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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

I've always admired Carville. A little hard to understand sometimes. Smart guy.

I think he's right. The majority of Americans don't seem to be ready to buy in to what Bernie and some others are selling. Perhaps in the near future that will change but it ain't happening this year.

If the DNC throws their support and money behind Bernie AND Bernie starts to use the power of his base he might stand a chance.

For every young Bernie supporter I see, I wonder how many of their hard working parents will vote against Bernie/higher taxes.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - it was a VERY polished production - that had been VERY well rehearsed - and engineered to make people cry or feel emotional towards all the different groups that mattered - EMOTIONAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING - of the highest order -

If the USA is so great - then no-wonder half the rest of the world is trying to go there -

I didn't get that far into the event but i could understand that....

But i wouldn't be able to get past the feeling that it's just sad because it's all a show for Trump.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
State of the Union Speech -

There must have been a Hollywood director involved somewhere - that was the longest commercial for the USA I have ever seen - very well produced and Trump managed to speak for well over an hour without getting tongue tied -

Now the whole production will be dissected and we will have to figure out who's lying and who's not - somehow -

I found it VERY EMOTIVE - always pulling on the strings of the heart - kinda like a good Lassie movie - aimed to keep peoples eyes wet -

Ill be interested to see what Tulsi has to say. Not the rest of them. I saw Nancy tearing up his notes she got, like a child.

I expected far different. I thought he was going to be more of an asshole. The dad being reunited with his wife and kids tugged at my heart strings.

I was impressed overall, and I didnt think I would be. Trump is usually such a prick, but he had more good to say then bad. Unexpected.

Bernies rebuttel was lacking. I was kind of disappointed in him. It felt empty and lifeless. I expect more from him.

Trumps address shook me, and I didn't see it coming. I thought it would include whining about impeachment and such.

Its kind of hard for me to say this, but. I was uncomfortably impressed with tRumps words.

How could he pull this off? Not one single blunder. Everything on key? Im tripping on that.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Yeah - it was a VERY polished production - that had been VERY well rehearsed - and engineered to make people cry or feel emotional towards all the different groups that mattered - EMOTIONAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING - of the highest order -

If the USA is so great - then no-wonder half the rest of the world is trying to go there -

Well, if you so choose to visit, you are always welcome at my home

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
While he warms up the engines for war with Venezuela. Did he say they would be smashed?

Americans love Venezuelans, Iranians, and Russians. We have a lot in common. Its their governments that oppress them that we hate. They are our brothers and sisters

Mr D

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer did a good job with the rebuttal.

Still no Iowa results. wtf

Filling potholes with dirt?

Il. the brokest state in the country passed a huge spending bill at the same time they are broke?

Phil Murphy is replacing lead pipes in the state with the highest cost per mile to build a road? And BTW wasn't it old Phil who promised to legalize recreational within his first 100 days?

Stunning democrat accomplishments, simply stunning.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - very nice of you to offer old chap - and since last November the feds say I'm clear - but I doubt whether they might ever grant me a visa - nothing ventured - nothing gained I suppose? - might have to test those waters soon -

The State of the Union was defo a tear-jerker - and aimed to be exactly that - and if all (or even half) of the figures Trump was reeling off are true - then the US economy does look particularly bright -

Well, if you so choose to visit, you are always welcome at my home

Mr D

Rumors flying that the last page of the State of the Union speech given to Speaker Pelosi was the Ukraine Call transcript with a message written in sharpie that said "Perfect Call! Acquitted Forever!"


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yes - very nice of you to offer old chap - and since last November the feds say I'm clear - but I doubt whether they might ever grant me a visa - nothing ventured - nothing gained I suppose? - might have to test those waters soon -

The State of the Union was defo a tear-jerker - and aimed to be exactly that - and if all (or even half) of the figures Trump was reeling off are true - then the US economy does look particularly bright -

Have you watched other state of the union addresses? Every one I've watched has been the same - emotional bullshit with the opposition sitting on their hands.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I believe it was said in jest.

