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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
You really don't understand his supporters. Trump is the anti PC, Anti Globalist, Anti open borders, pro 2A counter to the Democrats failed policies.

The only place his supporters believe he will lead them is away from the "woke" progressive communist leanings of the democrats.


Trump is the anti globalist by having his products made in India, China, and Mexico??? And his golf course in Scotland??

Got it.

Capra ibex

You really don't understand his supporters. Trump is the anti PC, Anti Globalist, Anti open borders, pro 2A counter to the Democrats failed policies.

The only place his supporters believe he will lead them is away from the "woke" progressive communist leanings of the democrats.

I totally understand it. It's just delusional and sad.

Globalism is the only way forward.... ultimately.... all you can do is try to throw sand in the gears to slow it down, it's going to happen.

Mr D


Trump is the anti globalist by having his products made in India, China, and Mexico??? And his golf course in Scotland??

Got it.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Fuck. Liked your stupid post by accident.

There were five people who originized the unite the right rally. Kessler was a dem until 2008. Nine years before the rally. Nice try champ. Is that the best you have? How are you going to make excuses for the other four?????? You probably think Kessler is part of the deep state.

Trump used to be a dem too but that don't mean shit now.

Yes there were five on your flyer but Kessler started it.

And as far as Spencer goes Dinesh D'Souza had a movie where he interviewed him. On it Spencer stated he was a progressive, for government healthcare, and a expanded central state. And he also stated his favorite presidents were dems.

Your argument stinks more than bernies chances of winning the 2020 race.

I was wondering what the hell you were doing repping me. It is like a stain on my rep page now.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Two different things. But if you can appreciate one. You should try the other too. I prefer acid for 9 out of 10 situations. Going to a show, riding bike, partying with friends. Its more social for me. Mushrooms take me inside my head. I rarely eat them with other people anymore other than my wife cuz a cuddle is nice. Both I love much.

Peyote is the teacher.


Active member
Yes there were five on your flyer but Kessler started it.

And as far as Spencer goes Dinesh D'Souza had a movie where he interviewed him. On it Spencer stated he was a progressive, for government healthcare, and a expanded central state. And he also stated his favorite presidents were dems.

Your argument stinks more than bernies chances of winning the 2020 race.

I was wondering what the hell you were doing repping me. It is like a stain on my rep page now.

These are your boys. Own them and what they stand for.


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Well, he showed no restraint in lying to the people when he said that Trump is the most corrupt POTUS ever. Bush stole Trillions and killed millions. All Trump did was ask for Ukrainian assistance in a criminal matter (we have a treaty on mutual assistance in criminal matters). I guess Bernie knows that you better not cross the corrupt criminals in the democrat party. So, why should he be commander in cheif. He cannot and will not face our enemies.

George Bush is a piece of crap, and he can burn in Hell! He is a worthless piece of shit. Ive spent well over 100 hours researching that family, and now I hate them with a passion


Active member
Hello all,

Weak showing of the WH defense team today...process was all they could muster....House managers brought receipts.

People are watching...witnesses and docs or cover-up....

buahahahahahaha, perhaps that is why the tRumphumpers seem so agitated tonight...just observation


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Ouch! This 'Profiles in Corruption' book is pretty damning. I like how the title is taken from JFK's book 'Profiles in Courage,' which was about politicians who risked their lives for their people and for liberty.

White Beard

Active member
I totally understand it. It's just delusional and sad.

Globalism is the only way forward.... ultimately.... all you can do is try to throw sand in the gears to slow it down, it's going to happen.
To understand a Trump supporter is to shame him, and he (or she) will instinctively twist away

Uncomfortable with the idea of “globalism” per se as the way forward. Our species has an unfortunate tendency to allot power to the biggest and meanest monkey: it has never served us well, and the current perilous state of the American experiment in popular self-government makes me less likely to trust anything as seemingly monolithic as a globalist world could be.

Let’s try and get the US successfully federated before we go global...and maybe be less of a national asshole on the way

Look at this strong posture :redface:
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He looks like a giant squab in an ill-fitting suit

Finally a funny meme poking fun a dumb Democrat, I mean closet Republican.
Gosh, I know, you just NEVER see any satirical references to democrats and liberals anymore....

That’s - like, THE *WORST* pitch I think I’ve ever seen thrown...and for such a Putin wanna-be, to display such obvious physical inaptitude. The service probably saw the ‘bone spurs’ story as an easy way to keep him away from weapons

All five of the unite the right rally organizers support Trump just like you.

Always the resort to plausible deniability, to evasion and deflection, even now in the age of archived video...weasels, anything *but* standing fast to an actual principle, always dodging, never taking the blow they’re begging for, never missing a blow they can strike.
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