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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
You really are one of the most ignorant people on this thread aren't you. If you want to protect the less fortunate follow the constitution and not the wind. Don't use the courts to force your view on people. The constitution protects the people not some judges opinion.

It is the dems who don't want to protect the little people threw democracy. Democracy it majority rule which leads to the little guy getting over ruled. Kind of like the dems did with the blacks by use of Jim Crow laws.

"force your view on people." LOL! like taking away a womans choice of medical options because lots of folks do not like it? when abortion was legalized, it GAVE WOMEN AN OPTION. it does not make the decision FOR the woman. i'd say that was about as big a "FAIL" as i have run across. you really don't care that you come off as a damn hypocrite, do you?:laughing:


Well-known member
Most conservatives are screaming for justice and liberty, not killing, reeducating or locking up in gulags those with differing opinions.

Scary part is how prevalent this type of rhetoric is from liberals.

so, justice & liberty for ALL, or just those who have enough money to swing the vote? who is being killed that conservatives are saving? are you talking about LEO shootings? only place i know of that is forcing folks into camps for remedial thinking is China. maybe North Korea. who knows what that ignorant little shit-house rat is doing...where the hell are these "gulags" you talk about? are you referring to the for-profit prison system that is heavily invested in by the "law & order" folks? the conservatives?:laughing:

Capra ibex

Anyone who says good things about him gets called servile sycophants by people who aren't there or are disgruntled former staff.

This argument is both absurd and hilarious in the depths that you will twist to not have your fantasy destroyed....

All of the people that he hand picked 'the best people', ALL of them are just disgruntled and bitter and conspire to say the same things about him.... for what?? But noooo, they all lie.... Trump is the beacon of truth. :covereyes:

Mr D

so, justice & liberty for ALL, or just those who have enough money to swing the vote? who is being killed that conservatives are saving? are you talking about LEO shootings? only place i know of that is forcing folks into camps for remedial thinking is China. maybe North Korea. who knows what that ignorant little shit-house rat is doing...where the hell are these "gulags" you talk about? are you referring to the for-profit prison system that is heavily invested in by the "law & order" folks? the conservatives?:laughing:

I see you took what you wanted out of context with your chopped up gibberish response.

I was referring to the increase open of support for eliminating those who don't share their beliefs, mostly political beliefs. As evidenced and pointed out by Brother Nature in this thread. You'll have to ask Bernie's paid campaign staffers about gulags since they are the ones talking about it. I mention it because a pattern of Stalinist thinking is being documented within the Bernie Campaign.

Feel free to spin it anyway you want.

Yes after 17 documented lies to the FISC conservatives expect justice for breaking the law. I'm not going to argue the case it's an observation. If you disagree put it in a readable format so it's clear to the reader.


Active member
Hello all,

Just wanted to say that today, Adam Schiff rocks....

Docs and witnesses!

What could possibly be wrong with that? ey?



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It's hard to say, when intel is top secret. Normally, it is understood that the POTUS has the highest quality intel of any one person in the world. So, when the news says he's lying and cite lower level former officials as being correct, what does that tell you?

Pence said Soleimani was involved in 9/11. The media said he was lying because the corrupt 9/11 commission report said that there was no Iranian involvement. The authors of the 9/11 report say that the report itself is a corrupt report. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that either Pence is lying, but the media is also lying by erroneously claiming the matter "debunked." Or, Pence is telling the Truth and has intel that the media may or may not know about.

You had no time to do the research. What does that say?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
He said they didn't know that they had transcribers on the call. I think soon we will know what he means by repeatedly saying, "it was a PERFECT phone call." By taking down the Biden's then goes Obama and the rest of the DNC, CIA etc... and even some republicans. The 'perfect' phone call. Precision can be a beautiful thing. Military intelligence strategic planning at it's finest!

In a rare moment, I have to say that is just plain stupid.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

There goes Boogie's creek

"Government scientists, even those appointed by the Trump administration, say those concerns are justified. The E.P.A.’s Scientific Advisory Board, a panel of 41 scientists responsible for evaluating the scientific integrity of the agency’s regulations, concluded that the new Trump water rule ignores science by “failing to acknowledge watershed systems.” They found “no scientific justification” for excluding certain bodies of water from protection under the new regulations, concluding that pollutants from those smaller and seasonal bodies of water can still have a significant impact on the health of larger water systems."


Well-known member
I totally prefer preserving nature to helping anyone's stupid ass economy. Fucking retarded to vote for slime that shits in our water. Suck a smokestack already.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
What is stupid about it?

Ronald MacDonald is a real person. He has been deep cover for many years in efforts to thwart the evil global empire. Big Macs are actually Big Eds for big education. The secret sauce slowly nationalizes a certain metabolism; fat, eyes close set, low brow.

He is on occasion spirited into the White House where he reports only to Trump, while they enjoy some delicious burgers.
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