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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
My endless bitching about the Senate needing to call Hunter Biden? I actually said I want everyone to testify if it happens. What I would rather have happen is nobody testifies and the Senate dismisses this nonsense tomorrow. I'm not the one in here constantly bitching that's your crew.

If the DOJ isn't looking into Hunter and Barr hasn't charged him with a crime then what is the purpose of calling Hunter in to testify before the Senate? The people who should be called to testify are the ones with information regarding Trump and Ukraine. What is the purpose of "everyone" testifying? Distraction from Trump withholding aid to Ukraine based on an investigation being announced into Hunter?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Then why did you say it needs to be investigated by the Senate first to see if a crime was committed??????

That's not what you stated earlier.

It shows your understanding of how government works only started in 2016. When is Billy Barr going to have the FBI investigate Hunter??????????????????

I think he first needs probable cause. He has that now.


Well-known member
If the DOJ isn't looking into Hunter and Barr hasn't charged him with a crime then what is the purpose of calling Hunter in to testify before the Senate? The people who should be called to testify are the ones with information regarding Trump and Ukraine. What is the purpose of "everyone" testifying? Distraction from Trump withholding aid to Ukraine based on an investigation being announced into Hunter?

Was it not you that said "Congress can call anybody to testify they want"? I rest my case. :smoker:


Active member
Was it not you that said "Congress can call anybody they want"? I rest my case. :smoker:

You are right, I did say that. But I never tied it to an investigation. If I did you would have quoted it. Nice try Champ.

Here's the post you are talking about.

Too bad you don't understand how government works and the roles the House and Senate play.

While congress can call anybody to testify they want they have no real power when it comes to investigating private US citizens. The role of the Senate and is House is government oversight. It's the justice Dept that has the real power to investigate the citizens of the US.

"Congress may investigate anything related to the development of public policy. Since its earliest investigations, Congress has availed itself of the power of inquiry in order to inform the public and to write good legislation."

"The Senate maintains several powers to itself: It ratifies treaties by a two-thirds supermajority vote and confirms the appointments of the President by a majority vote. The consent of the House of Representatives is also necessary for the ratification of trade agreements and the confirmation of the Vice President."

White Beard

Active member
I'm no fan of holder. He def did shit he shouldn't have. It pretty obvious Barr is far more corrupt. What he did is Very different than what barr is doing. Holder/Obumer eventually did everything the house wanted. I cant find anything related to Holder going to ethics training or it even have been ordered. Its all partisan BS.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson, more recently known as the judge in Roger Stone and Paul Manafort‘s criminal cases in Washington, D.C., eventually decided that jailing Holder wasn’t going to happen and that the contempt motion was “entirely unnecessary".

More than 64,000 documents related to Fast and Furious were eventually handed over to the House.

Wheres the witness and documents for Trumps Crimes.

lol, Yep he had dozens assassinated :D
Man, they will swear that there were assassinations, and that “Dems” have “admitted” it...just like the guy I know who SWEARS Obama was sending big checks to poor black people, he *introduced me* to ‘them’...imagine, it was all a lark, shinin’ on the racist old white guy who bought it hook, line, and sinker...I felt bad for him, because it was FUNNY!!! A hell of a joke, but *he* made *himself* the punchline

Are you saying Holder wasn't Obama's bitch?

Okay, Boogie, I was wrong, my bad: that comment should have been directed to Mr. D.

So, Mr.D... Can you google? Can you read? Educate yourself on the matter.
YOUR question was, roughly, “was Eric Holder as big a stooge for Obama as Barr currently is for Trump?”

For best results, avoid known cesspools like InfoWars, zero-hedge, conservativetreehouse, breitbart, etc.


Well-known member
what's this i see?
there aren't the votes in the senate to block witnesses
we do universally embrace this? i sense we may have a synchronous moment here
bridges can be built when that happens

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
“Treason” for that? Then we should have hanged Reagan for training Salvadoran death squads at “the School of the Americas” (sp?)...and should hang Baby Huey for his fawning display in Helsinki. You have a very 10-year-old comic fan’s notions of “treason”.

In case you haven’t noticed, Israel has been carrying out research for the US at US expense: the purpose is to discover best practices for suppressing an unwanted population. It makes perfect sense we’d send our people over to learn from their results.

Horrible, disgusting, inhuman sense, but you can’t have everything

There is a simple, but important difference. When we train other countries, we are training their forces to enforce our "interests' on THEIR people (and that's why I'm a 'nationalist, rather than a 'globalist'). When we send our police officers to be trained in Israel for the purposes of learning techniques to use on our own people, that is Israel enforcing its 'interests' on our people. This is the very quintessential example of treason.

Consider the riots and what the cause of the riots were during the Obama years. Police killings of unarmed black Americans. And, just so happens Fergusson was one of the police departments that attended.

CIA/MOSSAD operations?
Remember when the killings of unarmed black people stopped?
Remember when we got new leadership at CIA?
Remember when CIA tweeted about it's illegal domestic operations which included infiltration of Police Departments?

White Beard

Active member
My endless bitching about the Senate needing to call Hunter Biden? I actually said I want everyone to testify if it happens. What I would rather have happen is nobody testifies and the Senate dismisses this nonsense tomorrow. I'm not the one in here constantly bitching that's your crew.

