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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
They had that going on in the Philippines when I was there over a decade ago - on election days busses full of the same people would visit several polling stations on voting day - and they would all vote for the same candidate several times - and all receive 500 pesos - which could buy nearly 20 kilos of rice at the time - and since most of these people were living 'hand to mouth' they were all very happy about it -

Mr D

(Bloomberg) -- Americans in every U.S. metropolitan area experienced economic prosperity in 2018, according to a recent report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

For the first time in 26 years, no metro area saw per-capita incomes fall that year -- the latest available data -- and it was only the fourth time since 1970 that every U.S. urban region experienced prosperity.


ICMag Donor
They don't care about having people registered in two voting districts. And they don't care if illegals are registered to vote either.

I can't see people voting in two different districts thinking they are helping the cause. They win nothing and are easily found out and convicted. It might happen once in a while but not enough to have any effect. Makes a good story though, doesn't it.

I could see people monkeying around in the tallying process and you don't have to look very far to find Russians amongst us.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I can't see people voting in two different districts thinking they are helping the cause. They win nothing and are easily found out and convicted. It might happen once in a while but not enough to have any effect. Makes a good story though, doesn't it.

I could see people monkeying around in the tallying process and you don't have to look very far to find Russians amongst us.

It does not take a large amount to swing a vote. Al Frankin won by a little over 300 votes.

I reject the notion that it is easy to see when voter fraud is committed and prosecuted. In Texas they found 95,000 illegals registered to vote and 58,000 had voted in one or more elections. In Colorado they found 12,000 noncitizens registered to vote and 11,000 voted in the 2010 election.

Why are the dems afraid to clean up the voter rolls? Especially when you look at Wisconsin who the dems sued so that over 200,000 people could not be removed from the voting rolls. Who cares that they have same day registration there. So no one would be denied their vote since they could register on election day.

Again I will ask it. Why are dems so opposed to cleaning up the voter rolls? Don't the dems say every vote counts? Then why do they allow illegal voting to cancel out legal votes?

The answer is clear. When only a small number of votes in the right district can swing a election there is only one logical answer. Voter fraud.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Here is how it works since you can not see it happening. You register to a house or place and get a absentee ballet. Then you fill it out and send it in. No one to check ID and make sure it is you who voted. All you have to do is intercept the ballet when it is sent out.

Funny how so many ballets are found after a election and they almost always go for the dem.

Or you just have a illegal vote for your candidate.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trumpbots will never admit any wrong doing. Its pretty clear over the last 1700 pages. Its why I don't bother posting much in here anymore. Its a useless attempt at any real discussion abut the problems our country faces. Shit for brains ain't gonna fix those problems. There's prof both sides are committing voter fraud. Its still very rare and not wide spread as the right claims. If any look at the facts Gaslighting and gerrymandering is the ammo of choice for all Rep/Gop..

As historians and election experts have catalogued, there is a long history in this country of racially suppressive voting measures — including poll taxes and all-white primaries — put in place under the guise of stopping voter fraud that wasn’t actually occurring in the first place. The surest way toward voting that is truly free, fair, and accessible is to know the facts in the face of such rhetoric.

Midnight Tokar

It does not take a large amount to swing a vote. Al Frankin won by a little over 300 votes.

I reject the notion that it is easy to see when voter fraud is committed and prosecuted. In Texas they found 95,000 illegals registered to vote and 58,000 had voted in one or more elections. In Colorado they found 12,000 noncitizens registered to vote and 11,000 voted in the 2010 election.

Why are the dems afraid to clean up the voter rolls? Especially when you look at Wisconsin who the dems sued so that over 200,000 people could not be removed from the voting rolls. Who cares that they have same day registration there. So no one would be denied their vote since they could register on election day.

Again I will ask it. Why are dems so opposed to cleaning up the voter rolls? Don't the dems say every vote counts? Then why do they allow illegal voting to cancel out legal votes?

The answer is clear. When only a small number of votes in the right district can swing a election there is only one logical answer. Voter fraud.

Complete and total Bullshit!!!
"On 27 February 2019, the Associated Press reported that U.S. District Judge Fred Biery of San Antonio blocked the removal of any voters and, according to his ruling, only 80 of the original 98,000 names on the list had been identified as ineligible to vote. Later, the New York Times reported that the Texas secretary of state agreed to rescind the advisory from January 2019."

Colorado example you quoted is also mentioned in that article:

I suggest you do your own research instead of listening to trump* and his mouth-pieces!!


ICMag Donor
Well Ichy, Your response is pretty condescending. I'll try to look past that.

