What lightbulb can't you buy?
Incandescent in 100w. I can now that Trump removed that ban.What lightbulb can't you buy?
So all the senators but one where swore in for the fake impeachment.
So let me get this straight. Trump is suppose to have tried to affect the next presidential election by with holding aid to the Ukrainians. If he is accused of trying to affect the next presidential election then why are the senators that are running for the dems in the presidential election not stepping back from this fake impeachment?
Can any of you liberals tell me that?
Sure we can...but experience tells us you won’t listen this time either, so happy weekend to ya!
The lightbulb ban was scrapped before it was due to take effect.
It never happened.
But fuck the truth right?
Yeah fuck the truth is right. It started with the banning of the manufacturing of the bulbs. Therefore I could not get what I wanted because they were not available. The actual ban of them was cancelled before It was illegal to get them.
So I guess you went to snopes to get your facts since you only posted half the truth.
So you are wrong as usual.
They've always been available.
Hello all,
Well, there is this:
and this:
and this:
PS...remember when the mango messiah said mexico was gonna pay for it....buahahahahaaha, yeah good times
The internet must not be something you would be familiar with.
Hello catch up sport. I posted above about the ban on the manufacturing of the bulbs. But then again I wouldn't expect you to understand the truth since your handlers don't tell the truth.
Hello all,
I will try....it is hard I must admit to follow your convoluted lines of thought at times.