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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Ahh... you do have a sense of humor after all , good for you.
i used to be funnier,but after however many months as a mod and banning our resident troll like 400 times it's gotten less fun somehow:)

i'm still bringing the finest goat related content on the site though!:biggrin:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i used to be funnier,but after however many months as a mod and banning our resident troll like 400 times it's gotten less fun somehow:)

i'm still bringing the finest goat related content on the site though!:biggrin:

Yeah I've noticed he has a thing for you and Mrs Babba.
Poor bugga makes less sense than biden.
Hopefully they can adjust his meds,and get him therapeutic as it were.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Geographically , Philosophically we know :biggrin:

you might be surprised...

i believe politics is something best discussed face to face in the presence of good whiskey...or whisky or rather bourbon...

the internet just isn't a good place to talk politics,there's no nuance to it...we need a sarcasm font or something...


Well-known member
Watch fucking troll run for president and win. Honestly not sure if that would be an improvement or not.

But I have to believe people would vote for him.

Mr D

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday that his stay-at-home order for the entirety of New York State was “probably not the best public health strategy.”

In my best dramatic leftist voice I say "oh my god Cuomo is an idiot who's going to get us killed for the economy" Cuomostupid

WTF is wrong with Cuomotard he is only concerned about his portfolio and rich NY friends why doesn't he just shut the fuck up and let Kathy Hochul talk.

Damn it's pretty easy being a hysterical media soundbyte educated liberal dittohead. Don't even need a college degree.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
God bless the goats.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Well-known member
Would like each and every soul here to understand the full measure of my hate and utter contempt

of and for the goddamned cold.

Never uttered more true words in my life.

Can sit with a 1500 Watt heater blowing on my head as I am wrapped in blankets and shiver.

Lay in a tub of water so hot it would make most scream, and it used offer comfort, that

effect has now been reduced to memory.

Dreaming of the next 100 degree day, when I can lay down on the concrete and feel something

akin to warmth.

Wife used to put me in a tub of hot water and give me what she called pushed shots of morphine.

I sure do miss both her, and feeling warmth.
I feel reasonably certain that hell is going to be very cold.

White Beard

Active member
Too many people fall for trumps con game.... STILL.

Whatever happens, even if many, many people die, Trump redirects blame and shoehorns himself into taking credit for things in a way that so many people can't see past.

I think, even if he pressures some states into going back to work and those states immediately spike in the death toll he will bullsh*t himself into a huge amount of peoples praises.

Have to wait and see, but i'm skeptical.
The worse things gets - the more helpless and dissociated he shows himself to be. NO ONE can stay blind to this level of malicious indifference for long: even sociopaths will find their WTF sirens blaring soon enough...metaphorically speaking: many will only wake up on their death beds - or at the death someone who really matters to them.

Utterly no point in trying to persuade the mad out of their madness: that’s *their* game. “Made you look! Made you care! Made you try! AHAHAHAHAHAH!!! PWNED!!! YOU LOSE - TRY AGAIN - *SUCKER*!!!”

They’re on their own now - as are the rest of us: AFAIC they’ve got NOTHING to say until November. If they make it that far without seeing any of this any differently - that’ll be something we’ll find out then.

As would a President Tulsi Gabbard. She has conceded but this is not a normal election year.
I get that she’s cute. I get that she’s ‘edgy for a girl’, I get she has positions or has said things that people like. I only have one thing against her: on the question of impeachment she voted *present*.

If that is not the quintessential hallmark of a political maneuver, then there’s just no such thing and we should forget all this shit about ANYBODY’S policies or positions or histories and just purge...

To put it another way: Gabbard revealed herself as a *purely* political creature. That vote was a stand on character, and showed she has none. AFAIC her political ‘career’ should be over on that one act.

