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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Ichabod 'i'm not stupid- you're stupid' Crane :covereyes:

It wasn't directed at you but hey it kind of fits you too.

Yea, I'm on here crying about spitting on a maga hat.

So you are OK with someone spitting on you?

And I was not crying just posting that it is about time they started rounding up the assaulters and throwing them in jail.

So you keep posting your support for them while Trump keeps posting judges that will follow the law and throw these bums in jail where they belong.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Record number of judges appointed during Trumps first three years. Just wait till he posts judges to the Supreme Court in his next term.


Well-known member
It wasn't directed at you but hey it kind of fits you too.

So you are OK with someone spitting on you?

And I was not crying just posting that it is about time they started rounding up the assaulters and throwing them in jail.

So you keep posting your support for them while Trump keeps posting judges that will follow the law and throw these bums in jail where they belong.

I think it's about time to start rounding up the white supremists and second amendment civil war fanatics. I mean, they're openly talking about starting a civil war in Virginia. "Does the boogaloo begin in Virginia?"

But, let's start with the spitters.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I think it's about time to start rounding up the white supremists and second amendment civil war fanatics. I mean, they're openly talking about starting a civil war in Virginia. "Does the boogaloo begin in Virginia?"

But, let's start with the spitters.

I don't even know how to reply to such ignorance. Just throw the Bill Of Rights out so you can get what you want I guess.


Well-known member
I don't even know how to reply to such ignorance. Just throw the Bill Of Rights out so you can get what you want I guess.

You were the one praising rounding up the spitters. Civil war in Virginia? Whaaa whaa... Bill of Rights.

And I was not crying just posting that it is about time they started rounding up the assaulters and throwing them in jail.

Ignorance? Pffft.


Well-known member
Did you serve in Viet Nam?

I was worried. They shut down the draft just before I was supposed to sign up for the draft. I never had to sign up. I lucked out big time. I had friends that died. I have never signed up, but would have gone if drafted

no, fortunately. a relative was stationed in Thailand when Thailand was still not involved. came back with many stories about thai sticks:woohoo: & cobras/kraits:nono:... i am listed as a viet-nam era vet simply because of the date of entry to military.

Wendull C.

Active member
That's a great point man, 7 fat old white dudes owning 86% of the wealth of the entire world in no way affects your life. Just go back to sleep, I'm sure it'll all work out for you in the end.

Back after 6 months, I see you are still ret.. I mean the same. Carry on.....:biggrin:

Wendull C.

Active member
If your 'burn' could be pointed at anyone and make just as much sense you need to work on your burns.

You're literally a walking, talking version of that stupid sports meme that says "[Your Favorite Sports Team] is GAY, HURR DURR".

Stop being a lazy asshole, BE MOAR FUNNY.

"More" it is spelled more. Or are you the auto correct generation?

White Beard

Active member
Dems are in a fix...they’ve spent the last 40 years crafting themselves into “republican lite”, but now, with the prime-time evisceration and meltdown of the Feudalist Republicans, the ‘new’ Dems, the “Third Way” DLC crew, the ‘kinder, gentler Republicans’ are showing themselves to be deeply conflicted. I consider that a good thing: the Robber Republicans are only conflicted in their relationship with reality - not with each other.

The only reason the Democratic Party still gets any play at all is because what *was* the Republican Party is now living the knuckle-dragging redneck dream: they don’t have to understand, they just have to cheer, vote as directed, and otherwise just shit-talk their ignorance 24/7/52...such a joy to be on the same unchallenging page as all their heroes, I guess? But styling themselves as

The feudalist peanut gallery hasn’t figured out yet that their glory boys don’t care about them, aren’t paying attention to them, won’t listen if they’re not on script, and will only notice them when they run low on cannon-fodder. NO POINT AT ALL in trying to change, challenge, or redirect - or even *reach* - the GOP’s remains until they’re forced to confront their delusions publicly.

That leaves the Dems as the only party what’s left. This is why all the people who actually keep up with and care about this stuff keep going after the donkey: it’s hoped that with enough 2x4s, Dems can be ‘persuaded’ to do necessary things to, y’know, promote the general welfare and provide for the defense of the nation. Or at least not wreck the place and leave it ripe for takeover by anti-Americans like Putin, Un, Kushner, Erdogan, Miller, Bannon...and of course, their “patriotic” shock troops just waiting for orders to start shooting if the God King gets plague-boi election numbers.

What a time to be alive, eh? “Interesting times” for sure. I know now why it was called a curse....
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