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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
I work at a steel mill. My company pays for it.

So I guess under his plan, Im screwed

I did used to like Bernie last time around. I guess you answered my question

M4A is cheaper for employers and employees. I'm guessing you still pay a premium or deductible which would disappear and be replaced with a 4% payroll tax. You would also be able to go to any doctor or hospital you want, which you more than likely currently cannot do and can only see who's on your employer's plan.

Mr D

North Dakota has low unemployment because of the fracking boom, no other reason. They're literally trading their future for cheap and easy jobs today.

Short term private profit over everything else including long term public well being, it's the Republican way!

What utter Bullshit..

North Dakota's financial well being predates fracking and is tied to the fact they are the only state with a state owned bank.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
North Dakota has low unemployment because of the fracking boom, no other reason. They're literally trading their future for cheap and easy jobs today.

Short term private profit over everything else including long term public well being, it's the Republican way!

The fracking boom is exactly why they have a boom.

But hey your party is the one that boycotted the pipeline. You know so that Warren Buffet could make a fortune hauling oil by rail. So that dem connected people could profit. Kind of like Steyer could make a fortune will selling coal. Funny how the dems let their values go when they make a lot of money.

And Like I said before glodull warming is not from CO2. Hell ever time a cloud goes over the place under it get cold during the day. At night it stays warmer. We should just outlaw water. I am sure that will happen sometime when a dem figures out how to get rich off taxing water.


Well-known member
Don't have time to drill down on the numbers so roughly using Bernie's website as a guide. He plans to spend over $60 trillion over 10 years or about $6 Trillion a year. The government total tax revenue for 2019 was about $3.44 Trillion. Green new deal $17 Trillion, Medicare $32 Trillion, $2.2 Trillion in student debt forgiveness and free college, Public education spending is a little wishy washy, a billion for this and a billion for that, $2.5 Trillion to build public housing, $81 billion to eliminate medical debt, $150 billion for free internet. Then plenty of indirect taxes from raising the costs of doing business and higher taxes on business which they always pass along to consumers.

So if the 700 billionaires can't come up with $2 trillion plus a year and Bernie's not talking about cutting government spending then the money has to come from somewhere.

BTW that comes out to $2.9 billion a year per billionaire
We can instantly remove the cost of M4A of $32 T..... We're currently paying closer to $40 T... When you do that the rest doesn't seem so scary, cause it's not.

Cutting the military budget
Closing offshore tax loopholes
Adding more tax brackets so it isn't left open ended
Adding a FTT to pay for free college

There's a lot he wants to get rid of, reform, and do. It isn't just about getting the money from billionaires lol.

Shit like infrastructure and GND will eventually pay for itself. Every $1 spent on infrastructure generates like $3 in state GDP.

Mr D

M4A is cheaper for employers and employees. I'm guessing you still pay a premium or deductible which would disappear and be replaced with a 4% payroll tax. You would also be able to go to any doctor or hospital you want, which you more than likely currently cannot do and can only see who's on your employer's plan.

That's a lie.....

As of September 2019, there are more than 25,000 licensed medical providers (physicians and other healthcare professionals) that will not take Medicare for payment. That trend will continue upward if Medicare for all is ever passed.

Doctors can't handle the increased workload and many are rejecting all forms of insurance. You will effectively filter out the best doctors who will gladly provide their services to the rich who can afford to pay cash.

And my current insurance has no restrictions on what doctor or hospital I can go to, no pre approval required. So "more than likely" doesn't apply.

Mr D

We can instantly remove the cost of M4A of $32 T..... We're currently paying closer to $40 T... When you do that the rest doesn't seem so scary, cause it's not.

Cutting the military budget
Closing offshore tax loopholes
Adding more tax brackets so it isn't left open ended
Adding a FTT to pay for free college

There's a lot he wants to get rid of, reform, and do. It isn't just about getting the money from billionaires lol.

Shit like infrastructure and GND will eventually pay for itself. Every $1 spent on infrastructure generates like $3 in state GDP.

Yeah you keep on believing Bernie can make an additional $3 trillion a year appear out of thin air. Healthcare didn't become expensive because we failed to tax people enough.

There is not a single country in the world, that offers comprehensive coverage with an unlimited choice of providers, fully paid for by taxpayers, without insurer gatekeeping, service rationing or out-of-pocket payments.

Sanders would drastically increase taxes and still fall short of funding his program.

But hey....you read Bernie's website so you have a full grasp of a very complex problem based on a politicians web page.

Mr D

We can instantly remove the cost of M4A of $32 T..... We're currently paying closer to $40 T... When you do that the rest doesn't seem so scary, cause it's not.

Cutting the military budget
Closing offshore tax loopholes
Adding more tax brackets so it isn't left open ended
Adding a FTT to pay for free college

There's a lot he wants to get rid of, reform, and do. It isn't just about getting the money from billionaires lol.

Shit like infrastructure and GND will eventually pay for itself. Every $1 spent on infrastructure generates like $3 in state GDP.

You really don't understand that other countries are only willing to use USA funny money under threat of violence.

While I'm not in favor of such a system I do understand that's how it works.

Did we kill Saddam because he had WMD's or because he was going to accept non US dollar payments for oil?


Active member
Why don't you read the article where the author sites facts. You won't because you are to jaded to accept that you are wrong.

Here is a good one. The 23 states with the lowest unemployment has 17 run by GOP governors.

Or like I posted above about North Dakota having 2.5% unemployment.

But you don't really care about facts that don't support you flawed view.

They’ve been doing shale oil in ND for awhile. Long before 2016. Not a huge labor pool. There’s reasons behind everything. Not just what your opinion piece cares to narrate. I really don’t feel like fact checking your fantasies. Sorry you’re butthurt. I’m over it though.

Mr D

So what you're saying is... Socialism works? :biggrin:

History certainly shows how well socialism works.

If people don't understand that Bernie's people (campaign staff) are bragging about gulags to reeducate them. If they can't be reeducated they propose shooting them.

Can't wait...sounds like a real Hoot!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
History certainly shows how well socialism works.

If people don't understand that Bernie's people (campaign staff) are bragging about gulags to reeducate them. If they can't be reeducated they propose shooting them.

Can't wait...sounds like a real Hoot!

Bernie is going to shoot people.

You are not unhinged at all.

Mr D

What utter bullshit.



feeel the bernage

feeel the bernage

Ive watched bernie sanders for many many many years dbl digits....Dont dislike or like the guy...kinda indifferent because in all my experiance with him he tells folks what they wanna hear to get what he needs. sounds familiar eh?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
remember - once the oil price gets back up towards $100 a barrel again - it makes fracking very profitable - $60 or below its not -

White Beard

Active member
What utter Bullshit..

North Dakota's financial well being predates fracking and is tied to the fact they are the only state with a state owned bank.

Imagine, *YOU* praising a state-owned ANYTHING - and a *BANK*, even!

What “principle” does that fall under?

Utter bullshit, indeed: you are the master

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
They’ve been doing shale oil in ND for awhile. Long before 2016. Not a huge labor pool. There’s reasons behind everything. Not just what your opinion piece cares to narrate. I really don’t feel like fact checking your fantasies. Sorry you’re butthurt. I’m over it though.

Haha why would I feel butthurt that you are ignorant of facts?
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