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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Says the two-year-old constitutional scholar and legal expert.

If I had $100 I would bet you $100 that you have listened to right-wing talking heads - directly or indirectly - “explain” the House case instead of hearing it and thinking about it yourself; that you have not listened to even an hour of the House managers presenting their case, and have relied instead on partisan mouthpieces telling you what *they* think.

:laughing: Objection, Speculation!

White Beard

Active member
Dems are desperately wishing that the Trump family were corrupt like the Biden family. How funny :)

You’re not just upside down, you’re inside out.

Betting you’ve learned EVERYTHING you know about ‘Biden family corruption’ in the last six-ten weeks. Also betting you’ve IGNORED everything you *could* have learned about Trump family corruption these last 3 years but you’ve been filling yourself with balloon juice instead.


Active member
BREAKING: Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi announce that should the Senate fail to convict President Trump, they will immediately draft Articles of Impeachment citing "Obstruction of Impeachment" due to effectiveness of President Trump's defense team.

Hello all,

twitter and right wing militant websites not withstanding.

buahahahahahaha thanks for the laugh.


addendum: guilty beyond a treasonable doubt right?

Mr D

You’re not just upside down, you’re inside out.

Betting you’ve learned EVERYTHING you know about ‘Biden family corruption’ in the last six-ten weeks. Also betting you’ve IGNORED everything you *could* have learned about Trump family corruption these last 3 years but you’ve been filling yourself with balloon juice instead.

Can you show me one impeachment advocate who is outraged that dozens of FBI agents and DOJ lawyers committed fraud on the FISA Court (under oath) to unlawfully spy on Carter Page?

Mr D

Bernie's leading in the first 3 state's primaries and he's got a large grassroots movement behind him. So what does his party do......

A Democratic super PAC will begin airing attack ads in Iowa against Senator Bernie Sanders on Wednesday, marking the first time a Democratic organization is running a negative campaign spot targeting Sanders by name in either of his two primary campaigns.


Capra ibex

Bernie's leading in the first 3 state's primaries and he's got a large grassroots movement behind him. So what does his party do......

A Democratic super PAC will begin airing attack ads in Iowa against Senator Bernie Sanders on Wednesday, marking the first time a Democratic organization is running a negative campaign spot targeting Sanders by name in either of his two primary campaigns.


It will just make him more attractive.... go and look at any negative MSM coverage of Bernie and the likes vs dislikes.


Active member
Hello all,


Hannity is shoveling the shit tonight....buahahahahahaha

They are scared.


Mr D

Maybe they know that they are helping him by attacking him. I dunno, just sayin. Maybe Bernie is the new Joe...

Establishment democrats do not want Bernie, the problem is that they need his voters. I doubt Sanders supporters are going to vote for Biden or Billionaire Mini Mike. Warren has as much appeal as a bag of prunes in most of the country and at least a few Bernie bros would like to see her reeducated in a Gulag.


Active member
How can you watch that shit?

Hello all,

Usually with a bag of thick clouds and iced tea....I randomly watch fox/cnn/msnbc for a few hours a day.

Yes, no one knows how sad that is then I.

And then I come here...always a pick me up to be sure.


Capra ibex

Hello all,

Usually with a bag of thick clouds and iced tea....I randomly watch fox/cnn/msnbc for a few hours a day.

Yes, no one knows how sad that is then I.

And then I come here...always a pick me up to be sure.




Active member
Hello all,

Looks like Impotus the 3rd is having a twitter meltdown......

He is scared.....

Sometimes, I soo enjoy his tears at other times I worry the mango messiah will do something stupid or deadly.

But still, buahahahahahaha


Capra ibex

Now that's funny - Ha-hahhahhahha!

Kinda had me - till the restraining order - lol

Yeah, i didn't turn the volume up right away so i missed the LSD part.... but i was fascinated by the caffeine vs cannabis.... and then the alcohol and crack part i realised :biglaugh:
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