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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
All government is authoritarian to the non ruling class.

well to a degree, i'd agree. there are some countries who love to reign over a person's social, cultural and personal life.... and then there are western countries who like to rig elections lmao


Well-known member
It can be the greatest ideology in the world. Without the will of the people, it will be tyranny.

you mean how 70% of the country wants M4A and you're nominating someone who vowed to veto M4A and is basically destined to lose?

the numbers really aren't on your side here.


Well-known member
Spoken like a true ideologue.
you say this as if the democratic party isnt a rigid corporatist party that shuns outside the box ideas. for fuck's sake trump is pivoting to the left of the democrats with emergency UBI.

Keep sitting on the sidelines hoping for new rules or system to appear to change the game.
i mean it wouldnt' be anything new aside from the fact that this is the closest the left has been to power in about 100 years. in america i'm used to losing.

Until then the rest of will work within the framework we have.
that framework is rigged. you literally will never make progress so long as you keep electing neoliberals. their entire mission is to basically stop all progress. remember, "nothing will fundamentally change" exactly in the sense that HRC in 2016 stated she has a public and private opinion.... these people are flat out lying to you and the american people, and you expect me to back them? LOL.

chris hedges summed it up greatly and it resonates beyond true for the US..... we're a declining empire undergoing political paralysis. nothing substantial happens on purpose. political parties do nothing on purpose. and i for one along with millions of others (that includes trump voters) are fed up. you cant continue to marginalize 50% of the US population and expect no blowback. and that again goes for both parties. as they both serve the same corporatist oligarchic interests.trump and bernie are a direct result of the failures and inconsistencies with establishment politics. it's precisely why congress has under a 20% approval rating. we're beyond due for a yellow vest movement or something of the equivalent.

al but sitting on the sideline does nothing for change and only allows people like Trump to run the tables.
here's the problem i have with this. the DNC effectively rocks the populus back to sleep. most of the plebs think the problem begins and ends with trump. while nothing actually changes in terms of corruption.

this is without going into detail how it's flat out the DNC and establishment's fault we have trump.... not only did the DNC back HRC which half of their base fucking hates, they cheated (and still lost), HRC colluding with the DNC ran the pied piper strategy where they intentionally bolstered trump because they assumed he was the weakest candidate amonst the full field of republican candidates. wikileaks also concluded in 2016 that the DNC and HRC were colluding to smear bernie in multiple ways. and then we have the exit polling data from 2016 and 2020 that does not match the machine data

If Biden wins the Sanders movement is over.
well i doubt this, since the bernie movement was never about a single candidate but about the issues at hand. half or more of democrats under the age of 35 are essentially berniecrats at this point. the dems can basically adapt or die.

Even AOC knows there's no future with Bernie now.
i mean with bernie specifically yeah there is no future. he's not running again, who knows about his senate position after the next election as well. but to think people are going to stop pushing for correct ideological positons just becuase bernie isn't at the helm is kind of crazy. you either believe health care is a right or not. there should be no political calculating necessary.

I would bet she will become more "establishment" then most realize.
if she does she's screwed. her constituency won't like that and we're a pretty independent group.

She will understand if her ideals want to move forward she will have to work with other Dems.
i'm not even the biggest AOC fan but i sure as hell hope not. you are aware congress has less than a 20% approval rating right? nobody likes these people. people like AOC, her constiuency is the voters not the donors. what will happen most likely is she'll not only get atacked from the right but also from the so called left democrats because she won't go along with their nonsense. i seen this shit coming since 2016. all those russian republican attacks i knew were going to be hurled against bernie, which is why i never bought into the russian election interference nonsense. russia dropped maybe $3m effecting our elections. bloomberg dropped half a bill..... it almost seems like america has it's own oligarch problems and shouldn't be throwing stones in a glass house.

The more Bernie supporters pull away the less power they have.
you may be right but i disagree. now is the time for multiple parties.


