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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Hello all,

Remember when tRump* said he loved the poorly educated. yeah, he did.

Well, nearly 3 years in and that sadly is more than evident. ey?


Mr D

Looks like Buzzfeed is jumping on the bash Bernie train.......

Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders once said that he was "physically nauseated" by a speech made by President John F. Kennedy when Sanders was a young man, because Kennedy's "hatred for the Cuban Revolution [...] was so strong."


Bernie's going to get fucked while our friends on the left come here every day to tell us over and over and over again how much they hate Trump and anyone who does not share there opinions.

After they realize Bernie is not going to be the nominee I expect they'll post articles from WaPo and MSNBC about how Trump and Rudy were behind Bernie's demise and it's an impeachable offense.

Mr D

Hello all,

more doc dumps....if true, more dot are connecting...aw, snap!


Afraid to commit to your discredited sources... Totally understandable after how many times they have been wrong. But what the hell you can always grab a few extra rep points by posting anything non Trump in here.


Active member
Looks like Buzzfeed is jumping on the bash Bernie train.......

Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders once said that he was "physically nauseated" by a speech made by President John F. Kennedy when Sanders was a young man, because Kennedy's "hatred for the Cuban Revolution [...] was so strong."


Bernie's going to get fucked while our friends on the left come here every day to tell us over and over and over again how much they hate Trump and anyone who does not share there opinions.

After they realize Bernie is not going to be the nominee I expect they'll post articles from WaPo and MSNBC about how Trump and Rudy were behind Bernie's demise and it's an impeachable offense.

Hello all,

Funny you should mention this as it would seem that trumo is spreading fasle assumption regarding bernie.

How Trump Is Spreading a Conspiracy Theory About Pelosi, Biden and Sanders
President Trump claims Nancy Pelosi has intentionally undermined Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign by delaying the impeachment trial. Mr. Sanders denounced that theory on Friday.




Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Looks like President Trump pulled in over 20,000 to his Wisconsin rally.

57.9% were independents or dems. That is great news since he took the state by 0.77% last time. Going to be a bigly win for him next election.

Mr D

Hello all,

Funny you should mention this as it would seem that trumo is spreading fasle assumption regarding bernie.

How Trump Is Spreading a Conspiracy Theory About Pelosi, Biden and Sanders
President Trump claims Nancy Pelosi has intentionally undermined Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign by delaying the impeachment trial. Mr. Sanders denounced that theory on Friday.




She holds the articles for no apparent reason and is well aware how the timing of the release will affect the candidates 2 weeks before Iowa.

You act like it's some tin foil hat secret that the DNC doesn't want Bernie.

Trump said the same thing last time around and was 100% correct.

Mr D

The NYT forgot to mention this is the second warning Trump gave about the DNC fucking Bernie.

This one is from April......



See why the NYT is a waste of times.....


Active member
She holds the articles for no apparent reason and is well aware how the timing of the release will affect the candidates 2 weeks before Iowa.

You act like it's some tin foil hat secret that the DNC doesn't want Bernie.

Trump said the same thing last time around and was 100% correct.

Hello all,

Underestimate Big Balls Nancy, that short delay has sowed more interest and has shined a light on the process...specifically the calling of witnesses that 3 weeks ago was much less of a possibility.

And everyday, more information comes out...the court of public opinion will drive the politics to some degree.

still have a slim majority that want impeachment and removal. Independents will rule this election cycle I believe.


Not a bernie bro, and I find him too progressive.

White Beard

Active member
It was split into to nights on Rachel Maddow. She did a good job interviewing and Parnas explained the whole Ukraine story and how the whole gang was in on it. Worth watching.

Here's yesterday. Maybe tonight's second part will be available tomorrow.

It's funny, the right side come back is that he has no credibility because he is an accused felon. Hell, he's no different than anyone else working for trump.
Trump himself is an accused felon on exactly the same terms as Parnas - by that logic, Trump would likewise have no credibility and could not be taken at his word even under oath

He was already convicted. The trail in the senate is for his removal. with rep being the majority no matter what prof is given they wont do whats right. .
That’s how I understand it. Impeachment is the determination by the House of established particulars that impugn the character, the trustworthiness, the integrity of the Executive, along with such actual crimes as evidence may be found. This is delivered to the Senate, and presented to them in detail, covering all particulars and answering all questions. The responsibility shifts to the senate, who are charged as a body to remove the Executive from office, or to refuse to remove.

Time was, any white 5th-grader could have explained all this....

That's not how it works.. Trump was Impeached. He was convicted. History books will show him as Impeached.

Senate trial is only for removal.