The examples you cite are unverified and do not necessarily favor democrats.

I agree that the system needs to be updated so that all have a chance to vote in a fair, unmolested, election.


Active member
The GOP would hate to see real voter id. They would be petrified to see people with a debit/credit card type voter id that would allow you to vote without having to change your precinct every time you move. It would never go out of date and wouldn't need to be updated unless technological reasons.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Within all this talk of 'voter fraud' I don't see anyone mentioning the electoral college, which eliminates the issue of national voter fraud and really narrows it down to a state or two. If I'm recalling correctly the only time this has come into question (in my lifetime) was the Bush and Gore election in Florida, with the hanging chads and all that. I know Clinton won the popular vote by a fair bit, but it wasn't that close in the electoral college with Trump gaining a good 10 states on Clinton.


Well-known member
They also need Paper Ballots, and the PEOPLE/COMPANIES that make the machines need to be more intensely FUCKING REGULATED, AND SCRUTENIZED.

House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Only Federal ...

See... https://www.talion.com/election-machines.html
The story is not about allegations of fraud — it's about an appearance of impropriety that is stunning in its magnitude.
Unfettered by any disclosure regulations about ownership or political affiliations, just a few companies create and control almost all the voting machines in the U.S.

Election Systems & Software, the firm whose machines were involved in the 2002 flubbed Florida primary election — and the company that now makes the voting machines for most of America — is a private company that does not like to tell the public who owns it. But at least one major shareholder is Michael R. McCarthy, who runs the McCarthy Group. The McCarthy Group has been a primary owner of Election Systems & Software, including its predecessor, American Information Systems for more than a decade. Michael R. McCarthy is the current campaign Treasurer for Republican senator Chuck Hagel. [See Hagel and McCarthy Documents] Prior to his election, Republican Senator Hagel was president of McCarthy & Company. In fact, he was first elected while his own company was making the vote-counting machines!:woohoo:
* * * * *
More info:
Before Repiglicans start the squealing ("How DARE you bring this up so close the the election, you know we have no time to rebut this") — well, you can verify the facts yourself, in most cases using their own documents, if you go to google and run the following search terms:
"Election Systems & Software"
"McCarthy Group"
"Michael R. McCarthy"
"Charles T. Hagel"
— You'll find enough traceable leads to keep you busy for a week, if you run searches on the names and other related companies. And, for good measure, look up articles by Ronnie Dugger, who will show you how easy it is to fudge the vote-counting on these machines, in ways that can never be detected.
Why isn't tampering detectable?
Well, for one thing because Election Systems & Software fought in court to make its computerized code for vote-counting "proprietary." Only their own programmers, it seems, are allowed to look at the innards of the code. Independent computer consultants almost unanimously cite the voting machine's impenetrable code as a security flaw. Difficult to detect tampering, yet not very difficult to implant a Trojan Horse to change counting algorithms.

* * * * *
Who are these people, anyway?
We could go on for a week on this, and probably will. We've collected over 58 pages of information and there's more to come. But we might as well get started:
Election Systems & Software was formed by a merger of American Information Systems (AIS), a huge election company featuring several Republican owners, and Business Records Corp., part of Cronus Industries, in turn partially owned by a member of the Hunt oil family of Texas.
World Companies, Inc.: This is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Omaha World-Herald. It is a holding company with substantial ownership in Election Systems & Software, and it also controls World Marketing Inc., which operates gigantic databases and mammoth direct marketing companies. Election Systems & Software is also involved in voter registration services, and no one has questioned whether there is a conflict of interest with voter registration activity and access to the nation's largest databases containing race, political affiliations and other demographics.
Questionable associations and relationships throughout this conglomerate abound. One person with shares in the World Companies Inc. is Harold W. Andersen, who is on the board of directors for The Williams Companies — yes, that Williams Energy, recently exposed by CBS for creating a sham energy crisis in California. CBS cites tapes, now sealed by the government, that prove Williams Energy turned off the juice, faking an energy shortage.
Thank goodness a thoroughly objective organization like the Omaha World-Herald owns a chunk of Election Systems & Software. "The delays [in the fall 2002 Florida primary voting] were the result of start-up errors by poll workers, not malfunctions by the company's election equipment," the Omaha World-Herald reports.
And, should you have any doubt about the objectivity of the Omaha World-Herald, just look at its archive article publicizing stock picks (01/01/1989): the newspaper cites analyst's recommendations for about 20 stocks, among them: Valmont (whose chairman and CEO, William F. Welsh II, is now chairman and CEO and shareholder of Election Systems & Software, whose part-owner is the Omaha World-Herald); FirsTier Financial, whose CEO, P. E. Esping went down to Texas to become chairman and CEO of Business Records Corp, which later merged into Election Systems & Software. The paper cites another recommendation of FirsTier based on the involvement of Walter Scott, chairman of Peter Kiewit & Sons, but fails to mention that Peter Kiewit was the publisher and major shareholder of the Omaha World-Herald for two decades; the article recommends Val-Com, Inc, owned by Valmont, run by the CEO who is now the Election Systems & Software CEO; it goes on to recommend Cronus Industries (who owned Business Records Corp., which was purchased by the Omaha World-Herald's subsidiary and merged into Election Systems & Software); and for good measure, a plug is thrown in for Parker Drilling, a subsidiary of The Williams Companies that shared directors with the CIA, The George Bush School of Government, and Halliburton. The article cites no good reason to buy Parker Drilling, endorsing it simply as a good "speculative buy."
M. Gene Aldridge, the president and CEO of Omaha World-Herald subsidiary World Marketing, Inc. (the one that runs all those databases — he knows if you've been black or white, he knows if you are poor; he knows if you've been good or bad so behave for goodness sake!) is part of a conservative think tank, the New Mexico Independence Research Institute, and when he's not busy running the jumbo-sized database and direct marketing company, he is writing letters to Congress advocating that we take the huge future tax cuts and give them to the rich right now.

