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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Jason Kessler was a Odumbass supporter. So I really doubt he just all of a suden found the light and became a racist. More likely a set up.

Wow, this Kessler guy is looking like a textbook deepstate operative.

From wikipedia: "Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held avid liberal views. He'd worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. In a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[15]"

Then looking into Secrest Strategic Services and it's Owner is even more illuminating.

What sort of company is a 'strategic services' company? What organization formed the CIA?
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)?

Did he turn into a 'white nationalist' to strategically benefit his boss's clientel?

Who benefits from white supremacy?
Do white people benefit? No, they are the accused.
Do conservatives benefit? No, they are the accused.
Does the DNC benefit? Do 'white suppremacists give cause to vote democrat to those who despise 'white supremacy?'

What is a strategic service?


Well-known member
Who benefits from white supremacy?
Do white people benefit? No, they are the accused.
Do conservatives benefit? No, they are the accused.
Does the DNC benefit? Do 'white suppremacists give cause to vote democrat to those who despise 'white supremacy?'

What is a strategic service?


This goes in my top 10 stupidest things I have read.


Active member
Wow, this Kessler guy is looking like a textbook deepstate operative.

From wikipedia: "Up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held avid liberal views. He'd worked for Secrest Strategic Services and had voted for Barack Obama during his presidential run. He also engaged in activism with the Occupy movement before being dismissed for attempting to register homeless individuals. In a public Facebook post by former college friend, Jenny Rebecca, Kessler lived for a time in government-subsidized housing with a roommate who was described as an African Muslim.[15]"

Then looking into Secrest Strategic Services and it's Owner is even more illuminating.

What sort of company is a 'strategic services' company? What organization formed the CIA?
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)?

Did he turn into a 'white nationalist' to strategically benefit his boss's clientel?

Who benefits from white supremacy?
Do white people benefit? No, they are the accused.
Do conservatives benefit? No, they are the accused.
Does the DNC benefit? Do 'white suppremacists give cause to vote democrat to those who despise 'white supremacy?'

What is a strategic service?

Trump was a dem until 2008 as well. By your logic he's part of the deep state too.

White Beard

Active member
yeah, i see your point. advancing our civilizations treatment of the poor & disadvantaged is SO against "conservative" values. why won't those irritating little people just go away & do their suffering & dying where we don't have to look at them? :laughing:
They should die at work, like slaves are supposed to

Not a single example.
Give ‘em a minute, gotta get their ginkgo going....

Bear in mind that courts decide if laws were correctly written and applied in accordance with foundational documents, including the constitution and laws which spell out how new laws and regulations must be construed. It is often through this avenue that laws are overturned or altered.

This is an aspect of common law [as far as I understand] which governs most of the western world.

Laws against such things as abortion have no place whatsoever. Also be prepared for the massive increase in government and policing with implementation of such 'laws' creates. For a simile look to the drug laws and war on drugs, amidst many.
Regions settled/dominated by the British use the Common Law as their basis for law and legal practice (lotta freedom in there, boys; original integers ought to have a field day). Regions settled/dominated by France use the Napoleonic Code as their basis. Swap in Sharia for Arab/Muslim regions, and Mosaic for Hebrew regions.

This all lands us squarely in the ‘area of effect’ of the 9th Amendment: unenumerated Rights.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
The right to an abortion (and beyond that, to available health care), the right to marry who you want, the right to grow, trade, and consume cannabis are all unenumerated rights. The right to privacy is another: without the right of privacy, there could be no right of due process prior to search and seizure; there could be right to freedom of opinion and speech, no guard against self-incrimination.

Hell, without the unenumerated right of privacy, most of our bill of rights would not have been worth listing in the first place.

A brief historical note: everyone should remember that Robert Bork was denied a seat on SCOTUS because he claimed during his hearing that nothing in the Constitution suggested to him an individual right of privacy. The frost was on the punkin after that.

They would rather pretend to be ignorant of the effects of their choices. As long as it benefits themselves they will never be convinced to see it from any other angle.
Everyone has a comfort zone, and no one wants to believe that their comfort is enabled by someone else’s discomfort. Resistance to the notion that our happiness depends on the unhappiness of others is normal and common...and persistent. Pushed hard enough, people feel aggrieved at their comfort being challenged by factors they can’t see. That budding sense of grievance is easily politicized as we all have ample chance to notice, but resentment digs deep and grievances become grudges.

It’s as plain as vanilla.

Please enlighten me, you are obviously the first constitutional scholar I seek for serious nonpartisan constitutional opinions on the founders intent

The Federalist Papers. the Anti-Federalist Papers. ANY civics textbook from the pre-Vietnam era. A good dictionary, and maybe the Encyclopedia Britannica, ‘57 edition. A notebook and a couple of years (at least!) of focused study, and you will be in a position to evaluate and formulate constitutionally-grounded opinions.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
In a normal world no one likes to be insulted constantly. There's only so much 1 can take before any friendship had is gone. If you on the right talk the same crap to people you know I wouldn't be surprised if you've lost friends over your immaturity. I've concluded the right extremest here will never mature enough to know how to converse like adults. What Trumps done is bring out the worst in people. If our country cant find a way to heal from that damage we can only blame ourselves.


Active member

Exactly what does that have to do with the constitution. Repeal the electoral college and you guarantee a civil war, and rightfully so.

I get it you don't care about anything in the constitution, so stop pretending you do.
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