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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Gotta find that happy medium.
I'm sorry you are having a tough go of it.
And I am sorry for your loss,truly.
Thank you.

I agree about the happy medium.

Wish our medical system was based

upon such as that.

Used to have me on insane dosages

of opiates. That was what brought

me to the SFV from FL.

Hated them, and traded opiates

for extract. Gladly.

Could use a dosage of maybe 30 mg

morphine to knock the edge off.

does not seem to work like that

for me anymore...


Well-known member
Not positive, but I suspect it is the fats in our bodies which allow us to feel warmth.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah my wife was on Morphine 15 mg ER twice a day and pervs every 6 hours along with valium for leg spasms at night.She flushed them all down the toilet 1 day,literally.
Diphoretic for a month,I was so pissed at her for not weaning herself off that shit,but she did it cold turkey.
Nothing but cannabis and extracts now.


Well-known member
Eating curry that is liquid fire, has sweat pouring off of me, and I am sitting here bundled up shivering.

Lmao, through sweat and tears life...
God bless major Grey


Well-known member
Having once been dependent up on opiates, I know the the feeling well, which is why I am sitting here

cold as opposed to in that warm glow of temporary comfort.


Well-known member
You can turn up the heat on your water heater if you haven't tried that yet, usually they are set at 120°-140° just be careful because you can burn your skin if you turn it up to high.
Just now stuck a digital unit in the sink, my water temp is 150.degrees,
but it is just me that uses it.
Wish it had a little more to offer, hate knowing I have used up all my overhead.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yep it's only been a few months since opiates ruined my family's life.
I fucking despise them now more than ever.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If law abiding Mexican nationals are coming here to escape cartels. Lets not allow the cartels follow them here.

Mexico needs a new government, by the people, for the people, that protects the people. They need a republic. That's not what they have. Mexico is rich with resources, although that does not reflect what we see happening there. Many of my close friends are from Mexico

I saw a Mexican once.


Well-known member
Yep it's only been a few months since opiates ruined my family's life.
I fucking despise them now more than ever.

Can recall seeing recent posting by you on the subject.

Am so sorry that was the case.

Our society has long had a very unhealthy relationship

with such substances. Sure do wish that things could be

other than how they are.

The very best of wishes to all with such things.

Hate it when I see or hear of anyone going cold turkey.
Seems like self imposed punishment for having expressed

more gratitude for relief than what is considered acceptable.

I do know that when I was a kid, I would hear my grandfather's

deliberations with himself over putting those with need on morphine.

Drs used to care, and assume responsibility .

Those were different times.


Well-known member
Can recall being on fentyal (sp) patches for a while, and do not like them much.

Only pain med I ever cared for was methadone, and what I like most about it, is

that I don't 'feel' it so much, it just seems to knock back a lot of the pain with making me

feel worse.

Mr D

Hey all maybe we can come together to help Gry.

Please go to this thread

And pledge $20 to help Gry get an oxygen concentrator. We only need 28 more members to step up. Should be easy and I don't think $20 is going to break anyone here.

Come on guys and gals let's get this done quickly because the current wait time is 20 days plus shipping time.

We are talking less than the price of most seeds. $20 is a very small price to help a brother out. I know things are a little tight right now for some of us but this a great cause.

White Beard

Active member
Why is it okay to just trash our President? Even if you don't like him you must still respect the position. You do realize that this is what control of the people is about right? Divide and conquer. You can hit those keys forever but this is the reason we have people that can't even balance a budget without lining their pockets ruling over "ALL" of us.
Since you called this an intelligent question, and declared things you said were simply “true about politics”, let’s take a look at that question:

Why is it okay to trash our President?

Because he serves at the PUBLIC will, which is why we have PUBLIC elections: to choose PUBLIC servants to SERVE US; the President serves at the pleasure of the VOTING PUBLIC. WE do *not* serve HIM.

As a PUBLIC SERVANT he is subject to the scorn and praise of THE PUBLIC - who have every fucking right to just as plain and specific in their criticism as ANY OTHER CITIZEN. I learned that in 5th grade, along with the rest of my classmates.

In his capacity as the Face of the United States to the rest of the world, he has been a disgrace; in his capacity as the leader of the government and face thereof to the American public, he has been an apocalypse; to those who see profit in the manipulation of the public record, of public knowledge and public accountability, he has been an enthusiast accomplice; in his capacity as chief executive of the nation, he has been coy, deceptive, whiny, bullying, wildly misleading and willing to lie about absolutely anything— with and without any apparent gain in play and executes his duties whimsically, inconsistently, poorly, or not at all.

For all of that, he is subject to the right and proper disapproval of the citizenry, because he show in all that, that he is undesirable, incapable, unfit - and because he has so plainly earned that scorn by his own lack of merit.

From his earliest days in office he has shown contempt for the office, for its previous Occupants, for the nation he was selected to lead, for the people who make up that nation, for the history of that nation and of other nations, and for the truth. He deserves no praise, he has earned none: he has earned contempt therefrom for himself, and for his followers, and for his paymasters and handlers. He has spent his years so far in office besmirching the office, dishonoring the nation and the flag that represents it, repudiating the word and devaluing the faith and credit of the USA both for foes old and new, and for old friends newly-lost.

“Why is it okay for us to trash our President?”

