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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Capra ibex

I don't think humans are at the point of being 'successful' at globalism.... but i do think it is inevitable in the long run.

It won't be the choice of a certain country it will be an organic progression.... and countries that don't 'want in' will be left behind.... the world gets smaller every day....

Doesn't mean it will be a smooth ride, not at all.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I don't think humans are at the point of being 'successful' at globalism.... but i do think it is inevitable in the long run.

It won't be the choice of a certain country it will be an organic progression.... and countries that don't 'want in' will be left behind.... the world gets smaller every day....

Doesn't mean it will be a smooth ride, not at all.

So far all efforts at globalization have involved one key thing; Domination. That's what it is, world domination.

Capra ibex

So far all efforts at globalization have involved one key thing; Domination. That's what it is, world domination.

I half expect the idea to go over your head Hempy....

Just because a bunch of f*ck-ups tried and f*cked up in the past doesn't mean the future will be the same.

Obviously humans are a little too pig headed and stupid to be able to make things work smoothly at this point in evolution.

I don't even know if we'll make it that far, but it is just a natural progression.


Well-known member

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Trump has appointed 50 circuit court judges in less than 4 years. Odumbass appointed 55 in 8 years.

Trump has appointed 10 of the 29 judges in the 9th circus court.

Now the dems are talking about stacking the supreme court again because they don't care how you vote. They want power to control you even if you vote against what they want. Fucking disgusting how power hungry the dems are. Fucking bunch of dictators.

But the courts have been brought some what closer to following the law by appointing judges that follow the law not the dems agenda.


Well-known member
By numbers. The people did vote and shithead lost. Only because of Republican electoral college laws did we end up with this turd. In actual numbers the American people do not want your turd for a president.


Well-known member
so in other words trump is stacking the courts because policies the GOP push for are beyond unpopular? i already knew that.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Nope not stacking the deck just putting law abiding judges not dem activist judges.

And boohoo to your loss to the electoral college. Maybe try to get the vote from a more diverse area instead of just the big cities.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
When the dems can't force their agenda on the people they sue in court with activist judges who don't follow the law. Happens all the time. It is just fucking gross how the dems force so much bull shit down peoples throats in the courts because they can't get it passed in congress.


Active member
It's not the Republican electoral college, it's the constitutional electoral college.

@ Cannavore. Courts determine constitutionality, not popularity. You seek a pure democracy, not a constitutionally limited representative republic.

There are plenty of pure democracies, you are free to move to a country that governs in a way you are more comfortable with. We have a constitution that limits our government from being a mob rule government.


Well-known member
It's not the Republican electoral college, it's the constitutional electoral college.

@ Cannavore. Courts determine constitutionality, not popularity. You seek a pure democracy, not a constitutionally limited representative republic.

There are plenty of pure democracies, you are free to move to a country that governs in a way you are more comfortable with. We have a constitution that limits our government from being a mob rule government.

Read up on that dummy

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Activists are necessary. The cause change.
But the judge should not be a activist he or she should follow the law. If you don't follow the law you get dictators. If you don't like the laws get people elected to change the law don't make it up in the courts.

If you make up the law in the court then the court rules the people. This gives the power to a few people and negates the peoples vioce threw voting. In other words you end up with a small controlling group in the courts.


Well-known member
just putting law abiding judges not dem activist judges.
lmao what does this even mean?

When the dems can't force their agenda on the people they sue in court with activist judges who don't follow the law. Happens all the time. It is just fucking gross how the dems force so much bull shit down peoples throats in the courts because they can't get it passed in congress.
care to give an example?

@ Cannavore. Courts determine constitutionality, not popularity.
and abortion is constitutionally legal. hence my comment on the GOP wanting to stack the courts because they can't overturn abortion (or really anything else they want to overturn) any other way because they have no support to do so.

You seek a pure democracy, not a constitutionally limited representative republic.
you sure love putting words into my mouth.

does a constitutionally limited representative government have anything to say about assassinating foreign generals illegally, in a country which we also invaded illegally?

There are plenty of pure democracies, you are free to move to a country that governs in a way you are more comfortable with. We have a constitution that limits our government from being a mob rule government.

i didn't bother to look this up but i can almost guarantee there is no country that practices 100% direct democracy lol.
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