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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Sadly humanity is still mostly in the tribal stage of social evolution - so whoever is not of your tribe is an 'alien' - and alien and enemy seem to be inextricably linked -

Today a 'tribe' could be a group of people who bake cakes together - or drink beer together - support the same football team - or the same boy band - salute a certain flag - or pray to a certain god.

Maybe one day all humanity can collectively evolve - all at the same time - to go beyond the tribal stage - and not fractionate humanity - so turning brother on brother due to biological or ideological differences - its surely a nice pipe dream.

I doubt anything will ever change, I almost got in a fight over a football game, Patriots against the Colts. Lol, I honestly didn't care too much who won, but just cause I was rooting for the other team I was the asshole. Lol, can't be because Tom Brady threw an interception that resulted in a touchdown!! :biggrin:

It was then I learned people from Massachusetts are bat shit crazy about sports. I guarantee people have died over sports in Boston. Lol


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I doubt anything will ever change, I almost got in a fight over a football game, Patriots against the Colts. Lol, I honestly didn't care too much who won, but just cause I was rooting for the other team I was the asshole. Lol, can't be because Tom Brady threw an interception that resulted in a touchdown!! :biggrin:

It was then I learned people from Massachusetts are bat shit crazy about sports. I guarantee people have died over sports in Boston. Lol
Which team were you rooting for btw


ICMag Donor
Do you really think Trump supports the KKK? I bet my left nut Trump has Jewish friends, he's also pro Israel. I actually seen a video of one of the big time white supremacists being disappointed in Trump I think that was CNN too. Meanwhile the left is actually anti Israel, especially in your "squad". :tiphat:

Look Capt. I've been round and round explaining it to some of the thickest people on the planet. If you haven't got it by now you truly are Captain Clueless.

Look, there really are people who don't care about how-much-a-month I want a Humm-Vee. Instead they drive a shitty little car and give money to groups like Doctors Without Borders. It's about humanity. It's about seeing destitute people and feeling something, wanting to help. It's obvious in these pages that some people simply are not capable.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Claiming more crime is committed by minorities is a racist statement no matter how you cut it
Sorry you got butthurt.

More made up BS.. I never claimed any Minority was committing more crimes. In fact they commit far less crimes than US citizen. You cant even remember what it is I was talking about.. People like you are so uneducated we cant have a intelligent discussions about any issues we face. That's what rattles my cage. You just call everyone a racist when something gets posted you dont like. Your jsut being a thread troll at this point.

To remind you I was talking about there education lol.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i do find it interesting that everyone is upset because illegal immigrants get separated from their kids, but no one says a word about the millions of prisoners separated from their kids for bull shit, victimless so called crimes. in the end those people made the choice to smuggle them selves and their kids in, they made the choice not to go through official asylum or immigration channels. if the US was to let everyone in freely who wanted to cross, half the third world population would arrive on your door step over the next 20 years.

Africa's, overpopulation problem will be shifted to the US and any other nation foolish enough not to enforce border security. then the problems of your average citizen will be very different to now. maybe visit one of these places you want to turn you nation into before you tear down trumps wall. i'm sorry but i'm selfish and i don't want to become a minority in my own country and as we always seem to copy you guys i hope you get it right. asylum and migration are not the same thing. if you make thm the same, you are robbing future generations of everything their ancestors built for them. yes it's not nice, but its logical. the maths speaks for it's self. how many of these nations would let us in if the rolls were reversed?

said it before and ill say it again, people need to be helped in their own countries. or as close as possible. you get 100 dollars worth of goods over there, for every dollar you spend here. just like the Syrians, we should have kept them near their country, instead of even offering them incentives to migrate permanently to the EU.

you will not solve poverty, corruption in the world by letting everyone come to the west. all you will do is destroy the living standard of the western nations average citizens.

speaking of world poverty levels and starvation, we have never in history had fewer people in extreme poverty and starvation on this planet. now is the time to invest in those nations, not make war on them and sanction them. that only makes more people run away from them.

some migration has always been the norm and it's a good thing for nations, but mass migration is a whole different story, we are seeing the consequences already in places like Germany. and you idiots who think you are being "nice", don't realize that it is already back firing and radical right wingers are riding the wave of outrage to power. so yeah, fucking thanks. thats exactly how it always starts.

the more radical the left acts, the more the right will be gaining power and support by the average population, who can add 2 and 2 and have eyes to see their neighborhood and country, changing in front of them, not for the better either. sexual assault, violence and crime increase exponentially, to the point where the gov stop sharing ethnicities of criminals, which again back fires as outraged leakers share the truth. so where do you think this will all end? a very bad place imo.

let me add, i don't like Trump. i know in this age of polarization and taking sides instead of discussing issues, everything is interpreted as pro or against Trump. so let me be clear i am no fan, i see him as a bad diplomat and thin skinned easily manipulated by his ego by his war mongering advisors. still he has not started a new war yet, long may that last. for the rest you guys presidents have been getting steadily worse anyway, so no surprises there.

Cant let this be forgotten


Well-known member
Look Capt. I've been round and round explaining it to some of the thickest people on the planet. If you haven't got it by now you truly are Captain Clueless.

Look, there really are people who don't care about how-much-a-month I want a Humm-Vee. Instead they drive a shitty little car and give money to groups like Doctors Without Borders. It's about humanity. It's about seeing destitute people and feeling something, wanting to help. It's obvious in these pages that some people simply are not capable.

Makes my head spin on some days.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You’re hearing it backwards. It’s not about revenge.
It’s about tolerance.

Can you clarify exactly who we need to tolerate,are you talking about the 40 - 50% of our nation that supports Trump?
If that's the case I applaud your efforts,but that wont happen.
If that's not the demographic you're referring to,what's you answer to persuade that 40 - 50% of the nation to be more tolerant to another demographic.
Just curious what your plan would be to fix the nation.


Well-known member
Can you clarify exactly who we need to tolerate,are you talking about the 40 - 50% of our nation that supports Trump?
If that's the case I applaud your efforts,but that wont happen.
If that's not the demographic you're referring to,what's you answer to persuade that 40 - 50% of the nation to be more tolerant to another demographic.
Just curious what your plan would be to fix the nation.

I would start will asking all people that do not want to start quickly working on a sustainable lifestyle that allows all of earths inhabitants to thrive, to please leave. And then start planting gardens.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm pretty sure any would need the appropriate Visa to move to another country. Those with experience in this would know whats needed.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would start will asking all people that do not want to start quickly working on a sustainable lifestyle that allows all of earths inhabitants to thrive, to please leave. And then start planting gardens.

For all the earth's inhabitants to thrive where?
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