No it wasn't. Nevil had the same offer. He couldn't come here though. He wanted to. He wanted to meet up in another country and chase some women together. Unfortunately, we never got around to it. Its too late now.
I really identify with the older growers, and activists, and respect their work. We just kind of click.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Yes - very nice of you to offer old chap - and since last November the feds say I'm clear - but I doubt whether they might ever grant me a visa - nothing ventured - nothing gained I suppose? - might have to test those waters soon -

The State of the Union was defo a tear-jerker - and aimed to be exactly that - and if all (or even half) of the figures Trump was reeling off are true - then the US economy does look particularly bright -

I understand.

Its an open invitation. Maybe things will change in time. I think you would love our grow in the Sierra mountains. It is absolutely beautiful up there


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
No it wasn't. Nevil had the same offer. He couldn't come here though. He wanted to. He wanted to meet up in another country and chase some women together. Unfortunately, we never got around to it. Its too late now.
I really identify with the older growers, and activists, and respect their work. We just kind of click.

I sit corrected.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
No - this is the first time I have really taken much notice of the State of the Union address - as an outside observer who is not an American - I did find it quite entertaining - as I do much of the politics across the pond - and in the UK too -

Have you watched other state of the union addresses? Every one I've watched has been the same - emotional bullshit with the opposition sitting on their hands.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
No - this is the first one I have really taken much notice of the State of the Union address - as an outside observer who is not an American - I did find it quite entertaining - as I do much of the politics across the pond - and in the UK too -

They all have special visitors, sitting by the first lady and they ALL have a tear jerker portion with someone from the armed forces. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump.

You can bet the stats he gave are mostly bullshit.


Active member
No - this is the first time I have really taken much notice of the State of the Union address - as an outside observer who is not an American - I did find it quite entertaining - as I do much of the politics across the pond - and in the UK too -

Hello all,

Carnival barker...ey?



ICMag Donor
Filling potholes with dirt?

Il. the brokest state in the country passed a huge spending bill at the same time they are broke?

Phil Murphy is replacing lead pipes in the state with the highest cost per mile to build a road? And BTW wasn't it old Phil who promised to legalize recreational within his first 100 days?

Stunning democrat accomplishments, simply stunning.

Mr D, I don't know how you can rag about fixing roads and infrastructure when we just gave a trillion dollar tax break to the super rich. These are basic necessities keeping us from becoming third world. Did you know that 100 companies in the Fortune 500 pay ZERO TAX.

The give aways reminded me of him throwing paper towels in PR and the fact checkers are going to be busy tonight counting them all up. There were were some real duzies and there's no doubt that this will be a title holder for most lies in a State of the Union address. The only thing missing was the WWF announcer when he walked out.



Mr D

Mr D, I don't know how you can rag about fixing roads and infrastructure when we just gave a trillion dollar tax break to the super rich. These are basic necessities keeping us from becoming third world. Did you know that 100 companies in the Fortune 500 pay ZERO TAX.

The give aways reminded me of him throwing paper towels in PR and the fact checkers are going to be busy tonight counting them all up. There were were some real duzies and there's no doubt that this will be a title holder for most lies in a State of the Union address. The only thing missing was the WWF announcer when he walked out.


Well I'm not sure it helps shine light on any lies when nancy decides to shift focus to her public temper tantrum. It made any lies a far less interesting subject for discussion on social media. WaPo, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, NYT don't have a big enough audience to generate much public interest when the fact checks start rolling. Impeachment vote will probably override it in tomorrows news cycle.

I know Verizon, Amazon and a bunch of others don't pay tax. Matter of fact I knew that all through the 8 years or bush and the following 8 years of Obama.

Would you prefer Trump gave them Trillions of tax payer dollars (bail outs) like Bush and Obama?

You act as if you just became aware of something that's been going on for at least 20 years.
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