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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
I was a Libertarian for ten years, during which time I figured out it could never work because it would require tearing everything up, for starters, and that was unacceptable. Is unacceptable.

But you just go on.

So you were an extremist in reality, any Libertarian with common sense understands that taxes have to be paid and many regulations are necessary. I don't believe common people should be fixing roads and shit like that either.

I believe in lower taxes, getting rid of unnecessary regulations, smaller government, seperation of church and state, and state rights over federal law especially with many on the left pushing for gun bans on certain firearms. I could go on but you already know if you really were a Libertarian.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
For what it's worth.

For what it's worth.

Don't think I play the stawk casino cause I don't. But like the fake tee vee news, it is informative. I just saw this chart of stawk market new highs / new lows. Good indication of the trend.

EDIT: boy did I read that time axis wrong. Looking back now I remember that was when the domestic fracking oil patch was collapsing and taking out the banks who loaned the money. The fed bought the loans and the banks were again free to raid. Like 2009. Damn, I apologize somewhat. There is half a reefer still warm in the ash tray.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
neither Medicaid nor Pell grants are part of welfare. those jumped off the page at me. have not looked up the others yet. you are nowhere near 50B without just those 2...

Word is that it is just an opinion rendered and they also rendered an opinion on Obama for some sketchy matter (can't remember what at the moment) and the mainstream media headlined the GAO reporting as insignificant. So, another "nothing burger," as the cool kids say. But, anyways, first a person is charged with a crime (indicted) and then they have a trial, and then a person may or may not be convicted at the end of that trial.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
That's not how it works.. Trump was Impeached. He was convicted. History books will show him as Impeached.

Senate trial is only for removal.

You guys have no clue how our gov works. That's a fact.

You are correct that he has been impeached. The next step is for the dems to prove his guilt. Until then, no conviction. If he had been convicted already there would be no need for the senate trial. The Senate trial is not a sentencing hearing, it's a trial. He won't be convicted unless he gets 2/3 of the senate voting to convict/remove.


Well-known member
Word is that it is just an opinion rendered and they also rendered an opinion on Obama for some sketchy matter (can't remember what at the moment) and the mainstream media headlined the GAO reporting as insignificant. So, another "nothing burger," as the cool kids say. But, anyways, first a person is charged with a crime (indicted) and then they have a trial, and then a person may or may not be convicted at the end of that trial.

exactly what does any of that have to do with my post RE $50 billion in welfare fraud? are you high? :biggrin:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Word is that it is just an opinion rendered and they also rendered an opinion on Obama for some sketchy matter (can't remember what at the moment) and the mainstream media headlined the GAO reporting as insignificant. So, another "nothing burger," as the cool kids say. But, anyways, first a person is charged with a crime (indicted) and then they have a trial, and then a person may or may not be convicted at the end of that trial.

The GAO opinion is also irrelevant because there is already an impeachment trial underway and a person can't be charged twice for the same crime. That would be called 'double jeopardy.'

It's also irrelevant because it is one sided and ignores the fact that half of the story has not been recorded. So, it really just backfires on the GAO and exposes that they are politically motivated and biased destroying their credibility, entirely.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You are correct that he has been impeached. The next step is for the dems to prove his guilt. Until then, no conviction. If he had been convicted already there would be no need for the senate trial. The Senate trial is not a sentencing hearing, it's a trial. He won't be convicted unless he gets 2/3 of the senate voting to convict/remove.
Nope wrong, There's 2 parts to impeachment. 1st part is conducted in the house where they prove he committed crimes to be impeached. 2nd part is a trail in the senate to prove the crimes he was impeached for in the house are enough for removal. If found not guilty in the Senate he is still impeached but not removed. If found guilty by 2/3 he will be removed.


Well-known member
So you were an extremist in reality, any Libertarian with common sense understands that taxes have to be paid and many regulations are necessary. I don't believe common people should be fixing roads and shit like that either.