When our President behaves in all ways as if *he* were trash, when our President treats our fellow citizens as if *they* were trash, treats the rights of the powerful as if the rights of *others* were trash, treats others as if he is above them, treats the founding principles of the nation as if they were formalities - not even words but simply irrelevant noises - that is a President shitting on the office and the people and flag and nation to which he swore allegiance and swore to serve faithfully.

it’s astonishing there are ANY who support ANY president of any party in treating the nation, its resources, its treasury, its people as disposable, unsultable, livestock, servants. ALL that stuff was anathema to the early Americans, it was WHY they refused to limit impeachment to simple violations of statute: there was no way to spell out the details of every single sort of corrupt act in a way that would address the specific dangers posed by treating them as ‘ticketable offenses’

I gotta go to bed...


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Since you called this an intelligent question, and declared things you said were simply “true about politics”, let’s take a look at that question:

Because he serves at the PUBLIC will, which is why we have PUBLIC elections: to choose PUBLIC servants to SERVE US; the President serves at the pleasure of the VOTING PUBLIC. WE do *not* serve HIM.

As a PUBLIC SERVANT he is subject to the scorn and praise of THE PUBLIC - who have every fucking right to just as plain and specific in their criticism as ANY OTHER CITIZEN. I learned that in 5th grade, along with the rest of my classmates.

In his capacity as the Face of the United States to the rest of the world, he has been a disgrace; in his capacity as the leader of the government and face thereof to the American public, he has been an apocalypse; to those who see profit in the manipulation of the public record, of public knowledge and public accountability, he has been an enthusiast accomplice; in his capacity as chief executive of the nation, he has been coy, deceptive, whiny, bullying, wildly misleading and willing to lie about absolutely anything— with and without any apparent gain in play and executes his duties whimsically, inconsistently, poorly, or not at all.

For all of that, he is subject to the right and proper disapproval of the citizenry, because he show in all that, that he is undesirable, incapable, unfit - and because he has so plainly earned that scorn by his own lack of merit.

From his earliest days in office he has shown contempt for the office, for its previous Occupants, for the nation he was selected to lead, for the people who make up that nation, for the history of that nation and of other nations, and for the truth. He deserves no praise, he has earned none: he has earned contempt therefrom for himself, and for his followers, and for his paymasters and handlers. He has spent his years so far in office besmirching the office, dishonoring the nation and the flag that represents it, repudiating the word and devaluing the faith and credit of the USA both for foes old and new, and for old friends newly-lost.

“Why is it okay for us to trash our President?”

When our President behaves in all ways as if *he* were trash, when our President treats our fellow citizens as if *they* were trash, treats the rights of the powerful as if the rights of theirs were trash, treats others as if he is above them, treats the founding principles of the nation as if they were formalities - not even words but simply irrelevant noises - that is a President shitting on the office and the people and flag and nation to which he swore allegiance and swore to serve faithfully.

it’s astonishing there are ANY who support ANY president of any party in treating the nation, its resources, its treasury, its people as disposable, unsultable, livestock, servants. ALL that stuff was anathema to the early Americans, it was WHY they refused to limit impeachment to simple violations of statute: there was no way to spell out the details of every single sort of corrupt act in a way that would address the specific dangers posed by treating them as ‘ticketable offenses’

I gotta go to bed...

50 years from now, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously, and try to change the subject.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Back to topic. If Biden or tRump win we are fucked. Sanders is still best candidate, but nowhere near as good as 2016 Sanders, who was not bleeding heart liberal

tRump is biggest POS alive in the world, and Biden is close second selling out the people to the corporations, and scumbag going almost as senile as tRump.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Come on guys and gals let's get this done quickly because the current wait time is 20 days plus shipping time.

We are talking less than the price of most seeds. $20 is a very small price to help a brother out. I know things are a little tight right now for some of us but this a great cause.

I'm in Mr D , always down for a good cause.
This would come under that category.
Just let me know where to send a contribution.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Come on guys and gals let's get this done quickly because the current wait time is 20 days plus shipping time.

We are talking less than the price of most seeds. $20 is a very small price to help a brother out. I know things are a little tight right now for some of us but this a great cause.

I'll help out.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Can recall being on fentyal (sp) patches for a while, and do not like them much.

Only pain med I ever cared for was methadone, and what I like most about it, is

that I don't 'feel' it so much, it just seems to knock back a lot of the pain with making me

feel worse.

Fentanyl is a rude drug. A doctor once insisted I use the patches. Stoned for the first day and pain for 2 days. The 120 mg of morphine I've taken daily for 25+ years works fine. I wish cannabis worked.

Capra ibex

Fentanyl is a rude drug. A doctor once insisted I use the patches. Stoned for the first day and pain for 2 days. The 120 mg of morphine I've taken daily for 25+ years works fine. I wish cannabis worked.

Liquid morphine is the only opiate i have ever tried and the guy that gave it to me gave me too much.... i had no idea what kind of dose i was supposed to take so he mixed me up a glass with Fanta, basically like a vodka.

I gulped it down and i can't remember how long it took to take effect, maybe 15 minutes i think (it was nearly 20 years ago) and then WHOA.... it felt like i was floating and wrapped in warm cotton wool with a cool breeze, and so relaxed, TOO relaxed.... kind of hard to explain or remember clearly other than that.... but then maybe 30 minutes later i got a huge feeling of dread like 'uh-oh' and started feeling nauseous.... MAJORLY nauseous.

The guy who gave it to me thought this was hilarious :frown:

I was spinning and probably looked pale green, i just went to a quiet corner and passed out on a couch for 4-6 hours and when i woke up the group of people i was with were having a round of bongs in the bathroom.... i stumbled in there gingerly and they seemed to think it was pretty funny, until i had to face the shower and projectile vomit.

I started to feel a little better after that.... IDK what the dose he gave me was but i'm pretty sure he knew it would be way too much for me, someone who had zero experience with it.... it turned me off ever wanting to dabble in any other kind of opiate.
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