You guys have no clue how our gov works. That's a fact.
As above, so here below...

exactly what does any of that have to do with my post RE $50 billion in welfare fraud? are you high? :biggrin:
It seems to me if he WERE high he’d have an easier time trying to grasp this stuff: it’s not weird, it’s every day, it’s about how you understand the world.

...and just want to say only a gullible fool would take statements like “$50,ooo,ooo,ooo in welfare fraud” at face value, and not have their natural curiosity/skepticism kick in.

Nope wrong, There's 2 parts to impeachment. 1st part is conducted in the house where they prove he committed crimes to be impeached. 2nd part is a trail in the senate to prove the crimes he was impeached for in the house are enough for removal. If found not guilty in the Senate he is still impeached but not removed. If found guilty by 2/3 he will be removed.
The language ends up being confusing because the impeachment process and impeachment itself are not identical. Impeachment itself is an accomplished fact; it is complete. The process however requires the Senate to now face the question of removal.

It’s frequently mentioned that the impeachment process is fundamentally “political”, and so it is - as opposed to a civil, criminal, or social process...but these are the days of shallow thinking about deep subjects, so I see a lot of people *dismissing* this process as if it were a stunt, a PR gimmick; this in my view causes these people to make a fundamental error: it’s political nature will cause every citizen to confront their own sense of right and wrong on the question of how the House and the Executive have handled things and how the Senate handles things going forward, *very* much including both the formal dance and the matter of removal. And Election Day is coming. And THAT is what makes all those individual hot-takes “political”: where do WE, in aggregate, stand on the things that matter most, and how do we translate that into choosing our representatives and setting them to work and holding them accountable *between* elections.

I can easily see an election outcome that leaves Trump in office, but the GOP senate dominance is destroyed and GOP presence in the House is cut still further - perhaps much further. In that case he could become the first Executive to be impeached twice and would certainly be removed: Trump has been able to pull much of his stunts because the senior body is in the tank for him; without the Senate running interference for him, he’d be out of options as far as production of the Mueller evidence is concerned, and as far as production of his financial records are concerned.

So you were an extremist in reality, any Libertarian with common sense understands that taxes have to be paid and many regulations are necessary. I don't believe common people should be fixing roads and shit like that either.

I believe in lower taxes, getting rid of unnecessary regulations, smaller government, seperation of church and state, and state rights over federal law especially with many on the left pushing for gun bans on certain firearms. I could go on but you already know if you really were a Libertarian.
Really don’t know what you’re trying to point at with the ‘extremist’ bit, but yeah. Except for that “state rights over federal law” part. That’s bullshit. And it’s been well established (by you) that your imaginary “left” is just that, imaginary, so that’s bullshit too...but, yeah.

Mr D

Hello all,

Underestimate Big Balls Nancy, that short delay has sowed more interest and has shined a light on the process...specifically the calling of witnesses that 3 weeks ago was much less of a possibility.

And everyday, more information comes out...the court of public opinion will drive the politics to some degree.

still have a slim majority that want impeachment and removal. Independents will rule this election cycle I believe.


Are you just making shit up now?

People lost interest in this clown show before it ended in congress. Polls and donations show Trump gained support and money from congresses shit show.

The republicans are in the majority now so start preparing your cover up talking points now, you'll need em. As far as witnesses I hope you get your wish. It will turn out as well as all that groundbreaking Mueller crap you posted.

Mr D

FLASHBACK: Biden: "The cost of not acting against Saddam I think would have been much greater" Bush "is a bold leader and he is popular...I and many others will support him when he makes the case".

Tell me how many died over the lies of Bush, corn pop and the media compared to the number deaths from Mexico not paying for the wall.

Oh the fake outrage from the drama queens.......


Well-known member
So you were an extremist in reality, any Libertarian with common sense understands that taxes have to be paid and many regulations are necessary. I don't believe common people should be fixing roads and shit like that either.

I believe in lower taxes, getting rid of unnecessary regulations, smaller government, seperation of church and state, and state rights over federal law especially with many on the left pushing for gun bans on certain firearms. I could go on but you already know if you really were a Libertarian.

Hes right. Libertarianism is stupid and a waste of time without hitting the reset button on the economy or redistributing all US wealth. Otherwise the rich and elite would dominate and own society in this theoretical libertarian economy moreso than they already own our current society.


Well-known member
Hes right. Libertarianism is stupid and a waste of time without hitting the reset button on the economy or redistributing all US wealth. Otherwise the rich and elite would dominate and own society in this theoretical libertarian economy moreso than they already own our current society.

I'm sure you believe that but your not convincing me.
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