I mentioned in another thread, if Trump encourages people to go to church on Easter he should be REQUIRED to attend and greet everyone with a handshake or hug.
NOT get to sit in his quarantined vacation home watching his 'heartwarming' Easter congregations on TV.
If he *WANTED* this to spread as fast and as broadly as possible, he would do / have done nothing different...’churches packed on Easter Sunday, it’s a beautiful thing’... When he “shut down travel to and from China”, he didn’t shut down travel of Americans returning from China - just like when he shut down travel “to and from Europe”, that didn’t keep out Americans returning from Europe - or anyone from Britain, either.

Allowing free return of our people - done as it was and at the time that it was - lead to uncontrolled crowding of airport terminals and receiving areas as folks streamed back home: no testing, unrestrained dispersal of returning international passengers into the other travelers present, and the local workforce...if you wanted to spread something and make certain it was as widely dispersed as possible in the shortest possible time...there would absolutely be no better way to ensure it.

The fact that they warned their wealthy donor base in private while bobbleheading Trump’s ‘away like magic with the heat’ handwaving in public is prima faci evidence of guilty knowledge...and the very conveniently-timed stock dumps triggered by the involved parties themselves is clearly the intentional misleading of the public for personal, private gain.

Which, some may not know, has always been explicitly counter to the vision, principles, and founding documents that MAKE THIS COUNTRY.

Why is it okay to just trash our President? Even if you don't like him you must still respect the position. You do realize that this is what control of the people is about right? Divide and conquer. You can hit those keys forever but this is the reason we have people that can't even balance a budget without lining their pockets ruling over "ALL" of us.
I’m going to answer this one separately

That's rich. I posed an intelligent question and a statement that's true for politics period and you attacked me not even knowing my position. That is a prime example of the neanderthal thinking that I was referring to. Sad really...
Man, you were all prepared to be ‘triggered’ but your reading skill failed you.

I am so sick of people standing up for that piece of shit some of you call president. As soon as anyone I know dies from this shit I am going to smack the next shithead supporter I meet in the head with a shovel. I hope I am not the only one. The stupid have had their fun. Time for them to go the fuck away!
You may think so...you may very well think so...and I would be compelled by principle to agree

Actually. We have a grasp on reality. And we are sick of the stupid half of our nation making choices that will cost us lives and quality of life. This is serious. People are dying. I find it offensive. Repulsive. It was bad to start. Now its more clear.

Fuck your economy. Fuck your turd president.

Keep choosing the almighty dollar over your neighbors life. That is what is happening today in our world!

Wake the fuck up. Tds is real. But you have it backwards!
If they were ever going to listen to anything, that time is past.

Tightening borders does not mean shit when you knowingly let a deadly pandemic loose in your own country.

It was a known fact it was highly contagious. Can live on inanimate objects for a few days, most carriers show no or little symptoms. And 1% or more die. Do the math. Think about it. This was known and could have been dealt with 1000x better.

And quit saying what other leaders did different. We are here. Now. Your shithead is possibly going to help kill millions. In the next few months. Way to go. Yay orange guy.

Fucking money worshippers are the worst thing since cancer....
The Bible says it’s the love/lust for money - and what it can do to people - that is the root of all evil. Not been a Christian in many long times, but I’ve never seen proof it’s not true.

It is easy to blame Trump because of his overwhelmingly stupid comments and butchered sentence structure which makes Biden's addle-brained monologue sound like supreme oratory. [I wonder at the lack of related commentary; probably acclimatized through inundation]

In reality outside of NOT forcing manufacture of vents and protective garb, the administration's actions have not been greatly out of line. Trump should just remove himself from the forefront; apparently his ego and lust for power prevent this. Thus he makes himself a target for blame.
I rarely disagree with you about anything significant, but I think I’ve already covered this, so....

Opened to people free of highly contagious viruses. Yes. I would totally prefer a bunch of hard working foreigners over most right wingers.
Gotta love the “conservative” tendency to hold others accountable for thei wild bullshit they make up themselves.

“Open borders” is and was and will almost certainly continue to be bullshit.
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