Well-known member
i dont know what was happening but every time i tried to edit my post, it would erase other parts of it. i gave a couple incomplete answers i feel like lol but oh well im too lazy to try and fix it #bernieorbust mofuckas


Well-known member
i would really like to know, though.... what makes people think Trump isn't going to attack Biden beyond anything we've seen so far? what makes democrats think Trump isn't going to attack Biden from the left on trade deals, the iraq war, the crime bill, etc. and not land crucial blows that joe will be unable to recover from? and this is without even touching the hunter biden nonsense. bernie made joe look like a fucking fool, joe was lying his ass off with nothing else to say.

joe has proven he will blow his top at the slighest inflammatory question from regular voters, while also proving he can be beyond irrational in his speeches (dog faced pony soldier).

this guy really isn't the safe candidate. literally all he has is a fake shield from the media that has built him up to be some kind of heir to the obama presidency. it's beyond fucking sad.


Well-known member
like i mentioned the other day. in all 20 or so primary contests so far, all 20 or whatever the number is voted in favor of a single payer health care system over private care in exit polling.

7 or 8 out of 10 democrats 45 and under are "berniecrats"

the DNC isnt going to give up power willingly at this point. i was naive to think we could oust them in that way, the two political parties are privately owned and like proven in court in 2016, the DNC can pick the candidate in a smoke filled back room if they so please.

i'll be un-registering and going back to supporting third parties after this. fuck em.

jimmy dore was right lol


Active member
you mean how 70% of the country wants M4A and you're nominating someone who vowed to veto M4A and is basically destined to lose?

the numbers really aren't on your side here.

If 70% of the country wanted M4A, 70% of the country would have voted for Bernie or Warren.

I hate to use the term re-education, but that’s what would need to happen for it to be successful. You can’t force it. It has to come naturally. Like a virus.

Honestly, if they were to rerun the primaries under our current situation, I think M4A would gather more support.

Still to me, it’s outdated thinking. It still involves insurance of a sort. It’s not radical enough. I prefer the health Corp model. Similar to what Mr.D suggests. With M4A, there is no incentive to prepare for a crisis, it’s still a profit motivated system.

As it goes, Biden has the majority. Call it rigged all you want. Bernie didn’t get the votes. I’m not nominating either one. I guess though if you’re happy with trump. Happy with his inadequacy. If you're happy with the judges he’ll appoint. Stick to your guns.

St. Phatty

Active member
Nobody wants to take responsibility. The trump way. Place blame.

there are few things more entertaining than a Trump Corona-virus press conference.

it's the little things. like towards the end of the Friday presser, the part where Trump referred to the state department as the "deep state Department", and Dr. Fauci covered his face with his hand to hide his smile or grimace.


Active member
like i mentioned the other day. in all 20 or so primary contests so far, all 20 or whatever the number is voted in favor of a single payer health care system over private care in exit polling.

7 or 8 out of 10 democrats 45 and under are "berniecrats"

the DNC isnt going to give up power willingly at this point. i was naive to think we could oust them in that way, the two political parties are privately owned and like proven in court in 2016, the DNC can pick the candidate in a smoke filled back room if they so please.

i'll be un-registering and going back to supporting third parties after this. fuck em.

jimmy dore was right lol

Among voters age 30 to 45 Bernie gets their support by a margin of 13 points. Bernie wins the voters 18-30 by a larger margin. Voters 18-29 only account for 16% of all voters. This will continue to be the case. As people age they tend to vote differently and vote more consistently.

I've never donated to a political candidate. I've never been to a political rally. But I have voted in every single election since I was 18. My politics aren't based on a label people give themselves. It's based on who I can work with to get things down.

"When younger Americans did swing to voting in the 2020 Democratic primaries, they usually cast ballots for Sanders by large margins, even in states that Sanders lost by large margins. Take Michigan, where Biden won by nearly 17 points. Sanders won 18-to-24-year-olds by 61 points; 25-to-29-year-olds by 56 points; and 30-to-39-year-olds by 19 points—while losing 40-to-49-year-olds by 6 points; 50-to-64-year-olds by 44 points and voters aged 65 or over by 52 points. Biden prevailed in Michigan because the two oldest voting categories cast a decisive 52 percent of the ballots."

