Mr D
Every time they want information, it should be drug out in court while everything comes to a stalemate.
What a bunch of crap.
Yeah man fuck the constitution and 3 branches of government bullshit Trump has to go.
Every time they want information, it should be drug out in court while everything comes to a stalemate.
What a bunch of crap.
The Dems are so shit that I have to agree with Tucker Carlson
And how do you feel about witness intimidation?
Yeah man fuck the constitution and 3 branches of government bullshit Trump has to go.
Every time they want information, it should be drug out in court while everything comes to a stalemate.
What a bunch of crap.
You mean like when they changed the 302 form on General Flynn so he could be set up for a crime that was not there? I see lots of that going on on the dems side all the time.
Another attempt to create division.
A weakened democrat party and trump will win.
Sanders people are already saying they won't vote for corn pop Joe which doesn't exactly portray party unity. Sanders people are loyal to Bernie, not the party that screwed Bernie.
Jeebus crips you willingness to spin reality in order to blame Trump for everything borders on lunacy.
The democrat party weakened itself by putting forth old boring crackas who are long time members of group with a sub-20% approval rating.
Anyone that's listened to Bernie knows he would never say a woman cant be president. The only reason she did that was to toss shade on Bernie. If Bernie said anything its more like I don't think you can beat trump. Its true she cant beat trump. She interpreted that into being a sexist remark.
True liberals yes but dems are not.
I think you have this completely wrong.
Dems won't let me get the medical insurance I want.
I can not have the shower head I want.
I can not have a spout on my gas can that actually works and doesn't spill gas everywhere.
I can not have the light bulbs I want.
I have to pay for abortions because they fund it with my taxes.
I have no choice on how low I want to work for because of minimum wage.
I can not get vouchers for the taxes I paid to send my kids to the school I want.
Ect ect ect ect. All by the dems. You are completly wrong it is the dems who want to control you. But what do you expect with the schools we have shoving dem propaganda down your throat along with the fake news medias.
Isn't it obvious the media wants us to choose between shithead and Joe? Why is that? How will more shithead or Biden corruption help anyone but the obscenely rich?
I think what you need to ask yourself is why you have let the media play you and direct all your focus towards hating Trump?
Imagine if all that time and energy was directed at the people who gave Trump the election.....the DNC.
Hollering and screaming and investigating the DNC and it's theft of the nomination from Bernie would have been a much better use of resources than Russian conspiracy theories.
That's some slick anti constitution propaganda you got there.
Cry to me about the electoral college when your side wins, funny how that never happens.
Tell me how the technology your taxes dollars paid to create the technology that was sold back to you was not the work of a bipartisan effort.
Tell me how you use democracy to thwart tyranny yet our bill of rights has been shredded by both parties. Was the Patriot act, War on Drugs, NDAA strictly partisan tyranny?
Tell me why California and New York should decide who is president because Wyoming has less people when we have a system where money buys political office. That just sounds like a more cost effective way of buying a seat in office.
No what's a shame is not that people won't buy in to this type of propaganda.
What's a shame is that people enjoying some of the highest standards of living in the world think the system that built and affords such a luxury is old and outdated because it's been corrupted by a self serving 2 party system.