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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey I dont fight with anyone anymore,if we disagree,so be it.
But when someone attacks a caregiver/family member of a challenged person,and take it as a percieved attack on their own disability somehow.
Then when I speak up and say something regarding give him a break,and then TM went as far as to apologize if his comment was taken the wrong way.
I'm sorry but if you attack a challenged person or their family.....I want no part of that person again.
But I've said what I have to say.I wont get sucked into the trenches again.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've asked you to stop sending me PM's what dont you get?
If you were in my home,and I asked you to leave,would you?

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I may not like everything Biden says, but I don't hate him.

What tripped me out yesterday, was I watched a recent clip of a speech he did. There appears to be something wrong with him. I don't know if its his age, or he is taking meds, or not sleeping well lately, but he wasn't making much sense. Something is wrong. He was mumbling, and his statements were strange. I hope he is ok.
He wont be a match for Trump as he is. Trump will tear him limb from limb.

I seriously can’t believe Biden’s being fluffed for the lead part: it’s entirely possible the Dems think that business-as-usual will work, but centrism is what ultimately cost them in ‘16. It would be the stupidest play possible IMO.

Trump continues his campaign of obstruction against investigations in the House, and the struggle between co-equal branches of the government is creating a crisis. If the balance between the branches breaks, then we are no longer IN a functional nation, and we stand in terrible danger of losing the constitution if that happens.

I’m frankly shocked that conservative patriots do not see the danger in allowing the White House to persist in defying the constitution, you were supposed to be paying attention to THAT VERY THING.

When you look for trouble, y’all NEVER look over your *right* shoulder to see what they’re doing back there

Y’all really need to check up on the people you keep sending back to Congress.

More government? More than what, the behemoth that is Homeland Security? Police of so many descriptions? K Street?

Higher taxes? It’s GOP that’s been raising your taxes - after all, someone has to pay for the trillion-dollar gift to the permanently wealthy - and it won’t be *them*, that was the whole idea.

Open borders? The ONLY conversation about ‘open borders’ is the circle-jerk among “conservatives” who are convinced that “Democrats” want them, want them more than anything. I don’t want them, I’ve never talked to anyone in favor of them. You guys need a better hobby...

All the other nonsense the left pushes? Made up by your handlers, most of whom probably believing it themselves. It renders you incapable of understanding any “liberals” beside the imaginary ones who live in your head...and they don’t resemble ANYTHING real. Of course that crap does nothing for you - it does nothing ‘for’ anyone; it’s only there to inflame you and make your fellow citizens seem weirder.


Active member
Packer, Boogie and Lrus, you guys can keep your head in the sand and try to find examples of others doing bad to justify trumps behavior if thats how you square things with yourself.

Your voting for a racist who thinks it’s ok for famous people to grab random female genitalia, an example of assault. Worth it for an expiring tax cut of course, everyone has their price I guess.

I wonder if a child rape conviction would be enough for trump supporters to second guess their choice, it seems a filed case with a witness is only cause for more support by most. Think I saw a few that might switch on a pedo charge/conviction.

And packer, your reading comprehension is stunning. Never said you advocated sex violence or were racist. Said you support and voted for a guy that fit that description.


Well-known member
biden must be the only one that does not know.
he was a insurance policy that no one shot obama.


ICMag Donor
Activism was so much better in the old days.

Bickering online just can't compare with a couple reefers and a good old fashioned bra burning.

That said, I still think trump is an asshole.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - at least they are not burning women as witches any more in the western world - and the women used to burn their bras - back in the 60's - 70's - I wonder why that sport lost interest?

Activism was so much better in the old days.

Bickering online just can't compare with a couple reefers and a good old fashioned bra burning.

That said, I still think trump is an asshole.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I read they would stick the hand of the suspected witch in scalding water,and if it blistered.......WITCH.....WITCH!!!!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Activism was so much better in the old days.

Bickering online just can't compare with a couple reefers and a good old fashioned bra burning.

That said, I still think trump is an asshole.

Oh yeah,he is an asshole no doubt.And yes dispensing of the bras was a thing to behold.
With all the ball kicking around here,I think I'll hang onto my jockstrap for a bit,maybe use some of those bras as a slingshot.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Lump Trump in there with him....

I actually like Biden,always have.When I said he's in the early stage of dementia.That was not a dig at all.
That was my assessment of his recent deterioration.
For his sake they should try and have the debates before sundown.


Well-known member
Who knows what happens? Four more years Trump? At least it doesn´t matters. In physiks follows on every action a reaction. I mean after 8 (maybe) years of Trump follows something liberal. It´s a natural law.


Boreal Curing
Sorry Herman. The opposite reaction does indeed occur. Only it's in the form of the extreme right. Enter Antifa. Trump's people are pointing and screaming about them, while it was them who created them.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've yet to see Trump supporters wearing masks,attacking people in the streets with the police standing down.
I personally want antifa to grow a pair and show up at a trump rally instead of attacking gay journalists.
Those backwoods trump supporters have gun racks in the back window of their pickup trucks


Well-known member
I've yet to see Trump supporters wearing masks,attacking people in the streets with the police standing down.
I personally want antifa to grow a pair and show up at a trump rally instead of attacking gay journalists.
Those backwoods trump supporters have gun racks in the back window of their pickup trucks

They mail bombs to politicians, run over people in their trucks, shoot up black churches, ect.

Fascism is much worse than some commies in masks. Fascism has state backing. Communists do not.
Then you've got all the corporate centrists who allow fascism to permeate because they view both sides to be equally "radical". What MLK said about the moderate liberal enabling racists is equally as valid when referring to centrists enabling fascists.
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