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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Bud Green

I dig dirt
I'd tell him to write a check for all the wealth he stole from workers, payable to all workers of the world.

Nobody anywhere ever has EARNED a billion dollars. I don't care if you personally cured cancer BY YOURSELF, you do not deserve a billion dollars.

A million seconds is 12 days.
A billion seconds is 31 years.

If you were born the same day as Jesus, and since birth you made $1000/hr 40 hours a week, and you also never spent a dime, you would still not crack the top 20 richest people in America.

Bill Gates retired from Microsoft in 2008 with appx $50 billion dollars. He pledged to give his fortune away and started doing so that year. Since then, his net worth has doubled to over $100 billion.

500 people, who make up 0.0000000625% of the world’s population, own 7% of global wealth.

If they were a country, they would have the 3rd largest economy in the world, only the US and China being larger.

These 500 people gained $1.2 trillion in 2019 alone.

Yeah, blah blah blah...we know the difference between a million and a billion...


Active member
Yeah, blah blah blah...we know the difference between a million and a billion...

Bernie made a career of bashing millionaires and billionaires for years. Once he became a millionaire himself he dropped the line of hating on millionaires. If Bernie became a billionaire he wouldn't lose any supporters.

Mr D

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he would support Senator Bernie Sanders in the general election if Sanders wins the Democratic nomination.

Obama and the DNC start the public take down of Bernie.

I love the delusional thinking that President Bernie is going to be able to do shit with a corrupt uniparty congress and their army of lobbyist.

I think their is good chance the Bernie's health doesn't hold up to a demanding campaign schedule. Same with corn pop Joe.


Active member
I support Bernie because of his policies, which move the dial away from oligarchs and back toward the working class. If he changed his policies he'd lose my support.

Bernie being a millionaire is really the worst thing you can say about him? I think an argument can be made for people to earn a million but definitely NOT a billion.

Politics is no different than sports or life. It's all one in the same. Every year there are new head coaches hired to take their team to the next level. They get these jobs by having the policies the owner thinks will be needed to win.

Polices don't mean shit if you can't win. I want people who can win and make change. Not just give a great speech before every game then end up with a losing record for their team. As Iv'e stated before. Bernie is like a sports analyst who never had to put his policies to the test. Just like the newly hired head coaches sound great. What's determines how great their policies are is their record to change the team and win. Talk is cheap.


Active member
Politics as usual.


The famously independent senator, who briefly joined the Democratic Party to run in the 2016 New Hampshire presidential primary only to un-enroll later, officially announced Monday that he would seek a third term in the Senate this fall. He also said that he’ll pull the same maneuver that he did in his 2006 and 2012 Senate races: Running as a Democrat, declining the nomination when he wins and then running as an independent.

The move makes it virtually impossible for another Democrat to seek the party’s nod. And it allows Sanders to loom large in the party primary in August, but still preserve his independence.


Active member
I wonder if anyone thinks Bernie being pulled in for the inpeachment
Will hurt him.....he'll miss Iowa and If witnesses are called new hamshire
Leaving sleepy Joe and bootyjizz to have their way....


Active member
You say that he's not a 'real' democrat as if that's a bad thing, lmao.

This is the problem with the dem party. You and I agree 90% of the time. But because I don't support Bernie I'm treated like the enemy. This is why many people are turned off by Bernie and his supporters.

Mr D

What Bloomberg actually said, if you read the article, is that he would support the Dem nominee no matter who they were, EVEN IF it was Bernie. Bernie was his example to demonstrate that he'd support a Dem candidate even though he disagreed with them on policy.

Great now explain how Bernie is going to get congress to give up their "perks" and go along with his platforms? Cannavore claimed he would publicly shame them. That's a fuckin hoot.

Bernie has been supporting more government hand outs since his unemployment ran out 40 years ago.

How many times has Bernie voted to fund the wars in the middle east?

Are going to tell me Bernie isn't willing to carry the water for Billionaires after his 2016 cave in to Clinton?

Spare me the for the good of the party spin. If the old bullshitter was true to his supposed principals and beliefs he would have never been Clinton's bitch, flying around on private jets.


Active member
You sound scared, my man. If you didn't think Bernie was a threat you wouldn't bother with this nonsense.

I think it's hilarious that Dems hit Bernie for not being a 'real' Dem and Republicans hit him for being a secret Dem insider.

It's almost as if he makes the entire establishment nervous, I wonder why that is?

Great now explain how Bernie is going to get congress to give up their "perks" and go along with his platforms? Cannavore claimed he would publicly shame them. That's a fuckin hoot.

Bernie has been supporting more government hand outs since his unemployment ran out 40 years ago.

How many times has Bernie voted to fund the wars in the middle east?

Are going to tell me Bernie isn't willing to carry the water for Billionaires after his 2016 cave in to Clinton?

Spare me the for the good of the party spin. If the old bullshitter was true to his supposed principals and beliefs he would have never been Clinton's bitch, flying around on private jets.

Mr D

According to the media Corn Pop Joe has the best chance to beating Trump.



Mr D

You sound scared, my man. If you didn't think Bernie was a threat you wouldn't bother with this nonsense.

I think it's hilarious that Dems hit Bernie for not being a 'real' Dem and Republicans hit him for being a secret Dem insider.

It's almost as if he makes the entire establishment nervous, I wonder why that is?

You sound like someone with no answers to legit questions about how Bernie will move from promises to real policy changes.
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