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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
FLASHBACK: Biden: "The cost of not acting against Saddam I think would have been much greater" Bush "is a bold leader and he is popular...I and many others will support him when he makes the case".

Tell me how many died over the lies of Bush, corn pop and the media compared to the number deaths from Mexico not paying for the wall.

Oh the fake outrage from the drama queens.......

Biden was serving.
Trump was whoring.


Active member
George Wallace pushed for states rights.
Maybe we can build walls around each and every one.
Little nation states.


Well-known member
I'm sure you believe that but your not convincing me.

Who benefits more from no regulations and low taxes? Someone like you or me who works for a living and doesn't own much in terms of property, wealth, or capital; or someone like Jeff Bezos?
Theoretically in this libertarian society what's stopping the richest people in the US monopolizing everything they can? What then?

Right libertarianism is neo feudalism in disguise.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
She holds the articles for no apparent reason and is well aware how the timing of the release will affect the candidates 2 weeks before Iowa.

You act like it's some tin foil hat secret that the DNC doesn't want Bernie.

Trump said the same thing last time around and was 100% correct.

Just my opinion but I think she held back in hopes of developing changes in potential witnesses being available which has happened. If the republicans deny the witnesses they look like they are participating in a cover up. If they allow witnesses Trump may appear guilty. It is a lose - lose situation for republicans concerning re-election. Whether you like Nancy or not, she is shrewd.


Boreal Curing
It's hard for us mear mortals with average IQs to know why the overlords do things. I have 2 advanced degrees and have a cousin I worked for who barely has high school. He would explain something to me that looked like a bowl of spaghetti, but was clear to him. He's worth 50mil and I'm still plugging away.

Those people are on a totally different level, and they just love trying out manoeuvring each other. But Trump is just a goon who fell into money. Certainly not in the super genius club he pretends to belong to.


It's hard for us mear mortals with average IQs to know why the overlords do things. I have 2 advanced degrees and have a cousin I worked for who barely has high school. He would explain something to me that looked like a bowl of spaghetti, but was clear to him. He's worth 50mil and I'm still plugging away.

Those people are on a totally different level, and they just love trying out manoeuvring each other. But Trump is just a goon who fell into money. Certainly not in the super genius club he pretends to belong to.

What bother s me the most about guys like trump is the mantra tattooed on their brains .......Step on as many necks as possible to get ahead. Now thats morphed into Destroy as much natural resources as needed to keep his wallets happy.:tiphat:
but hwat do i know im just the internet police apparenlty lol


Active member
Trump himself is an accused felon on exactly the same terms as Parnas - by that logic, Trump would likewise have no credibility and could not be taken at his word even under oath

That’s how I understand it. Impeachment is the determination by the House of established particulars that impugn the character, the trustworthiness, the integrity of the Executive, along with such actual crimes as evidence may be found. This is delivered to the Senate, and presented to them in detail, covering all particulars and answering all questions. The responsibility shifts to the senate, who are charged as a body to remove the Executive from office, or to refuse to remove.

Time was, any white 5th-grader could have explained all this....

As above, so here below...

It seems to me if he WERE high he’d have an easier time trying to grasp this stuff: it’s not weird, it’s every day, it’s about how you understand the world.

...and just want to say only a gullible fool would take statements like “$50,ooo,ooo,ooo in welfare fraud” at face value, and not have their natural curiosity/skepticism kick in.

The language ends up being confusing because the impeachment process and impeachment itself are not identical. Impeachment itself is an accomplished fact; it is complete. The process however requires the Senate to now face the question of removal.

It’s frequently mentioned that the impeachment process is fundamentally “political”, and so it is - as opposed to a civil, criminal, or social process...but these are the days of shallow thinking about deep subjects, so I see a lot of people *dismissing* this process as if it were a stunt, a PR gimmick; this in my view causes these people to make a fundamental error: it’s political nature will cause every citizen to confront their own sense of right and wrong on the question of how the House and the Executive have handled things and how the Senate handles things going forward, *very* much including both the formal dance and the matter of removal. And Election Day is coming. And THAT is what makes all those individual hot-takes “political”: where do WE, in aggregate, stand on the things that matter most, and how do we translate that into choosing our representatives and setting them to work and holding them accountable *between* elections.

