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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
i won't link lest i be thrown into the fake news pit
but cnn has an article that is priceless
title is: Senate Republicans need to end this trial Before Trump confesses
it does capture the yin and yang of the moment

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Thanks Hempy, 'Trump's not a sociopath, Obama is' :biglaugh:

Look at Lybia. We had Ghaddafi brutally killed because he wanted to create a new pan-african currency for the people of Africa in order to free them from French-Europian rule. He was going to use Lybia's vast wealth of gold. So, Hillary, under Obama had him brutally murdered, we stole his gold and his weapons. Gave the weapons to ISIS in order to do the same thing to Assad in Syria. Lybia and Syria are destroyed. Yes, it takes a sociopath, or a conspiracy of sociopaths to do that kind of thing to Africa. What countries have been destroyed by Trump, ibex?

Do you like Macron? How do you suppose Macron feels about the people of Africa? Probably about the same as Obama, Hillary and Adolf Hittler, no?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Look at Lybia. We had Ghaddafi brutally killed because he wanted to create a new pan-african currency for the people of Africa in order to free them from French-Europian rule. He was going to use Lybia's vast wealth of gold. So, Hillary, under Obama had him brutally murdered, we stole his gold and his weapons. Gave the weapons to ISIS in order to do the same thing to Assad in Syria. Lybia and Syria are destroyed. Yes, it takes a sociopath, or a conspiracy of sociopaths to do that kind of thing to Africa. What countries have been destroyed by Trump, ibex?

Do you like Macron? How do you suppose Macron feels about the people of Africa? Probably about the same as Obama, Hillary and Adolf Hittler, no?

And the bloke that Trump brutally murdered was what you are told he was. Read this and do some actual thinking and research'

Capra ibex

Look at Lybia. We had Ghaddafi brutally killed because he wanted to create a new pan-african currency for the people of Africa in order to free them from French-Europian rule. He was going to use Lybia's vast wealth of gold. So, Hillary, under Obama had him brutally murdered, we stole his gold and his weapons. Gave the weapons to ISIS in order to do the same thing to Assad in Syria. Lybia and Syria are destroyed. Yes, it takes a sociopath, or a conspiracy of sociopaths to do that kind of thing to Africa. What countries have been destroyed by Trump, ibex?

Do you like Macron? How do you suppose Macron feels about the people of Africa? Probably about the same as Obama, Hillary and Adolf Hittler, no?

It's impossible to have an actual conversation with you Hempy because your head is so full of assumptions and connections where there may or may not be connections.

TBH i don't know all the fine details of Gaddafi's murder and all of the geopolitical intricacies and ramifications but i suspect very few people actually do.... that type of stuff is very complicated and not just black and white but i do know he was a serial rapist for starters.... he would go to schools, pick out girls from classes and have them delivered to him.
He WAS a lunatic.... does it mean i agree with what happened, NO but i just don't have much of an opinion because i'm not an expert on Libya or Gaddafi, so i have to defer to those who are.... my opinion on it, and i'm certain yours also are worth SH*T.

If Trump wasn't being restrained and coddled by people he would turn the USA into shit within a few weeks.... because he thinks he knows more about EVERYTHING than anybody else.

Whether you agree with what Obama did or not is fair enough, but he deferred to others because people with a 'little' bit of a brain know when they are not the authority on a given subject.
Obama was much more of a diplomat than Trump could ever be.... he is a salesman, not an international diplomat, he knows how to package shit in a shiny wrapper and sell it to gullible people, that's what he does.... and there are a gaggle of folks ready to buy it.

International leaders are generally not too gullible and they KNOW Trump is clueless.

But anyway, now i'm going to research more about Gaddafi because that crazy bastard was an 'interesting' freakshow at the very least, regardless if he was good or bad for Libya, which, like i said, i just don't know enough to have a solid opinion.

Obama, Hillary and Macron do not equal Hitler :covereyes:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
And the bloke that Trump brutally murdered was what you are told he was. Read this and do some actual thinking and research'

It's hard to say, when intel is top secret. Normally, it is understood that the POTUS has the highest quality intel of any one person in the world. So, when the news says he's lying and cite lower level former officials as being correct, what does that tell you?

Pence said Soleimani was involved in 9/11. The media said he was lying because the corrupt 9/11 commission report said that there was no Iranian involvement. The authors of the 9/11 report say that the report itself is a corrupt report. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that either Pence is lying, but the media is also lying by erroneously claiming the matter "debunked." Or, Pence is telling the Truth and has intel that the media may or may not know about.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I see Tulsi is suing Hillary. Hopefully Hillary doesn't have her murdered.

It was bad enough that Hillary stole the nomination from Poor Sanders, and now Hillary is attacking him again. What an evil witch

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It's impossible to have an actual conversation with you Hempy because your head is so full of assumptions and connections where there may or may not be connections.

TBH i don't know all the fine details of Gaddafi's murder and all of the geopolitical intricacies and ramifications but i suspect very few people actually do.... that type of stuff is very complicated and not just black and white but i do know he was a serial rapist for starters.... he would go to schools, pick out girls from classes and have them delivered to him.
He WAS a lunatic.... does it mean i agree with what happened, NO but i just don't have much of an opinion because i'm not an expert on Libya or Gaddafi, so i have to defer to those who are.... my opinion on it, and i'm certain yours also are worth SH*T.