* * * * *
Here's more information on how Election Systems & Software came about, and who owns it:
From a 1996 article in The Omaha World-Herald:
"An Omaha company would become the nation's No. 1 ballot counter in a planned $59.3 million combination with a Dallas-based competitor...
"BRC is headed by a former Omahan, P.E. "Bill" Esping, who was a founder of First Data Resources.
"Under the agreement, American Information Systems would acquire the election division of Business Records. Both companies sell election counting and voter registration equipment and services based on optical scanners and paper ballots marked with pencils.
"Of the purchase price, $35 million would be in cash, $17.5 million in a note and the rest in stock of American Information, giving BRC about 20 percent ownership of the Omaha company. Stock owned by American Information employees would account for an additional 10 percent [OUR NOTE: This would include William L. Welsh II] with the remaining 70 percent owned by a partnership of the Omaha World-Herald Co. and the McCarthy Group, an Omaha investment banking company. American Information's share of the U.S. election automation market would increase to more than 50 percent..."

* * * * *
Ownership of Election Systems & Software, unraveled some more
Now, note that the above article says "the remaining 70 percent is owned by a partnership of the Omaha World-Herald Co. and the McCarthy Group. But who owns the McCarthy Group (besides Republican operative Michael R. McCarthy)? World Investments, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Omaha World-Herald Co., is a primary investor in the McCarthy Group. Round and round we go.

Capra ibex

Please tell us, Ichabod.... to which news sources would one look to, to get informed?

Fox and Friends? Trump's tweets? Dave Rubin? Ben Shapiro?


Active member
Hello all,

tRumps* EC victory was 46th out of 58 presidential elections....not even in the top 45.

As far as tRump* pres...not even in the top 44.....buahahahaha


Mr D

Cancelling student debt disproportionately affects the wealthy. The bottom 20% of borrowers reap just 4% of the savings.

“Why are those who went to college more deserving of aid than those who didn't?”

Mr D

Remember Bernie's rape fantasy musings.... Surprised it hasn't come up yet.


Mr D

Why is student debt a national issue, anyway. Seems more like a personal problem, to me.

It's how the champions of the poor give to the rich behind the guise of helping the poor. Pretty slick eh.

It's like Medicare for all. My employer saves $8k - $10k a year per employee and my tax bill goes up $2800 a year. Again it ends up helping my wealthier employer and sticking it to me.

Mr D

As I recall it was a Bernie bro who shot Steve Scalise


Kyle Jurek, Iowa Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign: “I’m Ready to Throw Down Now…The Billionaire Class. The F***ing Media, Pundits. Walk into MSNBC Studios, Drag Those M*****F***ers Out by Their Hair and Light Them on Fire in the Streets.”

Kyle Jurek Suggests That Liberal Democrats Should be Placed in Gulags or be Put to Death: “Liberals Get the F***ing Wall First.”

Jurek: “Well, I’ll Tell You What in Cuba, What They do to Reactionaries? You Want to Fight Against the Revolution, You’re Going to Die for it, M*****F***er.”

Just imagine what the mainstream media would say if this was a Trump staffer threatening to go inside MSNBC studios and drag pundits out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets. Not to mention the media parrots who inhabit this place.

Time to spin a lone wolf, just bar talk defense....................
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