I can easily see an election outcome that leaves Trump in office, but the GOP senate dominance is destroyed and GOP presence in the House is cut still further - perhaps much further. In that case he could become the first Executive to be impeached twice and would certainly be removed: Trump has been able to pull much of his stunts because the senior body is in the tank for him; without the Senate running interference for him, he’d be out of options as far as production of the Mueller evidence is concerned, and as far as production of his financial records are concerned.

Really don’t know what you’re trying to point at with the ‘extremist’ bit, but yeah. Except for that “state rights over federal law” part. That’s bullshit. And it’s been well established (by you) that your imaginary “left” is just that, imaginary, so that’s bullshit too...but, yeah.

Shockingly incompetent....


Amazingly ignorant...conviction before trial? You guys really have no clue as to how an impeachment works? Wow...just stunning
You do realize the actual text of impeachment procedures have been
Posted on this thread ad nauseam
Dont you? Heres about the most basic of explanation once again...try to let it soak in before embarrassing
Yourself any further



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Shockingly incompetent....


Amazingly ignorant...conviction before trial? You guys really have no clue as to how an impeachment works? Wow...just stunning
You do realize the actual text of impeachment procedures have been
Posted on this thread ad nauseam
Dont you? Heres about the most basic of explanation....try to let it soak in before embarrassing
Yourself any further


You are correct if your point is that conviction and sentencing as in possible removal occur following impeachment. The impeachment process is complete, which by his recent statement, Trump does not seem to comprehend "They are trying to impeach the son of a bitch"

The wiki article begins with a misstatement indicating a crime must be committed for impeachment to take place. I believe this is also where Dershowitz errs.

edit; yes I do realize this is rectified later in the article.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ever since I can remember - the USA has always sorta celebrated outlaws and gangsters - those that can rob and kill at will like Billy the Kid - The James Brothers - Bonny and Clyde - Baby Face Nelson - John Dillinger - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - Al Capone - and many, many more thru history - right up to today when the whole gangster culture is celebrated - and gangs make lots of money making rap songs about it all - which has become very popular, and some might say one with modern day USA culture - or so it seems to me as an outsider -

So - you might wonder where I'm going with all this - what I'm saying is that if a major part of the electorate accept and support the whole gangster ethos thing as being 'cool' and/or acceptable - then no wonder you ended up with what many might say is a gangster in the White House -


Sir, that is an insult to gangsters.

Edit: I get what you are saying, it's just that like most of his shtick, it's all a con and comes across as pretty transparent. Think Ali g. and his gang banger type persona.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That’s how I understand it. Impeachment is the determination by the House of established particulars that impugn the character, the trustworthiness, the integrity of the Executive, along with such actual crimes as evidence may be found. This is delivered to the Senate, and presented to them in detail, covering all particulars and answering all questions. The responsibility shifts to the senate, who are charged as a body to remove the Executive from office, or to refuse to remove.

Time was, any white 5th-grader could have explained all this....

As above, so here below...

It seems to me if he WERE high he’d have an easier time trying to grasp this stuff: it’s not weird, it’s every day, it’s about how you understand the world.

...and just want to say only a gullible fool would take statements like “$50,ooo,ooo,ooo in welfare fraud” at face value, and not have their natural curiosity/skepticism kick in.

The language ends up being confusing because the impeachment process and impeachment itself are not identical. Impeachment itself is an accomplished fact; it is complete. The process however requires the Senate to now face the question of removal.