If Trump wasn't being restrained and coddled by people he would turn the USA into shit within a few weeks.... because he thinks he knows more about EVERYTHING than anybody else.

Whether you agree with what Obama did or not is fair enough, but he deferred to others because people with a 'little' bit of a brain know when they are not the authority on a given subject.
Obama was much more of a diplomat than Trump could ever be.... he is a salesman, not an international diplomat, he knows how to package shit in a shiny wrapper and sell it to gullible people, that's what he does.... and there are a gaggle of folks ready to buy it.

International leaders are generally not too gullible and they KNOW Trump is clueless.

But anyway, now i'm going to research more about Gaddafi because that crazy bastard was an 'interesting' freakshow at the very least, regardless if he was good or bad for Libya, which, like i said, i just don't know enough to have a solid opinion.

Obama, Hillary and Macron do not equal Hitler :covereyes:

I don't think he was a rapist. Just like I don't think Assad gassed his own people and I don't believe Julian Assange is a rapist either. I believe that these 3 do have something in common though, ...they posed problems for very important and well respected people.

Body Counts:
Hittler = (?)
US Post WW2 = (?)
D. Trump = (?)

Mr D

Holy Shit Jeffery Epstein stormed the senate chambers during impeachment yelling “Schumer is the devil!”


Capra ibex

It's hard to say, when intel is top secret. Normally, it is understood that the POTUS has the highest quality intel of any one person in the world. So, when the news says he's lying and cite lower level former officials as being correct, what does that tell you?

Pence said Soleimani was involved in 9/11. The media said he was lying because the corrupt 9/11 commission report said that there was no Iranian involvement. The authors of the 9/11 report say that the report itself is a corrupt report. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that either Pence is lying, but the media is also lying by erroneously claiming the matter "debunked." Or, Pence is telling the Truth and has intel that the media may or may not know about.

Trump IGNORES intel because he thinks he knows better about everything.
He's a punk.... not the 'cool' kind of punk either. :redface:

Capra ibex

I don't think he was a rapist. Just like I don't think Assad gassed his own people and I don't believe Julian Assange is a rapist either. I believe that these 3 do have something in common though, ...they posed problems for very important and well respected people.

Body Counts:
Hittler = (?)
US Post WW2 = (?)
D. Trump = (?)

God help you.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It's impossible to have an actual conversation with you Hempy because your head is so full of assumptions and connections where there may or may not be connections.

TBH i don't know all the fine details of Gaddafi's murder and all of the geopolitical intricacies and ramifications but i suspect very few people actually do.... that type of stuff is very complicated and not just black and white but i do know he was a serial rapist for starters.... he would go to schools, pick out girls from classes and have them delivered to him.
He WAS a lunatic.... does it mean i agree with what happened, NO but i just don't have much of an opinion because i'm not an expert on Libya or Gaddafi, so i have to defer to those who are.... my opinion on it, and i'm certain yours also are worth SH*T.

If Trump wasn't being restrained and coddled by people he would turn the USA into shit within a few weeks.... because he thinks he knows more about EVERYTHING than anybody else.

Whether you agree with what Obama did or not is fair enough, but he deferred to others because people with a 'little' bit of a brain know when they are not the authority on a given subject.
Obama was much more of a diplomat than Trump could ever be.... he is a salesman, not an international diplomat, he knows how to package shit in a shiny wrapper and sell it to gullible people, that's what he does.... and there are a gaggle of folks ready to buy it.

International leaders are generally not too gullible and they KNOW Trump is clueless.

But anyway, now i'm going to research more about Gaddafi because that crazy bastard was an 'interesting' freakshow at the very least, regardless if he was good or bad for Libya, which, like i said, i just don't know enough to have a solid opinion.

Obama, Hillary and Macron do not equal Hitler :covereyes:

And, just to clarify, I didn't say Obama, Hillary and Macron = Hittler, I said, "How do you suppose Macron feels about the people of Africa? Probably about the same as Obama, Hillary and Adolf Hittler, no?"

Capra ibex

I didn't know you attend his intelligence briefings. :)

Everyone who has worked for him that isn't a servile sycophant has pretty much confirmed it.... but i don't expect you to believe any of it because Trump is the only one who doesn't lie :redface:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Everyone who has worked for him that isn't a servile sycophant has pretty much confirmed it.... but i don't expect you to believe any of it because Trump is the only one who doesn't lie :redface:

Anyone who says good things about him gets called servile sycophants by people who aren't there or are disgruntled former staff.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hello all,

Can you count the lies? I got three.

President Trump: "We have all the material."



PS...this is your president

He said they didn't know that they had transcribers on the call. I think soon we will know what he means by repeatedly saying, "it was a PERFECT phone call." By taking down the Biden's then goes Obama and the rest of the DNC, CIA etc... and even some republicans. The 'perfect' phone call. Precision can be a beautiful thing. Military intelligence strategic planning at it's finest!
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