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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
GOP needs the open sore of immigration to poke at for political purposes. The base needs the outrage. Business still wants unaccountable workers. The rich still want servants.

The GOP has been trying to fix it. Remember. its a manufactured crisis. Yeah, a manufactured crisis until Americans got fed up. Congress could have fixed it in 15 minutes, but nope it's more important to win a political battle, than saving children's lives.

Why won't you help save the children?

Are you a monster, who wants children to die?

Why do you want brown children to die?


Well-known member
obama put the race card away.
so everyone is using the racist card now.

the government wants us fighting with each
other. then they have more power. if we could
pull together as a nation we could do great things.
so lets try to come up with realistic solutions to the
real problems. plus grouping people as trumptards
or snowflakes is childish. there are good and bad on
both sides. quit fighting and use the hive mind to make
it better for everyone. this could really lead into a civil war.
if so we are all fucked. be the 2nd 1/2 of civil war game.
score is yanks 1 rebels 0 let's not go there.
last time there was mass migration was just before ww2.
let's not go there either. borders need a real fixing worldwide.

lastly everyone is racist in some way. like saying trumptard
is racist, in it's own way. grouping a group together to talk down to.


  • enoughl_zpsal2gxaeh.jpg
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racism is alive and well in every country on this planet, in every city, in every town, all around the world.
I did some work in east Africa a few years ago and could not leave the compound without an armed escort. That meant a jeep with two soldiers in the front seat and a 3rd standing in the back of the rover , both hands gripping the handles of a 30 caliber machine gun. Why you ask?
because I was white and a foreigner. Didn't matter I was there to help people. I was white and a foreigner. I've been treated with racism and indignation is several countries of the world I have travelled in. I've even been treated with blatant racism by immigrants in my own country.

all these people using these stupid labels: racist, xenophope, misogynist and aI could go on at nauseum need to get a grip on themselves and realize that thse things are a global problem and were not caused by Mr Trump.

the world is a safer place since he became president. Obumhole droned more civillians and did more to push America to war with that rabid cow hilary goading him on.
Pull the wool off your heads people.

I really hope you 'mericans can hold on to liberty this next election.


ICMag Donor
At least I want those kids to live. How can you live with yourself knowing you are advocating for the death of children to further a political issue. You are definitely more than intolerant. The level you have sunk to is a disgusting new low, even for you.

All kids deserve to live, not any particular color. God damn you are a fucking disgusting racist.

There are dead kids because of the politics that you advocate. They wait at the border endlessly for asylum because of your guy trump and finally they try to go around and some die. Blame it on me and Obama and call us racist? You're the one supporting the only president ever sanctioned by congress for being a racist and you try to turn that around on me?

Your statements justifying the taking of children from their parents are just unbelievable. Some kids will never be returned to their parents and that's ok with you. It's their parents fault. You are infected with some kind of sickness and your line of logic is nothing more than pure stupidity.


Active member
There are dead kids because of the politics that you advocate. They wait at the border endlessly for asylum because of your guy trump and finally they try to go around and some die. Blame it on me and Obama and call us racist? You're the one supporting the only president ever sanctioned by congress for being a racist and you try to turn that around on me?

Your statements justifying the taking of children from their parents are just unbelievable. Some kids will never be returned to their parents and that's ok with you. It's their parents fault. You are infected with some kind of sickness and your line of logic is nothing more than pure stupidity.

Why do you want brown people to die, so your political party can get a win. That's fucking sad.

Of course it's their parents fault. A parents number one job is to keep their children safe. You can't put your children in harm's way and claim to not be responsible for the outcome. All I seek is the fair and equal enforcement of the law's of this nation. You seek the free, unregulated, immigration, with a law enforcement policy that treats Americans differently than Illegal immigrants. Specifically I see stupidity, but it sure as hell ain't me.


I think we need to have an honest, open, frank discussion about erectile dysfunction.

And I'll have buttons made ...,"Ask me about my penis"
There are dead kids because of the politics that you advocate. They wait at the border endlessly for asylum because of your guy trump and finally they try to go around and some die. Blame it on me and Obama and call us racist? You're the one supporting the only president ever sanctioned by congress for being a racist and you try to turn that around on me?

