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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You two, bigtacofarmer and New England, i think you are squabbling over a misunderstanding....

I took this comment from NE 'I dont know anyone who wants to see any country or its inhabitants fail'

as meaning literally what it reads....

And his reply from btf 'Living sustainably while growing food is not failing. Over consuming while fellow earthlings starve is failing. Get your facts straight.'

as thinking that NE was being sarcastic towards you, by suggesting that you wanted to see your country fail.

I could be completely wrong :biglaugh: but that's what i thought when i read through.... that you guys are arguing over something not there, sarcasm can be hard to interpret through text :ying:

I simply mean what I said.I dont want any country to fail,and nobody I associate with does.
No subliminal message in there.Pretty strait forward just like the other day when I said I would like to take in more Africans who are starving and dying.This fucking guy asks if I'm going to drive there to get them.WTF
This thread is full of people telling other people what is in their heart.Seems like that's a form of narcissism that even trump strives for.
But I really dont care what he thinks,this thread is just purely like a Disney ride,come sling some shit,get a chuckle here and there.Free entertainment,breeders should start handing out their newly grown strains to everyone on here to to test the medicinal value for psychiatric disorders.Just check in monthly between now and 2020 ,whoever gets a positive response from said strain gets a free pack of Karma's SD bx....hahaha


Active member
I kind of think 60% or more don't even vote. I've only voted twice in my life. I'd say the silent majority is sick of the left and right wing.

So what you're saying is... This whole mess is the fault of you and everyone else who don't vote?

If you're sick of 'both sides' (whatever the hell that means) do something. If you don't vote and won't vote, what you think about things doesn't matter in the slightest.


Well-known member
I kind of think 60% or more don't even vote. I've only voted twice in my life. I'd say the silent majority is sick of the left and right wing.

you have it half correct

50% didnt vote in 2016
25%/25% roughly voted for each party

the silent majority are independents who when you go down the list issue by issue, line up with the more progressive valued policians like Bernie, which is why he has been the most popular politician in the country since he ran for president. so it's not that theyre sick of left/right, they're sick of republican and democrat. democrats aren't the left (which is another reason why 50% of americans are unaffiliated. the left has had no real representation until the Bernie wing starting rising up).

the problem though is the way things are worded. an example is Obamacare/ACA. Ask someone on the street if they like Obamacare, they'll say no, then ask them if they like the ACA and they'll say yes. The way arguments are framed in this country pretty much dictates how much support each issue has. and the media does a great job in keeping american discourse in a small narrowly defined box that they have control over.

the silent majority supports raising taxes on top earners, they support medicare for all by upwards of 70% of the population according to polls, they want to end the wars, legalize weed, they want to do something about climate change, and so on.


ICMag Donor
Honestly I had the same impression. I think both are pretty level headed even though New England is, well you know............:thank you:

You two, bigtacofarmer and New England, i think you are squabbling over a misunderstanding....

I took this comment from NE 'I dont know anyone who wants to see any country or its inhabitants fail'

as meaning literally what it reads....

And his reply from btf 'Living sustainably while growing food is not failing. Over consuming while fellow earthlings starve is failing. Get your facts straight.'

as thinking that NE was being sarcastic towards you, by suggesting that you wanted to see your country fail.

I could be completely wrong :biglaugh: but that's what i thought when i read through.... that you guys are arguing over something not there, sarcasm can be hard to interpret through text :ying:


Well-known member
Bernie killed this Washington Post interview the other day.

I love that he called out Bezos on his own platform lmao (Bezos owns the Washington Post).

Video starts around the 4 minute mark



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Honestly I had the same impression. I think both are pretty level headed even though New England is, well you know............:thank you:

hahaha I admit it! Not the level headed part though.
I honestly dont want to see any country fail,that's just ridiculous.
When I said I wanted to take in these poor Africans who are starving,malnourished,dying.I was being honest and human.
But even something like that coming from someone who voted for trump in 2016,isn't acceptable.
If you voted for Trump you are deplorable,end of story,you have no right to give any input,you are evil,you dont care about brown or black people.You get thrown into that vague deplorable basket.If that's the way it is,then that's the way it is.Build the wall through the United states and choose sides and live with it.This seems to be where we are headed,if it is,so be it.
The hate on both sides is escalating so much,it may be the most radical,but may ultimately be the only way at this point.
Each side really is the enemy,I guess its unwise to live with your enemies.


