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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I type out answers to many posts here and then delete them, not wanting to get involved in the fantasy world most here are in. I just did it here again..

sorry you are unhappy ibex.:comfort:(and the rest of you too):groupwave:

So in other words you kinda do what audiohi's post above refers to. :tiphat:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
That's rich. I posed an intelligent question and a statement that's true for politics period and you attacked me not even knowing my position. That is a prime example of the neanderthal thinking that I was referring to. Sad really...

well at least in need of reading comprehension

St. Phatty

Active member
Why is it okay to just trash our President?

because he's an ASSHOLE^1000.

That was before his Negligence (failure to quarantine in late January & February) let a virus into the US that will kill about 8 million Americans.

Even more than the alleged casualties from the Holocaust Hoax.

I hope this is in Speaker's Corner.


Well-known member
I am so sick of people standing up for that piece of shit some of you call president. As soon as anyone I know dies from this shit I am going to smack the next shithead supporter I meet in the head with a shovel. I hope I am not the only one. The stupid have had their fun. Time for them to go the fuck away!


Boreal Curing
Why is it okay to just trash our President? Even if you don't like him you must still respect the position. You do realize that this is what control of the people is about right? Divide and conquer. You can hit those keys forever but this is the reason we have people that can't even balance a budget without lining their pockets ruling over "ALL" of us.

Even the Pope takes his hits. Respect is earned and lost by your own behavior. "The Chosen One" has ruined your country's future for a few tiny quick wins. You had agreements and treaties in hand and he killed them for a quick win so he would look good. The USA will pay for that in the next 50 years because it will take that long to repair the damage.

Let me explain what you're taught in Economics 101. Business is ALL ABOUT RISK. So everything has risk built into the price. Makes sense right? That's why we enter into AGREEMENTS (aka contracts. trade or otherwise). We can produce grain cheaper than you, and you can produce dairy cheaper than us, so we'll sell you our cheap grain, and you sell us your cheap dairy. It's a win/win.

Let's say your company and mine enters into a trade agreement. All the legal mechanisms are there to ensure both sides adhere to it. Well, you step down, and your replacement CEO decides he doesn't like the deal, so he rips it up, and puts the screws to us because, well, he want to look good. Fair enough. We can't give away the farm, so your new CEO gets a trivial win and he calls it a gargantuan win and looks fantastic (to the public).

Fast forward 4 years and he's out! HIS replacement wants to enter into a new agreement with us and other global companies. Well, what guarantee do we have that the new and next guy will adhere to the agreement? It's a risk, so we will build that increased risk in our price for the agreement. Worse, we will ENSURE we get our money's worth by recovering profits in 4 years while he's in office, instead of over however long the agreement is for (say... 10 years). So you will pay much more for a longer time. And you'll pay extra until the end of the agreement even if you don't try to rip it up. If you do rip it up, who cares? We got our money out of it. It's just good business.

Now can you see why Trumps "screw you" strategy is bad for the USA?


"I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.".. "Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
Think of your daughter getting cornered by that fucking pig.
I mean how can you respect that piece of shit?

I could go on but Trump gets no respect for a lot of reasons.



Well-known member
It's hilarious how deranged Trump makes lefties, totally worth another four years just for that alone.

I am so sick of people standing up for that piece of shit some of you call president. As soon as anyone I know dies from this shit I am going to smack the next shithead supporter I meet in the head with a shovel. I hope I am not the only one. The stupid have had their fun. Time for them to go the fuck away!

You couldn't swing a shovel to save your life.


Well-known member
Trump lives in many of these people's heads, many can't help the nonsense that they spew, Trump Derangement Syndrome is no joke bro.

Actually. We have a grasp on reality. And we are sick of the stupid half of our nation making choices that will cost us lives and quality of life. This is serious. People are dying. I find it offensive. Repulsive. It was bad to start. Now its more clear.

Fuck your economy. Fuck your turd president.

Keep choosing the almighty dollar over your neighbors life. That is what is happening today in our world!

Wake the fuck up. Tds is real. But you have it backwards!


Well-known member
TDS is all you have after you run out of weak memes to defend mr incompetent.

I believe Trump is doing a good job concerning the Chinese virus and 60% of the country is in agreement with me. All you have is the same old washed up orange man bad msm talking points that nobody wants to listen to.


Well-known member
I believe Trump is doing a good job concerning the Chinese virus and 60% of the country is in agreement with me. All you have is the same old washed up orange man bad msm talking points.

You are 100% wrong. And 60% of the public are stupid fools.

Facts are not talking points. They are facts.


Well-known member
Actually. We have a grasp on reality. And we are sick of the stupid half of our nation making choices that will cost us lives and quality of life. This is serious. People are dying. I find it offensive. Repulsive. It was bad to start. Now its more clear.

Fuck your economy. Fuck your turd president.

Keep choosing the almighty dollar over your neighbors life. That is what is happening today in our world!

Wake the fuck up. Tds is real. But you have it backwards!

If you had any grasp on reality you would understand that China is mostly to blame for this. Instead of warning the entire world they tried to hide it and arrested the doctors who discovered the virus which let it spread throughout the world.


Well-known member
If you had any grasp on reality you would understand that China is mostly to blame for this. Instead of warning the entire world they tried to hide it and arrested the doctors who discovered the virus which let it spread throughout the world.

The chinese media and our media did warn us. Wake up you fool!

Spreading this in the country was preventable.
Not China fault it is here.
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