Your statements justifying the taking of children from their parents are just unbelievable. Some kids will never be returned to their parents and that's ok with you. It's their parents fault. You are infected with some kind of sickness and your line of logic is nothing more than pure stupidity.

wait a minute..... so you are saying that it's trumps fault that full grown adults are risking thier own lives and the lives of thier children to illegally migrate to the US? That makes Trump a racist?
That's messed up right there.
I desperately want to be an american but if I illegally migrate from my country I am a crimminal not a victim. That's the law in virtually every country of the world.
It's not trumps fault that scores and scores of people are leaving thier countries to illegally migrate. it is the governments of those migrant's nations who are at fault for causing those people to migrate.
What are you blaming trump for when you should be putting that energy into fighting for real issues. like the reasons those people are choosing to migrate in the first place.

you can get upset with me and call me all the catch words of the left wing crazies all you want.
The left wing and the media is the US are the "real" threat to the american dream and so many people have thier blinders on.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Bee's round a honeypot - grass is greener - people are going to travel - and either sovereign 1st world nations allow mass uncontrolled immigration - or they don't - and if they do - ''after a while the 1st world might start looking like the 3rd world because of it''. <that's often the argument>

Just think of all the brain-drain these under-developed countries get with most all the smart/educated people leaving for the west - makes it much harder for them to progress without the people to do it with - instead of letting this continue - how about training/educating these fleeing nationals to be able to return to build their own nations one day - so allow visas on condition that they return to their nation with a valid skill, that will help and encourage nation building - Problem with that is - very few actually go back - because the grass is greener.


Active member
Ive read that. IMO its a lame excuse as a talking point. Most people are not Racist. If called a racist no one can respond without some idiot saying that lol.

Claiming more crime is committed by minorities is a racist statement no matter how you cut it
Sorry you got butthurt.


Active member
Bee's round a honeypot - grass is greener - people are going to travel - and either sovereign 1st world nations allow mass uncontrolled immigration - or they don't - and if they do - ''after a while the 1st world might start looking like the 3rd world because of it''. <that's often the argument>

Just think of all the brain-drain these under-developed countries get with most all the smart/educated people leaving for the west - makes it much harder for them to progress without the people to do it with - instead of letting this continue - how about training/educating these fleeing nationals to be able to return to build their own nations one day - so allow visas on condition that they return to their nation with a valid skill, that will help and encourage nation building - Problem with that is - very few actually go back - because the grass is greener.
And their kids don’t get inducted or killed.
God made one world.
You’re only here because of luck.


Active member
Lol. You don't like it, call your Congress man. Congress could fix it in 15 minutes. You know the part of government that makes the laws.

No one is being held against their will. They can leave anytime they want. They can return to their country of origin at anytime.

We’ve fucked with Central America for years. This is as much our fault as anybody’s.
Banana republics are very much a part of our history.
Good trade deals would benefit us all.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Tell me about it - it took me over 5 years to be reunited with my family - after being forcibly seperated by 8,000 miles - and more visa restrictions and costs than you could ever imagine - every day of those 5 years I was worried that my kids/wife were not safe.

And their kids don’t get inducted or killed.
God made one world.
You’re only here because of luck.


Active member
Tell me about it - it took me over 5 years to be reunited with my family - after being forcibly seperated by 8,000 miles - and more visa restrictions and costs than you could ever imagine - every day of those 5 years I was worried that my kids/wife were not safe.

You did that for “greener grass”?


Well-known member
I traveled quite a bit for work and have seen it in many places. Even in Mass - RI, I've heard Obama publicly referred to as "Da Nigga" on several occasions by people who immediately were exed of my list. Racism is alive and well in the US - sad but true.

I actually think racism is worse in Massachusetts and RI. But people of color just can't be racist of white people and Jews....

Fact is people of color are racist of each other. The Mexican Mafia kicked black people out of the 13th Street gang. Mexican Mafia and the blacks are the ones really fighting in federal prison, the Aryans are kind of a joke, but are the only reason whites get any respect in prison.

But let's get some diversity in Honduras though, you first. Lol, you will see will see racism there gringo. :laughing:


ICMag Donor
The left wing and the media is the US are the "real" threat to the american dream and so many people have thier blinders on.

Mr Underhill. This shows that you are not the impartial person that you make yourself out to be in your opening paragraph. Trump is openly supported by the KKK and white nationalists. These are people who drive cars through crowded streets of peaceful people protesting racism and trump. White nationalists chant "jews will not replace us" while wearing MAGA hats. This is trump's base and his border policies are an appeasement the ilk of David Duke and these people. The president's new rally chant is "send them back" to congress people of color who are duly elected American citizens.

Apparently you are one of these people also. So please don't blame the harsh treatment of destitute people on liberals. There is no mistaking what is going on.
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