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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I wonder how many people in the country care about the constitution,I'm willing to bet a good percentage do not.
Crazy times we live in.
I do not think our country will ever be United again,not that we really ever were historically

White Beard

Active member
I think a great many believe they care abut the constitution, but for whatever reason haven’t ever tried to read it and understand it. The Federalist Papers were written to explain how it’s supposed to work and WHY it’s supposed to work that way, so a real good idea to read those as well.

I’d even call it the duty of every citizen

Mr D

The constitution is the highest law of the land. The oath taken by congress members was to uphold the constitution. This is not negotiable and the Bill of Rights are unalienable rights. When the president makes steps or statements contradictory to the constitution all of congress has sworn responsibilities. This is what "The Squad" is telling you and it's very important to our nation.

Yeah great you seem to have Zack Exley's spin on the constitution down pretty well. I'm not sure you and Zack grasp the effect of calling people racist nazi's for the last 2+ years. It's not working anymore.

Just another in a long line of stupid Trump comments, hardly impeachment material. But if you interrupt it as racist I'm fine with that.

I must of missed your constitutional outrage when:

According to The Washington Post, Ms. Lisanti, 51, told another white lawmaker that when he had been campaigning for a candidate in Prince George’s County in the fall, he had been door-knocking in a “nigger district.”

Racism: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly........and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Can you point to the part about race?


Well-known member
If Democrats ever want my vote.

- Stop talking about taking my guns.
- Stop talking about raising my taxes.
- Start caring about the economy and drop the socialist nonsense.

It's that fucking simple people I don't really give a fuck about anything else.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I think a great many believe they care abut the constitution, but for whatever reason haven’t ever tried to read it and understand it. The Federalist Papers were written to explain how it’s supposed to work and WHY it’s supposed to work that way, so a real good idea to read those as well.

I’d even call it the duty of every citizen

The country has changed,people have changed.
Every decade is different,we as the human race evolve,and not always for the better.
Dont want to sound pestimistic,just realistic.
Theres alot of bad people out there (not to sound like Donald).Its just a fact.Look at the brawl in toon town at Disney last week.Grown men stood by and watched women being beat,and videoed it on their phones instead of intervening.This was the example these (men)set for their children,right in front of them.

That's the Country now,people will walk around you if you fall to the ground,and keep texting on their phone or record it for youtube.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
He said if you don't like America then you can leave, I agree with him and don't take it as racist. It's rich listening to liberals talk about upholding the constitution when they want to ban guns and limit free speech, both are constitutional rights.

Its people like him that make the USA bad. When anyone calls him out you radicals assume everyone is a liberal lol.. You might be surprised not many people like hate speech. I'm sure some do. Just like some like racist people.

When the 2nd amendment was written people where using flint lock weapons. There's no way our founding fathers had a clue how weapons would progress to whats available today. Having everyone go though a background check is just common sense.

This leads me back to whats now acceptable. You all have screwed yourselves letting Trumptard change that. Don't be surprised if Something happens with gun laws very soon. Your right you might end up with gun bans now. You can only blame yourselves. Its like you all have blinders on by blaming liberals lol. You did it to yourselves. .


Active member
If Democrats ever want my vote.

- Stop talking about taking my guns.
- Stop talking about raising my taxes.
- Start caring about the economy and drop the socialist nonsense.

It's that fucking simple people I don't really give a fuck about anything else.

The Dems don't want your vote deplorable.


Active member
If Democrats ever want my vote.

- Stop talking about taking my guns.
- Stop talking about raising my taxes.
- Start caring about the economy and drop the socialist nonsense.

It's that fucking simple people I don't really give a fuck about anything else.

You just named the entire Democratic party platform, if you throw in open borders.

The Democrats don't want Americans votes. Your just the guy that gets the privilege of paying for it. Oh, and being called a racist if you don't want to pay for it.


Active member
Some of the first gun laws were used against African Americans who tried to use their second amendment rights. Black people with guns scared Ronnie.


"Throughout the late 1960s, the militant black nationalist group used their understanding of the finer details of California’s gun laws to underscore their political statements about the subjugation of African-Americans. In 1967, 30 members of the Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols and announced, “The time has come for black people to arm themselves.”

The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions."

When Reagan banned machine guns for public sale. It forced people to register their machine guns and buy them from a licensed dealer.

"Recorded Vote 74 was the Hughes Amendment that called for the banning of machine guns. ... The bill was subsequently passed and signed on May 19, 1986 by President Ronald Reagan to become Public Law 99-308, the Firearms Owners' Protection Act."


Active member
Lol..the squad....what a joke..
Whatcha bet them twats are primaried back to where they came from in 2020?...loud mouth one termers got no grip in the house and no back up in 2020


ICMag Donor
A person is given the confidence of his or her constituents (all of them) and swears to defend the constitution,,,,,,,, We're not talking about a used car salesman or Beavis Buthead kind of promises here.

The Congresswomen will continue to push this and put everyones feet the fire. Every congressperson will be compelled to vote on the acceptability of trumps comments and the results of this vote will be made very public. Morons can make jokes and dumb their way through, but watch, this coalition of four freshmen congress women have real power.

White Beard

Active member
If Democrats ever want my vote.

