

I believe it will take a conservative Democrat to not only beat trump, but to hold the office successfully for 2 terms. Progression needs to work it’s way up through Congress.
I believe it will take a radical break from ‘centrist’ third-way Dems and their republican-lite positioning. I believe this is why HRC lost - and I believe it had a huge impact on the fuck-you value of Baby Huey. I believe it is why Biden is losing, and why Steyer and Bloomberg will lose, and why ANY OTHER business-as-usual candidate will fail: business as usual HAS FAILED US.It will fail us again if we let it.

It’s too many battles all at once.
Pretty succinct description of life

I believe that in spite of low percentages, the one with the experience, and the best chance to beat trump while lasting 2 terms, is Klobuchar.

Your assessment of Klobuchar may be spot-on, but if she is that, she needs to break out of the pack. Sanders’ support is huge and solid, and it goes from post-millennials to retirees in age range. Same for Warren. I mean no disrespect to the ex-mayor of South Bend, but I do not see him as a serious candidate: I seem him as the flavor of the month for this cycle.

Shout-out to radical old people, tired of the shit....

Hope you don’t mind the interleaved responses.

Mr D

The Treasury Department has complied with Republican senators’ requests for highly sensitive and closely held financial records about Hunter Biden and his associates and has turned over “‘evidence’ of questionable origin” to them, according to a leading Democrat on one of the committees conducting the investigation.

For months, while the impeachment controversy raged, powerful committee chairmen in the Republican-controlled Senate have been quietly but openly pursuing an inquiry into Hunter Biden’s business affairs and Ukrainian officials’ alleged interventions in the 2016 election, the same matters that President Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani unsuccessfully tried to coerce Ukraine’s government to investigate.

Grassley and Johnson have sought to obtain some of the most sensitive and closely held documents in all of federal law enforcement — highly confidential suspicious activity reports (SARs) filed by financial institutions with FinCEN, an agency of the Treasury that helps to police money laundering.

Mr D

Bernie's in the lead....quick recount the vote

DNC Chair Tom Perez Orders Recanvass of Iowa Caucus Vote

Maybe they will get it figured out before Gym Jordon is sworn in Jan. 2025


Active member
I think Buttigieg is getting the support Klobuchar should be getting. It is what it is though.

Swallwell had basically one issue. Needs more experience. Buttigieg is trying to fake the experience while gathering big money donors.

If there were only three, either the conservative vote would be split or it would be the progressive vote that split. The totals from each faction would roughly follow the same trend. There are simply more votes on the conservative side.

A radical break may bring new voters, but from the looks of Iowa, they’re not showing up.

Too many battles at once. The old bundle of sticks analogy.

HLC lost because of the constant scrutiny she’s had to go under for the last 30 years as well as Comey’s last minute comments.

Mr D

Were going to have a bunch of upset commies in here when America kicks Bernie into the curb.

I think they will recycle Russian election interference. New and Improved 2020 Russian election interference....

A talking point they abandoned in the 2018 election after they retook the house.
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