More good charts on voter turnout by age.


Active member
there are few things more entertaining than a Trump Corona-virus press conference.

it's the little things. like towards the end of the Friday presser, the part where Trump referred to the state department as the "deep state Department", and Dr. Fauci covered his face with his hand to hide his smile or grimace.

Dr. Dena Grayson on Twitter is worth following.

I got sick of watching trump and hearing him talk about his feelings, bragging about things that aren’t yet happening. Things that should have happened months ago. I listen for Dr. Fauci, but he’s not allowed to say much.


ICMag Donor
If 70% of the country wanted M4A, 70% of the country would have voted for Bernie or Warren.

I hate to use the term re-education, but that’s what would need to happen for it to be successful. You can’t force it. It has to come naturally. Like a virus.

Honestly, if they were to rerun the primaries under our current situation, I think M4A would gather more support.

Still to me, it’s outdated thinking. It still involves insurance of a sort. It’s not radical enough. I prefer the health Corp model. Similar to what Mr.D suggests. With M4A, there is no incentive to prepare for a crisis, it’s still a profit motivated system.

As it goes, Biden has the majority. Call it rigged all you want. Bernie didn’t get the votes. I’m not nominating either one. I guess though if you’re happy with trump. Happy with his inadequacy. If you're happy with the judges he’ll appoint. Stick to your guns.

Social evolution.

Our Neanderthal factor is holding us back.


i would really like to know, though.... what makes people think Trump isn't going to attack Biden beyond anything we've seen so far? what makes democrats think Trump isn't going to attack Biden from the left on trade deals, the iraq war, the crime bill, etc. and not land crucial blows that joe will be unable to recover from? and this is without even touching the hunter biden nonsense. bernie made joe look like a fucking fool, joe was lying his ass off with nothing else to say.

joe has proven he will blow his top at the slighest inflammatory question from regular voters, while also proving he can be beyond irrational in his speeches (dog faced pony soldier).

this guy really isn't the safe candidate. literally all he has is a fake shield from the media that has built him up to be some kind of heir to the obama presidency. it's beyond fucking sad.

I buy this argument, Joe's going to do a Howard dean scream once a week. There are some serious electability worries there. Trump breaks out childish schoolyard bully type shit, clinton couldn't hit back effectively and I worry joe wont either. A biden candidacy does run many parallels to Clinton, I just dont buy that he can still connect with voters like he once did. That said, the results in Michigan indicate that I am wrong and biden should be able to pull the necessary voters to win. Bidens had a much clearer victory over sanders than clinton did so I would think he should, in theory, be able to get a few more voters out for him. 70k across three states...you can do it.

But man...if I am a bully looking to get a rise out of someone so they flip out and look stupid, joe is the guy.


Active member
I buy this argument, Joe's going to do a Howard dean scream once a week. There are some serious electability worries there. Trump breaks out childish schoolyard bully type shit, clinton couldn't hit back effectively and I worry joe wont either. A biden candidacy does run many parallels to Clinton, I just dont buy that he can still connect with voters like he once did. That said, the results in Michigan indicate that I am wrong and biden should be able to pull the necessary voters to win. Bidens had a much clearer victory over sanders than clinton did so I would think he should, in theory, be able to get a few more voters out for him. 70k across three states...you can do it.

But man...if I am a bully looking to get a rise out of someone so they flip out and look stupid, joe is the guy.

All differences aside, Biden never connected with voters. Until this year he never - in 3 runs for Pres - finished higher than 3rd in a primary.

His exposure as VP to Obama - another unelected position - has been retconned into "popularity."

And now his current campaign is premised entirely on Obama's presidency - according to Biden he's been secretly running the world since '99 or so.
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