- Stop talking about taking my guns.
- Stop talking about raising my taxes.
- Start caring about the economy and drop the socialist nonsense.

It's that fucking simple people I don't really give a fuck about anything else.

Not talking about taking your guns (or mine)
Not talking about raising your taxes (or mine)
Caring about the economy - check
Dropping the socialist nonsense - not your call (or mine)

End-stage capitalism has a short shelf-life, and it leads to us becoming more like Saudi Arabia or India than to a European, western-civilization kind a place. Yes, I said capitalism, end-stage to be specific: the chief industry of the United States is FARMING THE POPULATION, under-employed, under-paid, overcharged - for every penny of fees and rents and licenses. Charging us more than we can afford for things we need, always squeezing. Blaming taxes is easy, but private taxes are easily double government taxes.


Well-known member
Not talking about taking your guns (or mine)
Not talking about raising your taxes (or mine)
Caring about the economy - check
Dropping the socialist nonsense - not your call (or mine)

End-stage capitalism has a short shelf-life, and it leads to us becoming more like Saudi Arabia or India than to a European, western-civilization kind a place. Yes, I said capitalism, end-stage to be specific: the chief industry of the United States is FARMING THE POPULATION, under-employed, under-paid, overcharged - for every penny of fees and rents and licenses. Charging us more than we can afford for things we need, always squeezing. Blaming taxes is easy, but private taxes are easily double government taxes.

I don't think we should scrape capitalism, tweak it so it works better for everyone yes. Sometimes I believe it's those living in big cities with crazy high cost of living who feel your way and it would make sense. I tried to move to Chicago when I was 28 and didn't last 1 year I just couldn't afford it but in the country in Indiana I own a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with a huge basement for a bit more than 800 a month. Is it about making a decent living or are people jealous because they don't have millions?

Mr D

Biden is holding fund raisers with the likes of Kenneth Jarin a health insurance lobbyist while he lies to the plebs about his ACA improvements.

But I'm sure he will be better than Trump said no one ever.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i do find it interesting that everyone is upset because illegal immigrants get separated from their kids, but no one says a word about the millions of prisoners separated from their kids for bull shit, victimless so called crimes. in the end those people made the choice to smuggle them selves and their kids in, they made the choice not to go through official asylum or immigration channels. if the US was to let everyone in freely who wanted to cross, half the third world population would arrive on your door step over the next 20 years.

Africa's, overpopulation problem will be shifted to the US and any other nation foolish enough not to enforce border security. then the problems of your average citizen will be very different to now. maybe visit one of these places you want to turn you nation into before you tear down trumps wall. i'm sorry but i'm selfish and i don't want to become a minority in my own country and as we always seem to copy you guys i hope you get it right. asylum and migration are not the same thing. if you make thm the same, you are robbing future generations of everything their ancestors built for them. yes it's not nice, but its logical. the maths speaks for it's self. how many of these nations would let us in if the rolls were reversed?

said it before and ill say it again, people need to be helped in their own countries. or as close as possible. you get 100 dollars worth of goods over there, for every dollar you spend here. just like the Syrians, we should have kept them near their country, instead of even offering them incentives to migrate permanently to the EU.

you will not solve poverty, corruption in the world by letting everyone come to the west. all you will do is destroy the living standard of the western nations average citizens.

speaking of world poverty levels and starvation, we have never in history had fewer people in extreme poverty and starvation on this planet. now is the time to invest in those nations, not make war on them and sanction them. that only makes more people run away from them.

some migration has always been the norm and it's a good thing for nations, but mass migration is a whole different story, we are seeing the consequences already in places like Germany. and you idiots who think you are being "nice", don't realize that it is already back firing and radical right wingers are riding the wave of outrage to power. so yeah, fucking thanks. thats exactly how it always starts.

the more radical the left acts, the more the right will be gaining power and support by the average population, who can add 2 and 2 and have eyes to see their neighborhood and country, changing in front of them, not for the better either. sexual assault, violence and crime increase exponentially, to the point where the gov stop sharing ethnicities of criminals, which again back fires as outraged leakers share the truth. so where do you think this will all end? a very bad place imo.

let me add, i don't like Trump. i know in this age of polarization and taking sides instead of discussing issues, everything is interpreted as pro or against Trump. so let me be clear i am no fan, i see him as a bad diplomat and thin skinned easily manipulated by his ego by his war mongering advisors. still he has not started a new war yet, long may that last. for the rest you guys presidents have been getting steadily worse anyway, so no surprises there.

I just cant let this get lost in the previous pages.

Mr D

Lol..the squad....what a joke..
Whatcha bet them twats are primaried back to where they came from in 2020?...loud mouth one termers got no grip in the house and no back up in 2020

Did you see the racist homophobic remarks by one of the squad members a few days ago?

Rep Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice”

They are Actresses hired by Zack Exley. Omar is running under 10% approval in the polls, AOC is polling better at 22%.

Under the you can't make this shit up category...

Kamala Harris's husband headlined a fundraiser hosted for her campaign by lawyers at Kirkland and Ellis on the same day the California senator blasted the law firm for its defense of Jeffrey Epstein, the Associated Press reports.

The field of democrats is so incredibly weak the thread is starting to turn into musing about gun laws and late stage capitalism.
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