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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
I forgot info retention in here is not likely.

Most of these people have no clue what there doing. There being used by others telling them to go to USA. Something different is going on under this admin. As I said its a 12 year high in illegals crossing the boarder. Its a misdemeanor to cross illegally not a crime that would get you locked up. Comparing this to a felony is ludicrous..

Im sure there not educated enough to know the risks. They just want a better life.

Plenty of folks want a better life by comming to america.and have... but they come correct and get in line,you break the law and bum rush the boarder....you already fucked up by telling America, you dont accept our rules....and prolly wont in the future
Keep in mind these facilities all have open doors back to your country if you dont like it...get to steppin


Well-known member
Plenty of folks want a better life by comming to america.and have... but they come correct and get in line,you break the law and bum rush the boarder....you already fucked up by telling America, you dont accept our rules....and prolly wont in the future
Keep in mind these facilities all have open doors back to your country if you dont like it...get to steppin

They just don't get it, stop illegal immigration and we can let many more in legally. Illegal immigration drives wages down as they look for cheap labor. Legal immigration gives them equal opportunity just like everyone else, it's a win win for everyone including the immigrants but these people will never get that it's just sad.


We could eliminate the right wing crime and violence in one fel swoop.
Trade a loud populace with contempt for everything for a polite law abiding one that will appreciate paying their taxes, and look forward to improving things for their kids.
Does sound temping, but it goes against shear gut instinct.



Well-known member
I should just shut up and pay whatever taxes is given to me without voting to have my own say? That's how I take your post. In all reality gang violence trumps any violence that comes from the left or right, 32,000 deaths from gun violence every year on average and 80% is gang related, the idea that right wingers are out doing crime and violence is laughable at best. Democrats offer nothing for the working man and it will bite them hard in 2020.

If you can not see tongue in cheek humor for what it is...
gang violence, really ? Going to have to tell the local
TNR group of mostly older females to be extra careful.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They just don't get it, stop illegal immigration and we can let many more in legally. Illegal immigration drives wages down as they look for cheap labor. Legal immigration gives them equal opportunity just like everyone else, it's a win win for everyone including the immigrants but these people will never get that it's just sad.

Who's they, All I see is you guys comparing crimes like Murder with a crime that gets you a ticket. There not the same you guys cant see that. These people are not criminals. You radicals think they are. If all the undocumented where gone parts of our economy would be in shambles. Its just not possible to do what you want. It will never happen. Since you cant compromise here we are.


Active member
Actually a Grand Jury wouldnt indict,I doubt he sat on the jury.But ya never know I'll watch the news tonight,one of the media outlets will probably say he was there in disguise.

I was referring to the news today that Barr decided not to bring civil rights charges against the cop that killed Eric Gardiner.

He decided to side with D.O.J. instead of the Civil Rights Division that had been pursuing the charges.

Barr decided against charges because he felt prosecutors could not prove the officer acted willfully.

White Beard

Active member
They are Actresses hired by Zack Exley. Omar is running under 10% approval in the polls, AOC is polling better at 22%.

Under the you can't make this shit up category...

“Zack Exley”? Any relation to “Eggs Ackley”?

Is “Ima Fakename” involved, too?

“Under the make this shit up all the time” category


Well-known member
No Federal charges against the cop that choked Eric Gardiner to death for selling cigarettes.
Fucking Bullshit.I support first responders all day,eveyday.
But murderers?....The DOJ is a joke

Wasn't that under Obama and Biden? Probably a good reason not to vote for Biden.

Definitely some bullshit, nobody even tried to give him CPR.

White Beard

Active member
Hadn’t you heard? Obama hasn’t been in the saddle for 2.5 years.
There’s a different guy trying to get close to the horse, now....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I was referring to the news today that Barr decided not to bring civil rights charges against the cop that killed Eric Gardiner.

He decided to side with D.O.J. instead of the Civil Rights Division that had been pursuing the charges.

Barr decided against charges because he felt prosecutors could not prove the officer acted willfully.

11 times the victim GASPED "I CANT BREATHE "

Absolutely disgusting!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yep, Barr let him get away with involuntary manslaughter.. At the very least he should be fired for using a illegal chock hold.
Barr disregarded a recommendation by civil rights prosecutors in Washington who favored filing criminal charges against Officer Daniel Pantaleo..

Attorney General William Barr made the decision against the New York Police Department officer accused of fatally choking, siding with a Justice Department team from New York over the Civil Rights Division in Washington due to concerns that prosecutors could not successfully prove the officer acted willfully, a senior Justice Department official said.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LMFAO, .. All these clowns are suppose to be the best people.

Republican operative Jason Miller, the former communications chief for the Trump campaign and transition team,said he hired numerous prostitutes and visited “hand job” massage parlors as recently as a few months ago in a new videotaped deposition.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
More BS the right radicals think up. All are elected house reps. Lets makeup some boogiewomen to go with the boogieman.
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