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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
got the cash? you can buy anything you want. what type of shower head you looking for? i've got a pile of various types in the basement. :)gas spouts on all my cans too. incandescent bulbs never left the shelves around here. quit whining about shit funded with YOUR money. every damn soul in this country funds shit they don't like with their taxes, every single one. what makes your bitching special? you want to work for less? i'm sure that if you look around, you will be able to find someone willing to fuck you over on your wages.:biggrin: vouchers for the amount of your taxes paid in for schools? i think we could come to an agreement on that part. i'm going to need to see on paper how much of your income actually went to that though. there is this deal concerning profits of scale, and schools are financial first and foremost. you will have a tough sell getting the public to pony up vouchers for a more expensive schooling on their dime.:tiphat:

You conveniently gloss over the whole point of the post. The fact that the dems impose rule after rule on their subjects and not the Republican. The dems are the party of control and subjugation. The party that wants to enslave the people to their order.

And vouchers to pay for a school that cost less than half what public school cost. And it is a far better school than our local schools at that.
You try to use a blanket statement to back up your point and just make up your facts out of thin air.

It is what I have come to expect from you.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Isn't it amazing how much the people here that oppose Trump because he is bad also want bigger government that control more of everything they do. Funny how they can bitch about a government that they say is out of control and still wish for more government.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Trump is a walking talking soundbyte/meme for the disgruntled and people who felt forgotten.

I don't think you should underestimate the power of the 5 words Trump says at the end of this short clip. Or the number of supporters he gained from it.

That clip resonated with a lot of people who were tired of the bipartisan government corruption. The majority of people under 40 prefer to learn about or mostly learn about current events on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and a lot of it is memes and soundbytes.

I think in reality, even though it is harsh to say, Trump is a walking talking sound byte for The Apprentice and was voted for 'mostly' by the weak-minded types who cling to that sort of shlop.

As you, Mr D have stated, I also do not see much hope in either side of the equation. Everyone says someone running independently would stand no chance. I think it could happen with a strong candidate with a strong clear mathematically balanced platform. Votes are votes.


Well-known member
Isn't it amazing how much the people here that oppose Trump because he is bad also want bigger government that control more of everything they do. Funny how they can bitch about a government that they say is out of control and still wish for more government.

I would love to have no governing. Everyone should learn how to cooperate with each other. Grow organic food. Listen to good music and eat plenty of LSD. Unfortunately some people think resources are not to be shared and respected. They instead are claimed and sold back to us. In exchange for toxic rivers. Fuck your government.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I would love to have no governing. Everyone should learn how to cooperate with each other. Grow organic food. Listen to good music and eat plenty of LSD. Unfortunately some people think resources are not to be shared and respected. They instead are claimed and sold back to us. In exchange for toxic rivers. Fuck your government.

I have no way to respond to delusional thinking.


I would love to have no governing. Everyone should learn how to cooperate with each other. Grow organic food. Listen to good music and eat plenty of LSD. Unfortunately some people think resources are not to be shared and respected. They instead are claimed and sold back to us. In exchange for toxic rivers. Fuck your government.
The ignorance and simplistic mentality never fails to make me laugh.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I do realize my response was over the top.

But to put it in simple terms. What some people refer to as progress might be the total opposite to someone else.

What gets me is when they ram it down your throat instead of changing your minds. That can lead to bad choices that do more harm than help.

Case in point is the outlawing of beef. Sure cattle are bad in confined farming operations but on the field if done right they benefit the whole ecosystem.

When a cow farts and releases methane that is because they have not had the right food given to them. They need more carbon such as dead grass.

Out on the range when cows are moved correctly they have a chance to spread out their manure. That manure is eaten by many things. Such as the dung beetle which takes it under ground and then the worms feed on it and the bacteria ect.

They trample the dead vegetation down to the ground. This dead vegetation if left standing leads to a starved soil system. This eventually leads to desertification. By grazing the land all this organic matter is returned to the soil and causes it to thrive.

But it must be done with out over grazing. You need to leave enough live plant matter so that the plants can regrow quickly. Large scale farming does not rotate fast enough with enough time in between to recover. It also feeds the wrong food to the animals.

So if you out law cattle you actually destroy a large chunk of land. Instead go after what is causing the problem and educate them. That is not what I see happening though. It is more a do it my way I am right and if you don't you will be punished.

Mr D

I think in reality, even though it is harsh to say, Trump is a walking talking sound byte for The Apprentice and was voted for 'mostly' by the weak-minded types who cling to that sort of shlop.

As you, Mr D have stated, I also do not see much hope in either side of the equation. Everyone says someone running independently would stand no chance. I think it could happen with a strong candidate with a strong clear mathematically balanced platform. Votes are votes.

Unfortunately our education system and media driven pop culture isn't turning out much else besides "the weak-minded types who cling to that sort of shlop". Another fine bipartisan achievement. Something Carlin summed up so well.

I'm sticking with independents because I long ago rejected a failed system completely controlled by money.

Every 4 years Americans pick between 2 corporate sponsored liars, then immediately the losing side start crying about the policies of the new guy which they supported under the last guy.

It's like a sick joke watching it play out every 4 years.


Active member
Sanders people are already saying they won't vote for corn pop Joe which doesn't exactly portray party unity. Sanders people are loyal to Bernie, not the party that screwed Bernie.

Jeebus crips you willingness to spin reality in order to blame Trump for everything borders on lunacy.

The democrat party weakened itself by putting forth old boring crackas who are long time members of group with a sub-20% approval rating.

Whatever. Drive your wedge of fake concern.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I think what you need to ask yourself is why you have let the media play you and direct all your focus towards hating Trump?

Imagine if all that time and energy was directed at the people who gave Trump the election.....the DNC.

Hollering and screaming and investigating the DNC and it's theft of the nomination from Bernie would have been a much better use of resources than Russian conspiracy theories.

Exactly! I couldn't have said it better, myself. And, this is why Bernie lost all my respect. Because he stands up there next to some of the most corrupt people on earth and lies to the American people saying, "Donald Trump is the most corrupt president we've ever had."
Where is the corruption? Every week we learn more and more about the 'never Trumpers' or 'resistance' being responsible for genocidal racketeering schemes. I'll say it again. Where are the millions of dead bodies that Trump is responsible for? Where are the trillions of dollars that Trump is responsible for 'losing?' They don't exist. So, what is going on inside that broken mind of a never Trumper?
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