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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he would support Senator Bernie Sanders in the general election if Sanders wins the Democratic nomination.

Obama and the DNC start the public take down of Bernie.

I love the delusional thinking that President Bernie is going to be able to do shit with a corrupt uniparty congress and their army of lobbyist.

I think their is good chance the Bernie's health doesn't hold up to a demanding campaign schedule. Same with corn pop Joe.

What about pig lard desperate Donny?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
IMO if the focus of the Democratic party is to see who can hate on billionaires the most in the next few months Trump will win again.

If Oprah entered the Dem primary she would win. Oprah has been nothing but a force for good for African American community over the last 30 years. The dem party needs the minority vote to win in 2020 and people like Oprah can help that out.

Minorities in this country who are struggling want jobs, a safer community, and hope for a better future. I wonder how a bunch of whiny middle class white people complaining about billionaires plays out in struggling minority communities.

Oprah and Michelle 2020

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Yep, Donald is pretty fat.

One thing that bothered me about Barry, was how his classmates from high school say he scored his coke. That's pretty disgusting

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Sure looks like rationalizing stone throwing with another stone thrown.

This thread is a very accurate depiction of what is going on in American politics. Every so often it strikes a nerve when topics like the racism rear their ugly head, with some still sulking over having a black president. As someone who spent years studying sociology in a selfish but useless way, I find it interesting to see the almost no holds barred way that this conversation takes place.

To each his own.

It is a pretty accurate depiction of how the few can control the masses with division, even evidenced by your response to my post. Being on the offense or defense all the time doesn't allow a person to think critically. I doubt you and I would disagree on much politically or even philosophically, yet I make a snarky comment regarding the rights hypocrisy and you jump on me for it. I read that awful racist post too and I reported it as that was all that needed to be done, that was the solution.

Knowing that none of the division and ugly side of humanity is new, my solution is to not let it get to me and live my life the way I want to because I know in the end i can't control the shit I can't control. Doesn't mean I can't take joy in poking a little fun at those who do.

What is your solution Zeez?

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Im between 7% and 14% Sub Saharan, and that post didn't bother me.

Ive got black friends that have said far worse about Obama then that


ICMag Donor
Brother, I respect your opinion and agree with you more often than you might think.

My solution. I look at what works.

The best years for the US were the 50s and 60s. We had the best education system, the medical system was affordable with hospitals paid for with tax dollars, the rich paid a fair amount of tax, our middle class was healthy and upward mobility was a reasonable expectation for hard work and our infrastructure was the best.

Having lived in Europe for many years (non military) I think their solutions to medical, education and retirement show social evolution and offer good options for us to choose from.


Active member
Brother, I respect your opinion and agree with you more often than you might think.

My solution. I look at what works.

The best years for the US were the 50s and 60s. We had the best education system, the medical system was affordable with hospitals paid for with tax dollars, the rich paid a fair amount of tax, our middle class was healthy and upward mobility was a reasonable expectation for hard work and our infrastructure was the best.

Having lived in Europe for many years (non military) I think their solutions to medical, education and retirement show social evolution and offer good options for us to choose from.

Zeez mad respect for you. Been a brother on here.

I've been wanting to do a write up why the 50s and 60s were so good. In short those decades were so good because we had no competition. The rest of the world was in rubble from WW11. It was the Bubba Gump years for the USA. While the rest of the world was re building their countries we were reaping the war benefits from the factories producing goods for US consumers. Europe and Japan were concerned about re building infrastructure. Water, food, bridges, power grids were the needs of the people. Not building factories to produce goods to compete on the global market.

It took Europe and Japan 25.years to recover from WW11. But when they did they used technology post WW11. Radar, micro chips, computers. When these goods entered the US markets in the early 70s their products were much better then our products made with pre WW11 technology. We were caught off guard and weren't prepared. The Bubba Gump days of easy times were over.

In respect to the taxes rates of the 50 and 60s people were able to write off half their income before paying taxes.That's why the tax rates were higher in those days. People could legally do this in the form of tax shelters and write offs. The rich paid about 8% more of their income in taxes back then compared to now. What Kennedy did when he cut taxes in the 60s was reduce the loopholes and lower the tax rate. After Kennedy's tax cut people still paid the same amount of taxes compared to income.


Mr D

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy claims that it's Pelosi’s intention to block Bernie Sanders from achieving the democrat party presidential nomination.

These people are openly working against Bernie and the old phony won't even call out there corruption. Is this guy pathetic or what......


Well-known member
everyone waxing philosophically about the "good old days" of the 50s & 60s seem to have forgotten (or don't care) how shitty minorities had it then, or forgot Kent State, the rioting in the streets, John F. & Robert Kennedy's assassinations, Martin Luther Kings murder in Memphis. how about "Bull Connor unleashing the dogs & firehoses on civil rights marchers? klansmen dynamiting churches? yep, them wuz the good ol' days all right...:moon:


ICMag Donor
Well after that there was Viet Nam and bit later Regan who decided the rich no longer had to pay taxes. That's when we stopped putting money into schools, hospitals and infrastructure. Kent State was May 4, 1970.


Well-known member
Well after that there was Viet Nam and bit later Regan who decided the rich no longer had to pay taxes. That's when we stopped putting money into schools, hospitals and infrastructure. Kent State was May 4, 1970.

i stand corrected. missed it by...THAT... much. :tiphat: sure SEEMED like the 60s...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
i stand corrected. missed it by...THAT... much. :tiphat: sure SEEMED like the 60s...

Did you serve in Viet Nam?

I was worried. They shut down the draft just before I was supposed to sign up for the draft. I never had to sign up. I lucked out big time. I had friends that died. I have never signed up, but would have gone if drafted

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Kent State was May 4, 1970.

I remember it well.. I was in high school and concerned about getting drafted in two more years.

We didn't hear about it until that evening on the 6 o'clock news...
Definitely one of the low moments in this country...

edit: I had to register for the draft one month after I graduated...
My Dad was an active duty Navy officer with 23 years and he didn't want me being sent to Nam


Invertebrata Inebriata
I remember it well.. I was in high school and concerned about getting drafted in two more years.

We didn't hear about it until that evening on the 6 o'clock news...
Definitely one of the low moments in this country...

It wasn't the first time the US government opened fire on innocent American citizens. But it sure was shocking when those citizens were white college students!

So for those of us old enough to remember that shit, it really is frustrating to have little pricks like med4u pick up the banner of racism. People like med4u have no idea what it means to be an American.
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