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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Obviously his policies are going to help some people, not from being great policies just because if you make a policy, basically ANY policy you are going to see benefits *somewhere* but if you think he's just a 'troll' you aren't paying any attention (or can't tell a fraud from someone at least half genuine).

I would assume most people just don't pay any real attention (because i'm optimistic about peoples abilities.... probably to a fault).

Job growth is slow compared to Obama’s last term. Nothing happening here in Colorado. New construction is slowing down. It may be different in Pence’s home state. That’s the way pork works.

Your 401k may be going up. If you have a family and make $30k a year, chances are there’s not much in there to start with.


Active member
Actually that statement is incorrect. From two separate Iranian sources, Im hearing that the protesters against America, were paid in food and clothing to protest. I was also told the large majority of Iranians want limited war with the US, in order to dispose of their current clerical over controlling government.

The protesters were gathered from several cities, because there are so few in each city that feel that way.

Most Iranians want the Ayatollah dead, and they want normal relations with the US, and especially want their freedom back

You were told?

I’m sure the Iranians are as tired of war as we are. Like many here, they don’t back the Ayatollah or trump. Both are at fault for their suppression.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Sure - its always the common people that suffer more - in any war - yet they are not the ones to decide to go to war or not - most people are peaceful and will try to avoid conflict if they have a choice -

If there was a referendum in any nation about going to war - my bet is that the majority of humanity would vote against it - after all - we do consider ourselves as 'civilised' people - and civilised people should have reason enough to diplomatically ensure that no wars occur -

I’m sure the Iranians are as tired of war as we are. Like many here, they don’t back the Ayatollah or trump. Both are at fault for their suppression.


Active member
The economy stupid?
What’s propping up our economy?
I see construction slowing. No new business. Nothing new in the want ads. Same old cars on the street.
It’s all talk.
We still aren’t producing.
A major investment in green power. Green zones of low cost or even free power would become zones of opportunity.
Put the windmills where the wind is. Put solar under clear skies. Geothermal where it makes since. Manufacturing will follow.
Times change. We need to get on with it.


Active member
jeff bezos is a leftist

my fucking sides


leftist means anti capitalist. i'm sure the richest capitalist to ever exist in the fucking world is anti capitalist lmaoaojdoaimsdoimasodinasodinsdoimserwetgthfghdfgsxdefzsf

You give leftist to much credit. The leftist who lead, use the system to enrich themselves at yourexpense. . They use government control of everything to secure their position. Capitalism ensures freedom of choice, competition, innovation and freedom to become what you are willing to work for.

Remember under capitalism you are free to not purchase their products. Unlike the perfect example of leftism, Obamacare government forcing people to buy a product. Or better yet ,M4A, where you literally have no choice. The money will be removed from you, with no choice to purchase, or not. Oh, you resist time for a jail cell.


Active member
The economy stupid?
What’s propping up our economy?
I see construction slowing. No new business. Nothing new in the want ads. Same old cars on the street.
It’s all talk.
We still aren’t producing.
A major investment in green power. Green zones of low cost or even free power would become zones of opportunity.
Put the windmills where the wind is. Put solar under clear skies. Geothermal where it makes since. Manufacturing will follow.
Times change. We need to get on with it.

Not a single fact I this delusional post.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I'm watching the lives of everyone improve around me. Everybody that had no job a few years ago is now making ends meet. My 401K is doing the best I have ever seen since I got that going. Really people can cry all they want because they don't like his trolling but his policies are working for me.

His policies may soon bring disaster to your favorite little creek.


Active member
Sure - its always the common people that suffer more - in any war - yet they are not the ones to decide to go to war or not - most people are peaceful and will try to avoid conflict if they have a choice -

If there was a referendum in any nation about going to war - my bet is that the majority of humanity would vote against it - after all - we do consider ourselves as 'civilised' people - and civilised people should have reason enough to diplomatically ensure that no wars occur -

Populism drives war.
Attacking Iran has always been a fringe idea backed by the same populist movement that promoted the idea of WMD’s. Weak leaders harness this energy.

Trump is the horse thief at the saloon calling for a hanging. Marshal Dylan standing in the doorway of the jailhouse is sane America.


ICMag Donor
jeff bezos is a leftist
my fucking sides


leftist means anti capitalist. i'm sure the richest capitalist to ever exist in the fucking world is anti capitalist lmaoaojdoaimsdoimasodinasodinsdoimserwetgthfghdfgsxdefzsf

This is where you got it wrong.

It's not anti capitalists. It's about everyone doing their fair share.

Capitalism is broken.

The Proof, Billionaires buying their way into presidential elections and overpowering millions of individuals making campaign donations. Further proof, corporations and billionaires effectively owning the government and buying rule changes so they are above the law and pay no taxes.


Active member
Could you translate better?

Lowest unemployment in 50 years. Highest labor participation rate in decades. Lowest minority unemployment ever. 7 million unfilled jobs. Wage growth, specifically in the lowest tax brackets. The stockmarket is exploding.

Even CNN has stated this is the best economy of our lifetime.

Sorry if I don't post in your native Arabic, Google translate can help you.


Active member
This is where you got it wrong.

It's not anti capitalists. It's about everyone doing their fair share.

Capitalism is broken.

The Proof, Billionaires buying their way into presidential elections and overpowering millions of individuals making campaign donations. Further proof, corporations and billionaires effectively owning the government and buying rule changes so they are above the law and pay no taxes.

This is the crony capitalism, the establishment Democrats have gotten filthy rich on. Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Sanders, let's not forget Obama ect.

When you say everyone doing their fair share, I am assuming you mean millionaires , and Billionaires. Oops Bernie is a millionaire, so, let's drop the millionaire and stick to the billionaires.

To me everyone doing their fair share, means, everyone working to support themselves, and their families. Not AOC'S funding of those unwilling to work.


Well-known member
Highest cost of living and lowest wages ever. Billionaires making billions. Just because people are working hard making the rich get richer is no reason to celebrate.


Active member
This is where you got it wrong.

It's not anti capitalists. It's about everyone doing their fair share.

Capitalism is broken.

The Proof, Billionaires buying their way into presidential elections and overpowering millions of individuals making campaign donations. Further proof, corporations and billionaires effectively owning the government and buying rule changes so they are above the law and pay no taxes.

Tom Steyer complaining about Bloomberg’s spending?


Active member
Lowest unemployment in 50 years. Highest labor participation rate in decades. Lowest minority unemployment ever. 7 million unfilled jobs. Wage growth, specifically in the lowest tax brackets. The stockmarket is exploding.

Even CNN has stated this is the best economy of our lifetime.

Sorry if I don't post in your native Arabic, Google translate can help you.
That wasn’t very good English you posted.
I did use Google translate, trying to figure out the garbage papa trump was posting. He apparently did the same. Probably piss poor Arabic. They're probably looking at it thinking “ WTF”.
Employment has been building for 50 years. I’ve been through all 50 of them.
We were at the crest of a housing and tech boom that was seriously exploited due to lack of regulations. Like now, the economy was too good. Wages doubled. Inflation went unnoticed as family homes sold for huge profits.
Then it all stopped.
We’re lowering regulations, fucking with the money supply, manipulating interest rates, while racking up a huge deficit. Our farms are in stalemate. Our manufacturing hasn’t stepped up, nothing I see locally. Maybe in Pence’s home state.
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