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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Capra ibex

Really doesn't matter since there is no compelling DNC sponsored candidate in the race.

All they have is an anyone but Trump platform to run on. It will thrill the moronic anti Trumpers. The same morons driving independent voters to the GOP with poorly executed attempts to remove Trump. In the process they will totally disenfranchise Bernie's base which they badly need.

It's like watching the keystone cops in a brave new world. That has them spinning tales of "great Americans" like the Bain of bain capital Mittens and John I'll bomb the fuck out of your country Bolton.

Watching them fawn over a neocon front man for the military industrial complex and a job destroying venture capitalist is just to god damn funny.

Mr D

Love Yang's honesty ....

Andrew Yang: "harder to convince Americans that we can entrust" Democrats with big government programs when Democrats can’t count votes

Mr D

I am thoroughly enjoying this. I bet there will be more rigging exposed throughout the primaries.

So long as she's in charge you better stock up on popcorn....


Trump knew exactly what he was doing when he supported her for SOH...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
As Bernie campaigns on a platform of combating Donald Trump, and lying about 'Trump corruption,' and it is shown that the DNC is super corrupt and Trump is not, and it was in fact, the corrupt DNC who framed Trump the entire time with the help of the mainstream media and tech companies. Bernie is going to look like such a loser.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I love how Porishenko's corrupt Ukrainian government had the head of Burisma, a corrupt natural gas company, as their head of the countries Ecology Department and how the Biden's helped to protect him from prosecution. Tell me again how the dems care so much about the environment, lol.

Mr D

Joe Biden on Wednesday told a crowd in Somersworth, New Hampshire that if Bernie Sanders is the Democrat nominee, the party, and every Democrat will have to carry the “Socialist” label.

“But if Senator Sanders is the nominee for the party, every Democrat in America up and down the ballot — blue states, red states, purple, in easy districts and competitive ones — every Democrat will have to carry the labels Senator Sanders has chosen for himself,” Biden said.

“So what do you think about who’s going to be at the top of the ticket” Donald Trump is desperate to pin the Socialist label — Socialist, Socialist, Socialist on our party,” Biden added. “We can’t let him do that.”

Gotta love corn pop Joe, he just can't help spilling the beans.


It would be nice to see someone with the balls to run as an independent. Someone like Ross Perot. I did not agree with all of his policy ideas but at least they could be seen clearly without all the cloudy ambiguity enforced by Republicans and Democrats.

The process of nominee/candidate selection has become pathetic and is based more on out maneuvering, cash and behind the scenes back stabbing alliances than clear description of policy and values.
For what its worth I voted for Perot. I still have a campaign button I bought knowing full well it was a futile gesture. Still dont like your views but there is some minor common ground. Its what sensible people try to find instead of ripping up a stack of paper in some childish display.


Well-known member
As Bernie campaigns on a platform of combating Donald Trump, and lying about 'Trump corruption,' and it is shown that the DNC is super corrupt and Trump is not, and it was in fact, the corrupt DNC who framed Trump the entire time with the help of the mainstream media and tech companies. Bernie is going to look like such a loser.

Bernie isn't lying about trump's corruption lol. Its abundantly obvious hes corrupt.

Bernie's Iowa precinct captains have been keeping track of their own internal Iowa numbers and in many precincts it isnt matching up with the total being given. Therefore Bernie has a team of lawyers ready to go.
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