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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Look Capt. I've been round and round explaining it to some of the thickest people on the planet. If you haven't got it by now you truly are Captain Clueless.

Look, there really are people who don't care about how-much-a-month I want a Humm-Vee. Instead they drive a shitty little car and give money to groups like Doctors Without Borders. It's about humanity. It's about seeing destitute people and feeling something, wanting to help. It's obvious in these pages that some people simply are not capable.

Now Captain Clueless just hurts my feelings. Oh I get it, I get that you can't accept the way the world is.

In Burma the boys are taken away from their families to serve the drug Lord. The women are forced to grow poppy and are probably raped by the soldiers since there is no men. They could grow rice and never go hungry and live peacefully. Now as much as I would love Trump to go in and liberate these people, it's a jungle just like Vietnam. We certainly don't have room for their millions of people either, plus the ones stuck behind will be forced to breed a new generation of soldiers repeating the same damn problem.

Sure letting everyone in seems like the compassionate thing to do, but what's going to happen to the few good people who actually stand up to the tyrants? They won't stand a chance, we need to arm refugees and send them back home. It's the only solution.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Living sustainably while growing food is not failing. Over consuming while fellow earthlings starve is failing. Get your facts straight.

OK thanks,apparently I stand corrected.I just didnt realize that I wanted other country's to fail.
Maybe I'll undergo hypnosis to bring it out.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You need to get out more then.

Yep that's what I do at work,we gather round and see how we can impose harm to other countries.

Anyone here that wants to see countries not thrive and be independently successful please chime in.

Just curious who they are.


Well-known member
Can you clarify exactly who we need to tolerate,are you talking about the 40 - 50% of our nation that supports Trump?
If that's the case I applaud your efforts,but that wont happen.
If that's not the demographic you're referring to,what's you answer to persuade that 40 - 50% of the nation to be more tolerant to another demographic.
Just curious what your plan would be to fix the nation.

40-50% of the US doesnt support Trump though


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Living sustainably while growing food is not failing. Over consuming while fellow earthlings starve is failing. Get your facts straight.

Ok no more Ribeyes off the grill for me.
I'll feel guilty for working,and buying food for my family.

Prison portions for everyone!
If anyone has any questions about their dietary intake please contact BIG....tacofarmer


Yep that's what I do at work,we gather round and see how we can impose harm to other countries.

Anyone here that wants to see countries not thrive and be independently successful please chime in.

Just curious who they are.

Raises hand and spins a globe..."fuck you...Angola."
Bee's round a honeypot - grass is greener - people are going to travel - and either sovereign 1st world nations allow mass uncontrolled immigration - or they don't - and if they do - ''after a while the 1st world might start looking like the 3rd world because of it''. <that's often the argument>

Just think of all the brain-drain these under-developed countries get with most all the smart/educated people leaving for the west - makes it much harder for them to progress without the people to do it with - instead of letting this continue - how about training/educating these fleeing nationals to be able to return to build their own nations one day - so allow visas on condition that they return to their nation with a valid skill, that will help and encourage nation building - Problem with that is - very few actually go back - because the grass is greener.

none of which can be blamed on mr trump.
the issues you speak of should be dealt with by the countries those people are educated in so they can't just leave their country and become a professional elsewhere. *Brain Drain* has existed for all of the modern era of man, no country is immune and again, not Trump's fault.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I want my species to suceed If you think that is failure its due to your own issues.

Fuck me,I want to thank Relentless for the WhitePie,apparently its stronger than I thought.
I cant even make sense out of this guys post at times.
Fuck it though I'm bored ,and it's free entertainment


You two, bigtacofarmer and New England, i think you are squabbling over a misunderstanding....

I took this comment from NE 'I dont know anyone who wants to see any country or its inhabitants fail'

as meaning literally what it reads....

And his reply from btf 'Living sustainably while growing food is not failing. Over consuming while fellow earthlings starve is failing. Get your facts straight.'

as thinking that NE was being sarcastic towards you, by suggesting that you wanted to see your country fail.

I could be completely wrong :biglaugh: but that's what i thought when i read through.... that you guys are arguing over something not there, sarcasm can be hard to interpret through text :ying:


Well-known member
Living sustainably while growing food is not failing. Over consuming while fellow earthlings starve is failing. Get your facts straight.

The NGO's feeding these people are one of the biggest problem. I certainly don't want them to starve.... But yeah, you give a man a fish he can eat that day, but you teach a man how to fish he will never go hungry again.

This US/EU grown rice and beans can be grown in them countries for a fraction of the price while the local farmers get that donation money and buy tractors. Really kind of surprising none of these charities seem to be promoting sustainable farming. Of course, these charities are run by multimillionaires for profit.

Who knows maybe once legalization of marijuana pushes all of us out of the business we can form our own non profit charity. :biggrin: We can travel the third world and grow thousands of acres of food with help of the locals who not only feed themselves and their families and friends but they get paid a little bit to do it especially when they grow enough to export. The only rule is a few pounds of dank bud are required on hand at each farm, I certainly don't want to smoke shitty weed in a place as perfect to grow weed as Africa.

It could really be done especially with YouTube and shit, we could be bigger than the Clinton Foundation while making a real difference in the world. We'd probably get killed in Somalia and Burma but we could help some countries.


Well-known member
Fuck me,I want to thank Relentless for the WhitePie,apparently its stronger than I thought.
I cant even make sense out of this guys post at times.
Fuck it though I'm bored ,and it's free entertainment

I recommemd extremely high doses of LSD and dmt. You will get it


Alright man, so hear me out...its a zero sum game and the LORD himself will determine the winners and losers. Little do they know, we got the proper vitamin supplements to weather the upcoming wars.

...you do realize i am being facetious right?


Well-known member
You two, bigtacofarmer and New England, i think you are squabbling over a misunderstanding....

I took this comment from NE 'I dont know anyone who wants to see any country or its inhabitants fail'

as meaning literally what it reads....

And his reply from btf 'Living sustainably while growing food is not failing. Over consuming while fellow earthlings starve is failing. Get your facts straight.'

as thinking that NE was being sarcastic towards you, by suggesting that you wanted to see your country fail.

I could be completely wrong :biglaugh: but that's what i thought when i read through.... that you guys are arguing over something not there, sarcasm can be hard to interpret through text :ying:

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