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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ask Hillary and the DNC who helped elevate Trump what happened.
I'd say that shit backfired.

But what made people elect a guy like Trump? Could it have been a rebuke of "progressive" policies, a disdain for Hillary or all of the above?

From what Ive seen those that are easily manipulated voted for him. Many thought he was a good business man. Many saw his reality show. He was up against Hillery. What more needs to be said.


Active member
I don't need to overlook anything her words are clear. She wishes to exclude people or their voice based on race and sexual orientation. It's safe to say she won't be interested in hearing from Candace Owens.

I don't have any desire to defend Trump, I don't even like him. I've made that clear many times. As a matter of fact I'm the only one in here saying both sides suck while the rest of you rally behind the red or blue team.

People like you who see imaginary differences in the 2 factions of the big government party are the reason for the outrage and disdain you have for the other side.

Wake up dude you are wasting energy hating Trump and his base, none of them give a fuck what you think. Just like you don't give a fuck what they think. So the 2 party circle jerk continues........

She is saying people need to use their voice or they are not helping themselves.
Exclude is your word, not hers. How is she going to exclude anyone from anything?

And yes, you do make it a habit of claiming you hate both sides and trump but always defend trump/repub stuff in a rabid sort of way.

If you don’t think any of this matters, why do you keep showing up to tell the latest right wing attempt to distract from trump.


Well-known member
Your an idiot if you think that's racist. My opinion about there education is based off research. I could def be wrong I doubt it. Even if they had a education me saying otherwise is not a Racist comment. IMO They dont have $$ to attend schools. Those that do cant because they have to work to feed there family. I shouldn't expect trumptard supporters to know the difference lol. You obliviously have no clue how people in countries that have no economy there lives.

. Education in Honduras is free to the public. The system begins in pre-school, continues in elementary school (1st-9th grade), secondary school (10th or 12th grade), then the university years (licentiate, master and doctorate). The public education in Honduras also coexist with private schools and universities.

I remember hearing a lot of these immigrants are coming from Honduras, in which education is free to the public.

I personally don't think many people are racist though. To me a racist hates people of different races. But the fact that minorities commit more crime is not racist. Really Maine, NH and VT have about the lowest crime rates in the nation and the least diversity. Sure crime and poverty still happen just not as bad as states with a lot of immigrants (cough cough, Massachusetts). Shit, white Americans still do landscaping around here. :biggrin:


Active member
Racists don’t like being called racist.
They don’t see it.
They’re still racist.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I remember hearing a lot of these immigrants are coming from Honduras, in which education is free to the public.

I personally don't think many people are racist though. To me a racist hates people of different races. But the fact that minorities commit more crime is not racist. Really Maine, NH and VT have about the lowest crime rates in the nation and the least diversity. Sure crime and poverty still happen just not as bad as states with a lot of immigrants (cough cough, Massachusetts). Shit, white Americans still do landscaping around here. :biggrin:

You sure that's not just the homeowner you saw mowing the grass? :biggrin:


Well-known member
I remember hearing a lot of these immigrants are coming from Honduras, in which education is free to the public.

I personally don't think many people are racist though. To me a racist hates people of different races. But the fact that minorities commit more crime is not racist. Really Maine, NH and VT have about the lowest crime rates in the nation and the least diversity. Sure crime and poverty still happen just not as bad as states with a lot of immigrants (cough cough, Massachusetts). Shit, white Americans still do landscaping around here. :biggrin:

LOL, and I'm in Indiana, tweakers be killing each other over 5$ of copper.


As someone originally from roughly the same geographic region as boogie, hell yeah i am way way more concerned about white tweakers than black or hispanic gangsters. It was safer to go to chicago and roll into the projects to buy drugs than the sketchy trailer park down the way when i was a kid. The gangster dudes ran it like a business, the trailer park folks might just opt to kill you over 20 bucks even though you knew them for years.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Racists don’t like being called racist.
They don’t see it.
They’re still racist.

Ive read that. IMO its a lame excuse as a talking point. Most people are not Racist. If called a racist no one can respond without some idiot saying that lol.


Active member
Ive read that. IMO its a lame excuse as a talking point. Most people are not Racist. If called a racist no one can respond without some idiot saying that lol.

If you support racism...
Most people claim not to be racist and get upset when their racism shows.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you support racism...
Most people claim not to be racist and get upset when their racism shows.

Very few support racialism. Its total made up BS when any try to defend. Its always the 1st card you people use when someone try's to defend that's just plain idiotic. Any that defend are not showing there a racist or support it. It takes allot more to be a racist then having a opinion or defend ones character. People also point the blame elsewhere to hide there own behavior.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When were we ever a utopian nation,has always been racist,and always will be.
Damn my youngest just graduated H.S.,my biggest fear was a school shooter,not someone saying something offensive.

White Beard

Active member
And because of that, we’ll always struggling with it...the ways we’ve been running the world these last 2-3000 are not so great, and depend on a large - and largely unpaid or underpaid, largely disposable servant population.

We’ve tweaked it about as far as it can go - and since it was based on war and theft originally, no fucking loss...but we really need to have already thought of some better ways by now.

Crumbling into a feudal oligarchy is not to my taste, either.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I agree, there will always be racist people in the world. Having a opinion on issues is not a indication of someone being a racist. Being called a racist can piss of people. It seems some think that's enough to be labeled one. How stupid is that.

White Beard

Active member
Given the structural nature of much law, many issues which seem to be race-neutral on their faces have exaggerated impact on communities of color. And how you get there is just following the law.

Racism among people is less about hating non-whites than it is about preserving their status as ‘first among servants’...agents, assistants, advisors, managers, supervisers, overseers, shift bosses, tradesmen...not sayin’ the two don’t mix often enough


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Everything is racist,or offending someone in someway.
Like I said earlier my youngest just graduated H.S.,and one of the female students dressed as a "CAT"daily.
Fucking tiara with ears,glue on whiskers,the whole 9 yards.Students were being given detention for "meowing " at her in the cafeteria.Imagine,not a word to her to dress in a way befitting a learning environment.But students punished for not being accepting of her choice.I call B.S. on that,I'm older now,but if this had happened back when I was in school I would have bought my handy dandy cat litter box to school with me,and slid it under her seat in the cafeteria.
This political correctness crap has to stop,we dont live in stepford.Hillbilly sheepfarmers are loving the lack of ridicule,so I guess it works for some of us! lol
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