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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

Now the NYT is taking a shot at Bernie over his anti illegal immigrant position.

CNN is getting in on the act reporting that Sanders told fellow presidential primary rival Warren that he believes a woman cannot defeat President Donald Trump in a 2020 general election contest.

He's an old xenophobic misogynist candidate according to the liberal press.

Capra ibex

Now the NYT is taking a shot at Bernie over his anti illegal immigrant position.

CNN is getting in on the act reporting that Sanders told fellow presidential primary rival Warren that he believes a woman cannot defeat President Donald Trump in a 2020 general election contest.

He's an old xenophobic misogynist candidate according to the liberal press.

Usually if CNN or MSNBC or whoever post an anti-bernie type of video on youtube it gets a lot more dislikes than likes.

The ones that i saw anyway....

Mr D

Usually if CNN or MSNBC or whoever post an anti-bernie type of video on youtube it gets a lot more dislikes than likes.

The ones that i saw anyway....

Maybe true but the anti everything Trump hysteria is going to allow the fake news to push Bernie right out of the nomination.

They have the left so focused on hate and anti Trump rhetoric that it will easy to paint corn pop Joe as a viable candidate.....the left's Mitt Romney.

Someone needs to refocus the left's energy or you'll be looking at president Trump jr come 2024.


Well-known member
George Nader, former Trump adviser cited in Mueller report, pleads guilty to child sex crimes

Nader, 60, admitted he arranged to transport a 14-year-old boy from Europe to Dulles International Airport for illegal sexual conduct in early 2000, federal prosecutors in Virginia said.

He was arrested on the charges at JFK Airport in June. A criminal complaint said he had a cell phone containing a dozen child porn videos, some showing minors involved in sex acts with goats.

Nader pleaded guilty to similar charges in 1991. That case involved two reels of child pornography smuggled into Dulles in candy tins.

He also helped coordinate the controversial January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian government official linked to President Vladimir Putin.



Its interesting to compare this Nader (no relation to the good dude) guys coverage on the various news sources. Pipeline and conservatives cover his involvement with clinton, we point at his trump involvement, and then there's his work with bush and Blackwater.

I bet that guy knows ALL the pizza places in town.


Active member
Lol...so it looks like the demo handlers are choosing corn pop joe
For you....fucking hilarious
Looks like Pelosi got bernard and pocohanis all locked down for corn pop
..if he takes Iowa...its a rap...
Told ya them dems was dirty

Mr D

Lol...so it looks like the demo handlers are choosing corn pop joe
For you....fucking hilarious
Looks like Pelosi got bernard and pocohanis all locked down for corn pop
..if he takes Iowa...its a rap...
Told ya them dems was dirty

Shhhhh let them keep spewing hate. The look of shock and disbelief on there faces will be priceless in November.

Did you see O'Keefe's little hint? It seems to indicate the soyboys plan to burn the place down if Trump wins. I heard mention of burning the cities which is a good idea because of the population density of liberals. Probably a wise choice given that rural conservatives will shoot to kill.

Probably a good time to move out of Portland.

Mr D

Its interesting to compare this Nader (no relation to the good dude) guys coverage on the various news sources. Pipeline and conservatives cover his involvement with clinton, we point at his trump involvement, and then there's his work with bush and Blackwater.

I bet that guy knows ALL the pizza places in town.

I posted a Yahoo article that covers both...... now what?


Yahoo...truly we should learn from their centrism. Guess we can term it a hegelian dialectic.

I have long held the opinion that trump and Billy Clinton's balls have touched.

Mr D

Under the you can't make this shit up category..

This might be the most important news of the day. Russia could leak Burisma emails, and slip in some doctored emails, to harm Biden later on, if he is the Democratic nominee. - NYT


That's right kids.....it's the RUSSIANS again.

These fuckin people have no shame.

Mr D

Yup. Pedophile connected to both tRump and Clinton. How many times until it isn't a coincidence for you?

With all the illegal FISA warrants you couldn't find any kiddie diddler pics on Trump's computer?

1/2 of Washington and Hollywood are pedos which means the other 1/2 knows or is connected to them.


Well-known member
With all the illegal FISA warrants you couldn't find any kiddie diddler pics on Trump's computer?

1/2 of Washington and Hollywood are pedos which means the other 1/2 knows or is connected to them.

Does tRump know how to use a computer?

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I don't watch the news, but read some news articles. Someone in the comments said under Bernie, our federal taxes would go up 40-60%. That couldn't be true. People are living hand to mouth, and can barely make it now. And many who are on a tight budget have employer provided health care already.

How much would the federal taxes actually go up if Bernie makes it to the White house? Does anybody know?

White Beard

Active member
Don't cry to me about DNC sponsored candidate Trump. You and the rest of DNC minions own that one. Clinton took the electoral college votes in my state and I voted for Johnson.

Yeah book deals. Like when you give a publisher a $350 million government contract then get a $35 million dollar "book deal" when you leave the office.

The more liberal California has gone the more poop in the waterways. You figure it out. No one is stopping you from handing out toilet paper to the mammals.
CRY to you? Cry to *YOU*??? Mr. Self-Righteous?

Today, though, you’re Mr. Incoherent: weird way to earn your beer money, but you really ought to know better than...well, a lot of things; drunk-post all you want.

Anyone listens to you is a bigger fool than you

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
CRY to you? Cry to *YOU*??? Mr. Self-Righteous?

Today, though, you’re Mr. Incoherent: weird way to earn your beer money, but you really ought to know better than...well, a lot of things; drunk-post all you want.

Anyone listens to you is a bigger fool than you

You didn't answer my question......

PS I live in California, east of San Francisco. Its actually worse then he made it out to be. Its really sad. I have people go through my garbage. Ive had people sleep on my front lawn, and leave their condoms. People pushing shopping carts around, begging for change, sleeping in cardboard boxes on the streets and all over the place. Would you like me to take pictures for you?

You seem angry, but I think you wouldn't like to live here at all.
Remember: As goes California, so goes the nation....


I don't watch the news, but read some news articles. Someone in the comments said under Bernie, our federal taxes would go up 40-60%. That couldn't be true. People are living hand to mouth, and can barely make it now. And many who are on a tight budget have employer provided health care already.

How much would the federal taxes actually go up if Bernie makes it to the White house? Does anybody know?

I too am curious about how many are on employer health coverage. I am, I pay about 600 and they kick in 800 for family coverage, shopping for insurance its 1200-1500 if I went out and bought my own at the same level of coverage. That's not bad given the world we live in, it is also a decent chunk of change and I always hit out of pocket max due to preexisting conditions for family members. Depending on income, there is a lot of room for a tax increase, but not having private insurance, to benefit the end user.

The math is easy on 100k income, currently its 12-15% so a tax bump of that leaves you at least as well off. If you make 50k, a tax increase of less than 24-30% puts you ahead. And so on.

That number for a bernie tax increase seems...well wtf is it based on? Seems ludicrous. To your question though, guess we dont know, but really....
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