Well-known member
So what you're saying is... This whole mess is the fault of you and everyone else who don't vote?

If you're sick of 'both sides' (whatever the hell that means) do something. If you don't vote and won't vote, what you think about things doesn't matter in the slightest.

I actually voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary, he actually beat Hillary Clinton in my state but the super delegates went to Hillary. I certainly wasn't going to vote for any Democrats after that shit. Lol, Hillary still won my state though.

I am sick of both corporate parties, I tried voting Libertarian but they didn't have a chance to begin with. There is nobody really too vote for Trump kind of sucks but he's certainly no worse than Bush and Obama he actually hasn't even started a new war yet. He does seem to be trying to get a peaceful end to our 70 year old war with North Korea that's still technically going. Some balls on the guy too, North Korea could have assassinated him, about the best chance they ever had.


Active member
Can you clarify exactly who we need to tolerate,are you talking about the 40 - 50% of our nation that supports Trump?
If that's the case I applaud your efforts,but that wont happen.
If that's not the demographic you're referring to,what's you answer to persuade that 40 - 50% of the nation to be more tolerant to another demographic.
Just curious what your plan would be to fix the nation.

As explained to me by the then warden of the prison in SLO .

Take no more than an eye for an eye. You don’t need the whole eye.
Reform, not punish.

My plan?
Fix what?
I wouldn’t vote for myself.
Some folks are better at it.
Warren for example.

White Beard

Active member
Well then he will probably be the 1st to be reelected with less.

Sadly, not so: ~50% of the electorate (those eligible by citizenship and age) has been sitting out elections since a while now. I first noticed it back in ‘80, when I was digging into the “Reagan Landslide“, and it’s remained a thing since.

What this means from one POV is that the American electorate has consistently voted NO on both candidates in the only way they can - leaving the “parties” to squabble over the remainder.

It also means that no candidate for president has won with even 30% of the people supporting him in at least 40 years.
I make myself out to be a weed farmer and a casual observer. My political stripes are not the topic of discussion here. I can't vote in America anyways.
My opinion is of a 50sumthin year old civilian living in a country that is a neighbor to the usa.
My career has taken me to a good majority of the shittiest places on this planet on the premise of humanitarian aid. I've spent time in prisons in some of the darkest placest on the planet just for being where foreigners are not welcome by the local "police".

I've watched America wage war over oil, I've seen all the videos and movies of the iran/contra drugs for guns stuff. I've watched all the movies about the black and white drug kingpins of that era. I've seen with my eyes wide open the path amereica has taken over the past few decades.

I'm no expert but for the first time in my adult life I feel "safer" as a citizen of this world with a guy like trump at the helm of America.
My thinking is if you move to a country, adapt and respect it's culture, don't move there and then try and impose your views to change it. All the while whining and crying that you are being persecuted LOL That issue is huge in north america right now, canada included.
Yes the left wing democrat/liberal movement in the world is a dangerous thing and I want no part of it. Smoke and mirrors and lies in the media.
I officially gave up on American major news when I watch that judge Kavanaugh fiasco play out. The dems lobbied 100's of thousands of americans and people world wide against him. Filled the streets with placards and banners and advertisements paid for by WHO? Demonizing the man as a rapist, a mysoginist….. a scum bag trump appointee. He was made guilty by the media and women's activist groups funded by the dems, by hilary.
And at the end of the day it was all a big lie..... millions of people were led down the garden path on a lie and I watched it all play out on my television like a bad movie. Americans who participated in that victimizing of an innocent man should be deeply ashamed of themselves as human beings.
but no, let's blame the White nationalists and racists for all of America's problems. LOL

The biggest propaganda machine in history is trying to roll you folks right over and trump is all that stands in the way. Bet on it.
And I have zero tolerance for racism of any kind though I absolutely defend free speech and a person's free thinking right to denounce religion and cultural practices that do not agree with them. I also believe in every persons right to life, liberty and freedom within their means. You want a better life, make it happen. If laws must be followed, follow them but never fall under the yolk of your governments oppression. I'm okay with immigration , my wife is an immigrant to Canada, but if laws dictate how that happens, everyone must follow the same procedures and laws.
But no there are people who think we should get rid of all the borders, scrap all the laws and just wake up to a utopian society where everyone gets their hand out from the government and everyone is told how to think and act.