I believe in lower taxes, getting rid of unnecessary regulations, smaller government, seperation of church and state, and state rights over federal law especially with many on the left pushing for gun bans on certain firearms. I could go on but you already know if you really were a Libertarian.

yes, lower taxes. not by cutting social programs for the poor so the rich get richer. cut regulations, but not those that protect us. smaller govt? sure, let's draw up a list and remove every politician on BOTH of our lists. ditto with govt agencies. we HAD separation of church & state, but the GOP has this strange idea that everyone should be forced to live by "Christian principles" , as if even most Christians actually did so. fucking hypocrites. state laws will never TRUMP federal laws. we CAN direct local & state law enforcement to let the feds enforce their own damn laws themselves. gun bans ? meh. not with the Supreme Court lined up like it is. just a stalking horse talking point used to try to get their social agenda enforced by law. liberals want you to be able to live your life as you please without harming others. conservatives want you to live your life as THEY want you too, and will cheerfully put you in jail (a for-profit one they own stock in) if they can if you fail at the task.


Well-known member
The GAO opinion is also irrelevant because there is already an impeachment trial underway and a person can't be charged twice for the same crime. That would be called 'double jeopardy.'

It's also irrelevant because it is one sided and ignores the fact that half of the story has not been recorded. So, it really just backfires on the GAO and exposes that they are politically motivated and biased destroying their credibility, entirely.

yes, you CAN be charged & tried twice for the same offense. once in state court, and then again in federal court. happens constantly. rest of post merely inane and delusional conspiracy shit again...:laughing:


Well-known member
The GAO opinion is also irrelevant because there is already an impeachment trial underway and a person can't be charged twice for the same crime. That would be called 'double jeopardy.'

It's also irrelevant because it is one sided and ignores the fact that half of the story has not been recorded. So, it really just backfires on the GAO and exposes that they are politically motivated and biased destroying their credibility, entirely.
interesting path here
there's nothing forbidding a 2nd impeachment on the same charges
at least not explicitly
confusion results from seeing this as a criminal trial
it's not, double jeopardy may not apply
practically speaking it seems unlikely to come up
but who knows for sure?


Well-known member
interesting path here
there's nothing forbidding a 2nd impeachment on the same charges
at least not explicitly
confusion results from seeing this as a criminal trial
it's not, double jeopardy may not apply
practically speaking it seems unlikely to come up
but who knows for sure?

at the rate shit is coming out, he may be impeached on entirely new charges before it is over. yeah, senate as current could find him not guilty. after next election cycle, who knows what the Senate makeup might be?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
interesting path here
there's nothing forbidding a 2nd impeachment on the same charges
at least not explicitly
confusion results from seeing this as a criminal trial
it's not, double jeopardy may not apply
practically speaking it seems unlikely to come up
but who knows for sure?

Hmm, it is interesting and further clarification may be needed.


The GAO opinion is also irrelevant because there is already an impeachment trial underway and a person can't be charged twice for the same crime. That would be called 'double jeopardy.'

It's also irrelevant because it is one sided and ignores the fact that half of the story has not been recorded. So, it really just backfires on the GAO and exposes that they are politically motivated and biased destroying their credibility, entirely.

I think double jeopardy would only apply to criminal court...this is more like arbitration. What criminal case doesnt allow testimony and new evidence.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
yes, you CAN be charged & tried twice for the same offense. once in state court, and then again in federal court. happens constantly. rest of post merely inane and delusional conspiracy shit again...:laughing:

Yeah, I think I have heard of that happening.

The rest of my post was perfect. A perfect post! Lol

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
liberals want you to be able to live your life as you please without harming others. conservatives want you to live your life as THEY want you too, and will cheerfully put you in jail (a for-profit one they own stock in) if they can if you fail at the task.

True liberals yes but dems are not.

I think you have this completely wrong.

Dems won't let me get the medical insurance I want.
I can not have the shower head I want.
I can not have a spout on my gas can that actually works and doesn't spill gas everywhere.
I can not have the light bulbs I want.
I have to pay for abortions because they fund it with my taxes.
I have no choice on how low I want to work for because of minimum wage.
I can not get vouchers for the taxes I paid to send my kids to the school I want.
Ect ect ect ect. All by the dems. You are completly wrong it is the dems who want to control you. But what do you expect with the schools we have shoving dem propaganda down your throat along with the fake news medias.
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