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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Well that is what you are told happened. What some researchers report is different. I think there is plenty of bullshit on all sides of the issue.

The best way to handle disease/quarantine is more complex than it may seem. The present tactic is PROBABLY the wisest thing to slow down the spread freeing up hospital resources over time. However, exposing healthy people early builds a herd immunity. The trick there would be keeping the exposed away from the weak for 3 weeks after infection. Testing would be necessary.

It is easy to blame Trump because of his overwhelmingly stupid comments and butchered sentence structure which makes Biden's addle-brained monologue sound like supreme oratory. [I wonder at the lack of related commentary; probably acclimatized through inundation]

In reality outside of NOT forcing manufacture of vents and protective garb, the administration's actions have not been greatly out of line. Trump should just remove himself from the forefront; apparently his ego and lust for power prevent this. Thus he makes himself a target for blame.

He and his administration reacted way too slowly. Then downplayed it to the public. For way too long.

I am over blaming shithead. He is there because too much of the population has their head in their ass and heart in their wallet. He is now just a puppet for the rich and a false idol for the sheep.

Sad as fuck really.


Well-known member
That's rich. I posed an intelligent question and a statement that's true for politics period and you attacked me not even knowing my position. That is a prime example of the neanderthal thinking that I was referring to. Sad really...

i've read & re-read both your post & his reply. i do not see an "attack" on you in there. you asked a question, and you don't like his answer. that, my friend, is NOT an attack. that is what you get when you ask questions...answers that you may not like.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I believe Trump is doing a good job concerning the Chinese virus and 60% of the country is in agreement with me. All you have is the same old washed up orange man bad msm talking points that nobody wants to listen to.

He's not even calling it that anymore.

It's sad how far you lickspittles will stoop.

Out of one side of your mouth you speak of the MSM talking points, but the other side repeats Trumpisms.

How about this: It has nothing to do with him being orange. It has everything to do with his incompetent bumbling of real life situations due to an overinflated ego coupled with a childish sensitivity.

He's a balless narcissistic bitch and looks like it.

On the world stage, no less.

Who gives a fuck about orange?

He's not a man.

And that is bad.


Active member
Really? You mean those smart Democrats that want open borders and free healthcare to all undocumented aliens regardless of what virus they may be bringing with them? Some projections say Mexico will be more devastated than Italy in this recent out break....you still want open borders,no border patrol or ICE
And have illegals just flood our already strained system? Not gonna happen under trump....your welcome


Well-known member
Really? You mean those smart Democrats that want open borders and free healthcare to all undocumented aliens regardless of what virus they may be bringing with them? Some projections say Mexico will be more devastated than Italy in this recent out break....you still want open borders,no border patrol or ICE
And have illegals just flood our already strained system? Not gonna happen under trump....your welcome

Opened to people free of highly contagious viruses. Yes. I would totally prefer a bunch of hard working foreigners over most right wingers.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Why is it okay to just trash our President? Even if you don't like him you must still respect the position. You do realize that this is what control of the people is about right? Divide and conquer. You can hit those keys forever but this is the reason we have people that can't even balance a budget without lining their pockets ruling over "ALL" of us.

Because if you respect the position, you wouldn't want Trump to be in it.

The president doesn't "rule" us anymore than Congress.

You are not going to be able to line up the people behind an idiot.

Hitler was actually intelligent.

Trump's an inept idiot of monumental proportion.

Dividing anyone away from the group who follows blindly would be a win for the people of this nation.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Really? You mean those smart Democrats that want open borders and free healthcare to all undocumented aliens regardless of what virus they may be bringing with them? Some projections say Mexico will be more devastated than Italy in this recent out break....you still want open borders,no border patrol or ICE
And have illegals just flood our already strained system? Not gonna happen under trump....your welcome

It's long past time to scratch those nursery rhymes off the statue of liberty.
I think, nearly every Person in the world would be a better President... Even another republican Canditate. I can not see in the future, but i am sure, that Trump will not be President for long, anymore.

People see the crap he is doing, and its a lot of crap, TOO MUCH CRAP! So i am sure that Trump will not be elected again. I don't hope so... I know.


Active member
Opened to people free of highly contagious viruses. Yes. I would totally prefer a bunch of hard working foreigners over most right wingers.

Indeed...that's what they said in Italy and spain....their prolly looking for some liberal volenteer heros over there... maybe you can help bury the dead...
Go get you some hero


Active member
It's long past time to scratch those nursery rhymes off the statue of liberty.

Statue of liberty aint got shit on constitutional sovereignty of these United States...might wanna bone up
The constitutional powers of the federal gov... they pre date lady liberty a few years....js



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Has any poll ever asked you? I have never heard from one.

They used to call me on my home line in the past.
However , I unplugged that a long time ago , nothing but telemarketers.
The last call I received was for the hillary campaign,they didnt care for me very much.....hahaha
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