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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
imagine thinking trump is the anti-swamp when he appoints exxon mobile ceo's and ex-CIA heads as sec of state, goldman sachs ceo's as sec of treasury, and so on.

one of my favorite early trump appointee's was Tom Price who led up health and human services. guy was literally doing the most blatant insider trading type of shit i've ever seen.

White Beard

Active member
I've things under wraps, thank you (and yes, i noticed you 'mirin these hands)

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“My, what freakishly long fingers you have, Mister President!”
“The better to grab your pussy with, my dear - no problem ‘down there’, believe me!”

President Trump is a breath of fresh air in a nasty smelly gassy swamp..

Man, don’t breathe that shit, it’ll rot your brain.
The free blow-jobs aren’t worth it...

imagine thinking trump is the anti-swamp when he appoints exxon mobile ceo's and ex-CIA heads as sec of state, goldman sachs ceo's as sec of treasury, and so on.

one of my favorite early trump appointee's was Tom Price who led up health and human services. guy was literally doing the most blatant insider trading type of shit i've ever seen.
He was a perfect follow-up to Gingrich, holding one of the oldest and most extremely-gerrymandered districts in the country, but now that huge arc of white-flighters has filled in with a less-reactive population. Trumpist hold on the district has been slipping for some years as a result, and soon GA-6 will flip blue.


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These are the laziest states in America, CDC study finds



Well-known member
You think small town farmers are going to forget how they have been used?

We will see if the new trade deals helps the farmers. All the farmers I have talked to still support Trump and are happy that he dropped the death tax. We do a lot of work for them in the winter months with pipes freezing.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
We will see if the new trade deals helps the farmers. All the farmers I have talked to still support Trump and are happy that he dropped the death tax. We do a lot of work for them in the winter months with pipes freezing.

Not to mention they are getting higher prices now.


Active member
Hello all,

Great day ey?

Just finished watching Hannity and Igram....Love to watch hannity...the guy gets totally gonzo. He was really shoveling tonight....and igram, the spin that woman throws out there would make anyone dizzy. She had Giulliani tonight....he had a scared look on his face and his tone was much more subdued.

Just say'in

Carry one, that is all.



Active member
We will see if the new trade deals helps the farmers. All the farmers I have talked to still support Trump and are happy that he dropped the death tax. We do a lot of work for them in the winter months with pipes freezing.

Hello all,

Dirty donald did not get rid of the death tax...he raised the limits to 11M before your estate in subject to federal taxes. Conald lied to you.

So there is that.

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