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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Hello all,

Did I say you did? Just opposing commentary...you triggered too bro?

Actually, I personally like to listen to Fox, Cnn and Msnbc, as well as reading Wapo, nyt, hill, mojo and others...I like to get a variety of opinions and agendas...I choose which is right and which is an illusion. ey?

And while I am at it...my president lied to me againn today....why should I accept that? Why would you accept your president lying to you? Puzzling.



But you are OK with Schifty lying?

I am not triggered by you at all. And I just don't want to fund the lies so I am not paying for cable. I do read quite a bit. All those sources you stated sometimes as well.

But you live in your echo chamber and assume those of us who have our own opinion are uninformed. I am surprised you haven't called me a racist or stupid yet. Or the good old brainwashed when those two don't work.

Mr D

None of them come close to Trump though.... not close.

There is a difference between pathological and regular lying.... but whatever, it's old news.

Yeah I know, lying us in to wars that cost trillions and countless lives doesn't hold a candle to that whopper about Mexico paying for the wall.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
OMG! OMG! OMG! the world is ending because I used the wrong word. You are like a 3 year old aren't you. Everyone else seems to understand what I said.

Gosh you can't argue the fact so you bring that up. LOL you are really childish and are bringing nothing of value here.

Hilarious. Can't take a joke huh?


Well-known member
That depends what they using. For example, opiates are functional drugs and by making them legal and controlled people would/could be productive and there would be few overdoses; also coffee, sugar, tobacco, etc are addictive drugs.

It depends on the opiates and the person taking them. My mom was prescribed morphine 30mg, little red pills if I remember right. She took them as prescribed from pain due to a car accident and never developed a problem. Many people push the limits with heroin, I knew people who tested the limits of how much they can use to get a strong nod and zone off into deep space and this was by choice they knew how strong the dope was.

Mr D

Is that all you got? Just don't feel like debating with a child is all.

Microbeman is Ok you just have to learn how to take him.

Not everyone in here who disagrees with you or I stoops to name calling and character attacks. Those who do get a little pissy or threaten to put you ignore when you return the favor.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I was not debating was I? I hope you at least appreciated my addition to your post on unemployment rates.
I do but I thought the numbers were higher than 1.8%. To bad Harding died in office. If he could have kept up with the tax cuts the stock market crash might not have happened. While he was alive they cut taxes 8%. Then they slowly went back up till the crash when they had gone back up what he cut plus some. But Coolidge keep the federal spending down and paid off a bunch of the national debt.

And that is what I don't like about Trump. His spending is out of control just like Obummers was. Quite a few here think I am all for Trump. I will admit he has done a lot that I like but he also has done stuff that I don't like. That said he is far better than anything the dems have.

If we can keep our fiscal house in order as a country the future looks great for the USA. To many things we have going for us that the rest of the world does not.


Active member
I saw the first part I'll keep an eye out for the second part.

As far as Parnas it's not about him being an accused felon, it's about Ukraine officials that he named saying he's full of shit and a known liar. Also if it didn't look like so much like a Michael Cohen replay it might be more believable. I can't bring myself to give Maddow as much credibility as you are willing to do, based on her Mueller track record..... And her Alex Jones defense in court.

It's funny how the left maligned Jones when he had to admit in court that he's full of shit. But when Maddow uses the same defense in court you hold her up like she's credible? How does that double standard work?

At the end of the day Parnas and the GAO report are not part of the impeachment. I would support making them available in the senate trial if each side got to call 4 or 5 witnesses.

Discredit all the witnesses. That’s the game. I’ve lost track of the numbers.
They have what? Eleven pictures of Parnas with trump. Hanging out with his family, hanging out with his best bud, but trumpie bear never met him. Maybe Parnas is full of shit. Trump is defiantly full of shit.
It would only take one picture and an ordinary citizen would be in serious trouble. You or me, we’d be fucked.
Trump gets a pass. Let us blame Maddow.
That’s just a crock of shit.

Capra ibex

Depends what kind of 'improperly' i guess.
If i was free to do whatever i see fit i would have to research a whole lot about who and what charities to donate most of it, or create one.... well, i would probably spend the rest of my life doing that.... that would be with the first $140.9 billion.
The other 100 million would be to give myself and my extended family nice sustainable living.

I guess, i wouldn't really know until i was in that position.... it wouldn't take much to make me satisfied and comfortable with some extra treats.
The rest i would get more out of giving it to people who REALLY need it or towards medical research etc.


Active member
Should be noted that improper payments is not entirely composed of fraud.

Looking at the chart the list social program average 8% improper payments totaling up to $77 billion.

Now if the Medicare for all scheme ever passed as it's laid out we would see an additional $256 billion a year in improper payments.

To me these number speak to why I don't support government run healthcare.

I’d much rather pay for insurance overbilling than cover improper government payments. Much rather feed the CEO’s. Increase their profit while their customers die.
My concern is cutting the 10% loss, not the 90% success rate.


Active member
Every Congress person Senator and President you ever voted for in your life has lied...repeatedly. Now you are bothered by it?

How the hell do you think we got involved in so many Middle East wars?

Republican lies.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- We could always look on the bright side - and think ourselves lucky to be living in a society that allows us to express our opinions - that we don't starve in - and do have the opportunity to thrive in - no-matter who is in the white house or houses of parliament -

Allegedly - we are at the pinnacle of historical advancements in technologies that ingratiate our lives to such an extent - that we can live them by pressing a few buttons everyday for work-food-play - and all sorts of other forms of sustenance - BUT -

- if someone blows too hard - it might knock down our house of cards -


Active member
That depends what they using. For example, opiates are functional drugs and by making them legal and controlled people would/could be productive and there would be few overdoses; also coffee, sugar, tobacco, etc are addictive drugs.

It will never be as cheap as sugar and the withdrawal will always be intense. The need will be stronger than most wallets. I don’t disagree about the perils of the drug war. Let’s not sugar coat the alternative.
There would be a lot of overdoses.

I agree with Boogieman. Don’t give them money. I quit doing shit cause I couldn’t afford it. I was tired of being unfunctional. I was tired of work being twice as hard.

Savoy Brown



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