I'm starting to think that George orwell's 1984 was a premonition , like a Nostradamus -like fortelling of the world by 2030 LOL
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Well-known member
I make myself out to be a weed farmer and a casual observer. My political stripes are not the topic of discussion here. I can't vote in America anyways.
My opinion is of a 50sumthin year old civilian living in a country that is a neighbor to the usa.
My career has taken me to a good majority of the shittiest places on this planet on the premise of humanitarian aid. I've spent time in prisons in some of the darkest placest on the planet just for being where foreigners are not welcome by the local "police".

I've watched America wage war over oil, I've seen all the videos and movies of the iran/contra drugs for guns stuff. I've watched all the movies about the black and white drug kingpins of that era. I've seen with my eyes wide open the path amereica has taken over the past few decades.

I'm no expert but for the first time in my adult life I feel "safer" as a citizen of this world with a guy like trump at the helm of America.
My thinking is if you move to a country, adapt and respect it's culture, don't move there and then try and impose your views to change it. All the while whining and crying that you are being persecuted LOL That issue is huge in north america right now, canada included.
Yes the left wing democrat/liberal movement in the world is a dangerous thing and I want no part of it. Smoke and mirrors and lies in the media.
I officially gave up on American major news when I watch that judge Kavanaugh fiasco play out. The dems lobbied 100's of thousands of americans and people world wide against him. Filled the streets with placards and banners and advertisements paid for by WHO? Demonizing the man as a rapist, a mysoginist….. a scum bag trump appointee. He was made guilty by the media and women's activist groups funded by the dems.…. by hilary.
And at the end of the day it was all a big lie..... millions of people were led down the garden path on a lie and I watched it all play out on my television like a bad movie. Americans who participated in that victimizing of an innocent man should be deeply ashamed of themselves as human beings.....
but no..... let's blame the White nationalists and racists for all of America's problems. LOL

The biggest propaganda machine in history is trying to roll you folks right over and trump is all that stands in the way. Bet on it.

As an American citizen that believes in taking care of our planet and tries to read from several news sources not just one I have came to the exact opposite conclusion about shithead president.

I do agree the propaganda machine is strong. And what they want is equally terrible as what shit head wants.

I would like to see Bernie get more attention. The fact that the billionaires and media hate him should be a great sign as to what is better for the people.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sadly, not so: ~50% of the electorate (those eligible by citizenship and age) has been sitting out elections since a while now. I first noticed it back in ‘80, when I was digging into the “Reagan Landslide“, and it’s remained a thing since.

What this means from one POV is that the American electorate has consistently voted NO on both candidates in the only way they can - leaving the “parties” to squabble over the remainder.

It also means that no candidate for president has won with even 30% of the people supporting him in at least 40 years.

Personally I think if Congress would fix the immigration issues at the border,Trump may lose the 2020 bid for reelection.
That's the issue he has hooked MOST of his base on.
Fix that,and what else would Trump have.

Not sure why those who oppose him,wouldnt take his weapon away from him.

He couldn't just run on the 2nd amendment and win.


Well-known member
What can be fixed when the self proclaimed "grim reaper" of the senate vows not to pass any legislation that helps democrats in any way?

And the president refuses to sign it?

They can't even get funding for first responders through the senate. Pathetic. Don't forget, our government told them that the air was safe to breathe. It wasn't, and they would have helped regardless. That's a real patriot. That's an American.

Do you really wonder why those who oppose him can't take his immigration weapon away? That's the point.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
There has to be an answer to the insanity,I didnt sign up to be a nazi when I voted for him in 2020.

Unfortunately the Democrats are not going to beat him with votes,not with some of the policies they've pinned themselves to.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
No real legislation will get passed with Trump and the GOP at the helm. Anything passed by Dems wont even get voted on in the senate. Go back to when the Dems held control. At least they would compromise and do thee jobs to get legislation though. Our GOV can only work with both sides working together. This POTUS only continues to divide us. The BS he does everyday lost him the WH and Senate. I disagree, there are plenty of votes to get him out of the WH.

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