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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
That is a load of horse shit. It didn't start happening till 2 years into Trumps presidency. That is how long it took to fix ODumbasses messes. I remember the great one ODumbass saying that manufacturing jobs were not coming back. Guess he was wrong bigly there huh?

Same old same old it is always the republicans fault and the dems have repaired the economy and the Republicans are just reaping the benefits.

So answer this then. What happened in California then where it is controlled by dems. The state is a wreck. People shitting on the streets and in stores, businesses leaving, loosing population, huge homelessness, and a big list more.

I suppose that is the Republicans fault too. Same happens all over the country where the dems control government.

You definitely are brainwashed if you believe the tripe you say.

Hello all,

Here, perhaps some reality for you.


Do I need to explain this to you? I will, if you like.

Here is a more recent chart.



Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Hello all,

Here, perhaps some reality for you.


Do I need to explain this to you? I will, if you like.


No you don't have to. I remember the economy getting a bump when Trump won. But the facts are the facts everywhere dems control the area suffers. Like in California, Detroit, Philly, ect. Dems run the areas into the ground. Why? Because they feed off the government and make fortunes doing it. The leaders in the dems are crooks and liars.

This whole thing inUkraine is just a cover up from a cocaine addicted sex addict whos dad was vice president. Seems it is also a cover up for Nazi Pelosi's son as well. Bunch more corrupted politicians skimming in there. Some are Republicans I am sure like Romney.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's not true. Unemployment has been dropping since Obummer. Im sure any of us can find a graph that supports trump the best ever lol.. Here's a real graph on unemployment over 10 years. I think your fox BS is backwards. I took Obummer 2 years to fix bushes mess. The red is trumps admin. There plenty of facts that support the trend. Stop giving these idiots so much credit. There all corrupt.


The unemployment rate began rising from 4.7% in November 2007 and peaked at 10.0% in October 2009 from bush as the crisis deepened, approximately where it remained until November 2010. Thereafter, it began a steady decline through the remainder of obamas tenure, reaching 4.7% in 2016. Its not difficult to find the real facts if you wanted to know. It always goes back to.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It really shouldn't say conservative. There extinct. Its Trumps party. They are not conservative in any way.



ICMag Donor
Swearing in.

You will do impartial justice according to the constitution so help you god.

I will.


Well-known member
I consider myself Libertarian, and all the hate from those who want to tear up everything only tells me your afraid Trumps policies are working. Makes me just want to vote for Trump even more.:smoker:


Well-known member
So your saying switch from Independent to Democrat so I can vote in the primary, then vote for Trump in November? Not a bad idea actually.

Mr D

So your saying switch from Independent to Democrat so I can vote in the primary, then vote for Trump in November? Not a bad idea actually.

Yes and be sure to vote for the old curmudgeon that way when the surrender monkey gets screwed at the convention we can have a laugh at the Bernie bros expense.

Still silence from Bernie on Gulag Kyle. The campaign recently bailed him out of jail. Seems the scumbag is a tweeker.


Did they use campaign funds to bail him out? Impeach Bernie 2020.

Mr D

If you can’t win any other way.

Why would you think voting for Bernie in the primaries helps Trump? Some of you guys insist Bernie can beat Trump.

It's more about watching the DNC corruption mainstream media nexus and listening to Bernie's apologist bullshit.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Liberals are weird, isn't food a human right like healthcare? So let's just give it away for free.....lunch is on the billionaires. :tiphat:

Some humans can't agree that some should go hungry so that others may have so much that they throw it away.

Some of us believe that compassion is inherently part of being human.

A billionaire could feed many without going hungry.

Liberals think hungry and sick doesn't look as good as healthy and happy in anyone's eyes.

That's not weird.

You're just a dick.


Well-known member
Some humans can't agree that some should go hungry so that others may have so much that they throw it away.

Some of us believe that compassion is inherently part of being human.

A billionaire could feed many without going hungry.

Liberals think hungry and sick doesn't look as good as healthy and happy in anyone's eyes.

That's not weird.

You're just a dick.

Kids should not go hungry period, but when the crack head eventually comes down from his crack and gets hungry we should feed him...? Never let him hit rock bottom so he can see his choices are not working or enable him?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I believe in treatment over incarceration, but either way, absolutely I believe we should feed hungry citizens.

I don't believe in dehumanizing anyone, especially just to deprive them of basic necessities with less guilt.
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