It’s frequently mentioned that the impeachment process is fundamentally “political”, and so it is - as opposed to a civil, criminal, or social process...but these are the days of shallow thinking about deep subjects, so I see a lot of people *dismissing* this process as if it were a stunt, a PR gimmick; this in my view causes these people to make a fundamental error: it’s political nature will cause every citizen to confront their own sense of right and wrong on the question of how the House and the Executive have handled things and how the Senate handles things going forward, *very* much including both the formal dance and the matter of removal. And Election Day is coming. And THAT is what makes all those individual hot-takes “political”: where do WE, in aggregate, stand on the things that matter most, and how do we translate that into choosing our representatives and setting them to work and holding them accountable *between* elections.

I can easily see an election outcome that leaves Trump in office, but the GOP senate dominance is destroyed and GOP presence in the House is cut still further - perhaps much further. In that case he could become the first Executive to be impeached twice and would certainly be removed: Trump has been able to pull much of his stunts because the senior body is in the tank for him; without the Senate running interference for him, he’d be out of options as far as production of the Mueller evidence is concerned, and as far as production of his financial records are concerned.

Really don’t know what you’re trying to point at with the ‘extremist’ bit, but yeah. Except for that “state rights over federal law” part. That’s bullshit. And it’s been well established (by you) that your imaginary “left” is just that, imaginary, so that’s bullshit too...but, yeah.

I should have added that a crime need not have happened to be removed. As for impeachment that's a done deal.


Active member
Of course not: the sign out front says “CLOSED” - no one’s trying to convince YOU of anything beyond the voices already IN your head....

He’s an old man. They get set in their ways.

It’s the new voters that will count.

Don’t trust anybody over 30 until they’re at least 60, then don’t trust most of them.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Shockingly incompetent....


Amazingly ignorant...conviction before trial? You guys really have no clue as to how an impeachment works? Wow...just stunning
You do realize the actual text of impeachment procedures have been
Posted on this thread ad nauseam
Dont you? Heres about the most basic of explanation once again...try to let it soak in before embarrassing
Yourself any further


LMAO, It's clear you didn't even read the links you posted. Your IQ level just dropped:dance013:.

In impeachment proceedings, penalties allowed to be imposed by the Senate are removal from office and disqualification from holding any federal office in the future.


At the federal level, the impeachment process is a three-step procedure.[20]

First, the Congress investigates. This investigation typically begins in the House Judiciary Committee, but may begin elsewhere. For example, the Nixon impeachment inquiry began in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The facts that led to impeachment of Bill Clinton were first discovered in the course of an investigation by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

Second, the House of Representatives must pass, by a simple majority of those present and voting, articles of impeachment, which constitute the formal allegation or allegations. Upon passage, the defendant has been "impeached."

Third, the Senate tries the accused. In the case of the impeachment of a president, the Chief Justice of the United States presides over the proceedings. For the impeachment of any other official, the Constitution is silent on who shall preside, suggesting that this role falls to the Senate's usual presiding officer, the President of the Senate, who is also the Vice President of the United States. Conviction in the Senate requires the concurrence of a two-thirds supermajority of those present. The result of conviction is removal from office.

Mr D

Ever since I can remember - the USA has always sorta celebrated outlaws and gangsters - those that can rob and kill at will like Billy the Kid - The James Brothers - Bonny and Clyde - Baby Face Nelson - John Dillinger - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - Al Capone - and many, many more thru history - right up to today when the whole gangster culture is celebrated - and gangs make lots of money making rap songs about it all - which has become very popular, and some might say one with modern day USA culture - or so it seems to me as an outsider -

So - you might wonder where I'm going with all this - what I'm saying is that if a major part of the electorate accept and support the whole gangster ethos thing as being 'cool' and/or acceptable - then no wonder you ended up with what many might say is a gangster in the White House -

Trump is a walking talking soundbyte/meme for the disgruntled and people who felt forgotten.

I don't think you should underestimate the power of the 5 words Trump says at the end of this short clip. Or the number of supporters he gained from it.

That clip resonated with a lot of people who were tired of the bipartisan government corruption. The majority of people under 40 prefer to learn about or mostly learn about current events on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and a lot of it is memes and soundbytes.
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