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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Democrat political strategist James Carville appeared on MSNBC. Carville notes this was supposed to be a year of hyped democrat voter enthusiasm, but it just isn’t there. Additionally, Carville asks what the heck happened to the polling over the past two weeks? Biden was supposed to be a top-tier candidate… or something.

Carville said, “There are other things that worry me…“Without power, there’s only one moral imperative in this country right now and that is to beat Donald Trump,” he continued. “That’s the only moral imperative. It is the only thing I want to hear. Until we understand that, we win every argument on anything. We don’t win the elections because we talk about stuff that is not relevant. We had a great experience in 2018 and the day after we started that goofy stuff. Hopefully, we’ve got time to jerk this thing back and be about health care and drug prices and education and infrastructure and climate and diplomacy. This is not happening so far. We can’t act like this is going well.”

He made several statements about the Democrat party turning in to the UK labor party.
Carville's a centrist dinosaur hack. These people actually think they can beat trump with the same failed formula of 2016. Its actual insanity.

"this was supposed to be a year of hyped democrat voter enthusiasm"
Ahem, Bernie is literally running a record breaking historical campaign, AGAIN, just as he did in 2016.

If Biden ran the campaigns Bernie has ran he'd of been enshrined by the establishment as a solid gold statue somewhere by now.

Bernie has the enthusiasm and is the best candidate to beat trump. But since gatekeeper Carville isnt on Bernies team he'll just ignore those points.

In other words Carville thinks beating Trump is more important than having a populist left wing platform to beat Trump.... insane


Well-known member
Carville is also one of the clowns who thought Jill Stein was a Russian asset if I am remembering correct lmao.


Well-known member
In case you have not noticed. Shithead fans choose to keep their head squarely up their ass. It helps them deal with the fact their version of reality is deeply flawed. Deep inside they all know they support scum.

as slow as "some people" think i am, i HAD noticed that very thing. :biggrin: afraid i am out of +rep AGAIN (how does that happen before breakfast?) but will come back & deliver some later...:tiphat:


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Top Donors to the Dem Super PAC that is part of parent company ACRONYM - Shadow Inc.


Who’s Behind Dems’ New $75 Million Ad Campaign?


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#7 - CNN omits 72 year old gold standard Des Moines Register poll because Mayor Pete's name was "thought" to be left off 1 day before the caucus


Active member
Okay. Biden conspired to lose....or
Bernie didn’t get enough support.
Not everybody loves Bernie.
The world doesn’t believe that everybody else is bad.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor

I love the smell of leftist tears in the morning.

You guys have no clue about the can of worms you opened letting such blatant corruption be OK. You hate the Dems now just wait you haven't seen anything yet. There gonna have there day when they get back in power. That's what you get when partisanship and division is encouraged. Without compromise its always gonna be us vs them. All this BS effects everyone not just the Dems and the Repubes. You guys cant see 2" in front of your face to see it. You should be pissed off at the gov not your neighbor.


You guys have no clue about the can of worms you opened letting such blatant corruption be OK. You hate the Dems now just wait you haven't seen anything yet. There gonna have there day when they get back in power. That's what you get when partisanship and division is encouraged. Without compromise its always gonna be us vs them. All this BS effects everyone not just the Dems and the Repubes. You guys cant see 2" in front of your face to see it. You should be pissed off at the gov not your neighbor.
And your one of the biggest whiney crybabies on this whole fucking site. 37 THOUSAND posts. WTF??? Dude get a life. Do you actually even interface with humans ? Or do you just feel like you have to share your pitiful opinions endlessly even if they are wrong ? Back to the ignore list for you.

St. Phatty

Active member
And your one of the biggest whiney crybabies on this whole fucking site. 37 THOUSAND posts. WTF??? Dude get a life. Do you actually even interface with humans ? Or do you just feel like you have to share your pitiful opinions endlessly even if they are wrong ? Back to the ignore list for you.

is it a different Hammerhead whose frosty bud pics I've been admiring for years ?


ICMag Donor
And your one of the biggest whiney crybabies on this whole fucking site. 37 THOUSAND posts. WTF??? Dude get a life. Do you actually even interface with humans ? Or do you just feel like you have to share your pitiful opinions endlessly even if they are wrong ? Back to the ignore list for you.

He's a breeder on a pot forum you idiot. That didn't occur to you when commenting on post count? His shit is top tier unlike those pitiful looking little shrubs you're showing off in your pics.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You guys have no clue about the can of worms you opened letting such blatant corruption be OK. You hate the Dems now just wait you haven't seen anything yet. There gonna have there day when they get back in power. That's what you get when partisanship and division is encouraged. Without compromise its always gonna be us vs them. All this BS effects everyone not just the Dems and the Repubes. You guys cant see 2" in front of your face to see it. You should be pissed off at the gov not your neighbor.

"You guys...."
"You guys..."

Maybe, you should be pissed off at the government (deep state), instead of your neighbor....

Who has caused more division?
Trump? Or, the dems with all their hatred?


Well-known member
Trump is what causes the division. The reason we oppose him is because we want equal and fair rights for all people. We want to remove power from those who do not respect everyone. We want to remove power from those who believe some people deserve a better life than others. We want to remove people who feel their religion is better than others. We want to remove people who lie. We want to remove people who choose to pollute the earth for profit. We want to remove people who want to make choices on what people can do with their own body. We want to remove people exactly like shithead!

He is what is dividing us. That and the fact many of his people are just as shitty of humans as he is.

Mr D

Caroline McKee- Nadler says it's likely he will subpoena Bolton. Says the Speaker has signed off on it. Unclear when it will happen.

......and the beat goes on


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Trump is what causes the division. The reason we oppose him is because we want equal and fair rights for all people. We want to remove power from those who do not respect everyone. We want to remove power from those who believe some people deserve a better life than others. We want to remove people who feel their religion is better than others. We want to remove people who lie. We want to remove people who choose to pollute the earth for profit. We want to remove people who want to make choices on what people can do with their own body. We want to remove people exactly like shithead!

He is what is dividing us. That and the fact many of his people are just as shitty of humans as he is.

One problem is who is 'we'?
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