You are describing neo-liberalism which isnt leftist. These people aren't leftists they just pretend to be so they can limit the level of discourse.You give leftist to much credit. The leftist who lead, use the system to enrich themselves at yourexpense. . They use government control of everything to secure their position. Capitalism ensures freedom of choice, competition, innovation and freedom to become what you are willing to work for.
Remember under capitalism you are free to not purchase their products. Unlike the perfect example of leftism, Obamacare government forcing people to buy a product. Or better yet ,M4A, where you literally have no choice. The money will be removed from you, with no choice to purchase, or not. Oh, you resist time for a jail cell.
"Choice" in health insurance is an illusion. Why do you need to choose when you should simply have the best care possible which is what M4A is. When you pay your car insurance do you describe it as a reduction of choice and a use of force? I doubt it.
Also what choice do you have now or had before ACA? The choice between Aetna Humana and blue cross blue shield? Especially those who have employer health care where your employer switches providers all the damn time without any input from the workers. Is choosing between Pepsi and coke really a choice?