Oh, *everybody* ought to testify: we can grill Holder about Fast’n’Furious, we can ask HRC about those damned emails no-one ever mentioned, we can ask Shrub why he went AWOL - yes, let’s get EVERYONE to testify...that’s a guaranteed mistrial in any real court, which would restrict witnesses to those who can provide evidence in THE CASE AT HAND.

The case at hand is not “why are democrats such poopyheads?”

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
If the DOJ had probable cause they could arrest Hunter now and grill him. Trump would love that headline. Could you cite the article for me where Barr has probable cause against Hunter?

I wasn't citing an article. I watched the Trump defense team show probable cause in yesterdays impeachment proceedings which are public record. Plus, Giuliani created a podcast and this week he is discussing publicly, the nature of the evidence that was given to him as Trumps lawyer. He may end up being subpoenaed as well. It's check mate. I wouldn't be surprised if hunter gets Epsteined. It also clears Trump of any wrong doing. This is actually, likely planned by military intelligence. They haven't arrested him yet because it is a very sensitive matter. It is only a matter of time. They have already exposed a whole slew of people just as of yesterday. This is why all the news yesterday was on other things like the downing of Kobe Bryant, John Bolton's book leak, the newly released corona virus, missiles fired in Iraq, the downing of a US military plane, the head on collision involving the covignton catholic school kids. Everything but the Trump defense.


Active member
Really, what is the point of dumb posts like this? Sometimes I feel like I'm just talking to kids.

Ivanka and Jared could have their anti/ nepotism/ corruption office next to Melania’s anti cyber bullying office.

Decent chance Biden would withdraw his candidacy if he knew Ivanka and Jared were investigating him.


Well-known member
Oh, *everybody* ought to testify: we can grill Holder about Fast’n’Furious, we can ask HRC about those damned emails no-one ever mentioned, we can ask Shrub why he went AWOL - yes, let’s get EVERYONE to testify...that’s a guaranteed mistrial in any real court, which would restrict witnesses to those who can provide evidence in THE CASE AT HAND.

The case at hand is not “why are democrats such poopyheads?”

In any real court 90% of the Democrats case wouldn't even be admitted at all, can you say objection, speculation?

White Beard

Active member
There is a simple, but important difference. When we train other countries, we are training their forces to enforce our "interests' on THEIR people (and that's why I'm a 'nationalist, rather than a 'globalist'). When we send our police officers to be trained in Israel for the purposes of learning techniques to use on our own people, that is Israel enforcing its 'interests' on our people. This is the very quintessential example of treason.

You really ought to look it up in a good dictionary. Then think about it. Treason is serious shit; your ‘assessment’ is not serious, but it is shit.

Consider the riots and what the cause of the riots were during the Obama years. Police killings of unarmed black Americans. And, just so happens Fergusson was one of the police departments that attended.

CIA/MOSSAD operations?
Remember when the killings of unarmed black people stopped?
Remember when we got new leadership at CIA?
Remember when CIA tweeted about it's illegal domestic operations which included infiltration of Police Departments?

Did summary executions of citizens by police stop?
Serious question.

Interesting that you keep mentioning Ferguson, MO: any of the *other* PDs involved in street executions take part? They’re all Israeli soldiers now?

The CIA. Yeah. You can plug that in anywhere and conspiracy fabulists will make it work. Keep piling it up, it’ll topple over on you eventually, and you can call out the violence inherent in the system...”you saw them oppressin’ me dinchew?”

The new KGB is the CIA. Tell your neighbors. Keep your kids out of school. Good thing the Russians are willing and able to help us keep our electoral system clean and above-board - yay, RUSSIA!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Did summary executions of citizens by police stop?
Serious question.

Interesting that you keep mentioning Ferguson, MO: any of the *other* PDs involved in street executions take part? They’re all Israeli soldiers now?

The CIA. Yeah. You can plug that in anywhere and conspiracy fabulists will make it work. Keep piling it up, it’ll topple over on you eventually, and you can call out the violence inherent in the system...”you saw them oppressin’ me dinchew?”

The new KGB is the CIA. Tell your neighbors. Keep your kids out of school. Good thing the Russians are willing and able to help us keep our electoral system clean and above-board - yay, RUSSIA!

Hey, they (CIA) tweeted it!
Deny all you want. But, when it all goes down, remember you heard it from your friend Hempy :)

Mr D

BREAKING: Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi announce that should the Senate fail to convict President Trump, they will immediately draft Articles of Impeachment citing "Obstruction of Impeachment" due to effectiveness of President Trump's defense team.

Mr D

Adam Schiff says it would have taken "a year or two years" for the House to subpoena John Bolton's testimony

Why would it take any less time for the Senate, Adam? The Senate doesn't have any more subpoena power than the House.

White Beard

Active member
In any real court 90% of the Democrats case wouldn't even be admitted at all, can you say objection, speculation?

Says the two-year-old constitutional scholar and legal expert.

If I had $100 I would bet you $100 that you have listened to right-wing talking heads - directly or indirectly - “explain” the House case instead of hearing it and thinking about it yourself; that you have not listened to even an hour of the House managers presenting their case, and have relied instead on partisan mouthpieces telling you what *they* think.
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