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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
Recently my wife has a tumor that will be removed. The lab work on the initial biopsy cost over $6k just to examine a few cells. Our insurance, blue cross, negotiated the price and paid a portion. Our share ended up being $2k.

Now, about the free testing for covid, is this going to be a demonstration that socialized medicine works for us or are the testing labs big trump contributors?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Looks like the Indians think they might have found a cure: -

Hindu group hosts cow urine drinking party
What could go wrong? “We have been drinking cow urine for 21 years, we also take bath in cow dung. We have never felt the need to consume English medicine,” said Om Prakash, one of the pee party attendees.

It’s not just some small, no-name group that is pushing this idea either. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist party is pushing the idea that cow urine can be used to treat and even cure diseases from coronavirus to cancer.


I can't help but see the scene from The Land Of the Lost when Will Ferrell's character dumped dinosaur urine all over himself...


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

Well, I'm sure that idea will go over great in the western world...

-Ahh - maybe involve a barbeque and a hot tub - some spirited Hindu sermon - and a bunch of Hare Krisna's dancing around - and Western people just might go for it -

I can't help but see the scene from The Land Of the Lost when Will Ferrell's character dumped dinosaur urine all over himself...


- Some tribes in Africa still use cow urine to bathe in - not many shower options out where they live apparently -


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I thought that Hare Krishna died out after they got kicked out of airports.... but there's still a lot apparently.

If I'm ever so dirty that piss is an improvement I think I would opt for my own.

Mr D

According to Dr. Richard Martinello, an associate professor of medicine at Yale specializing in infectious diseases, roughly 85% of those who contract the coronavirus will have mild to moderate symptoms that can be treated at home.
As of today the WHO reports of the 127,000 infected with covid 19
70,000 have recovered

Although far to early to assess economic impact...of coarse all economies world wide can expect to take a hit,some more than others...
The US economy was and is in a very strong position to absorb volatility from this impact,all will recover as the threat tapers and stabilizes
Imo...anyone with common sense did not need a presidential declaration of emergency to brace for impact and take neccessary precautions to deal with a fast spreading epidemic...some folks feel a need to squeeze all the charmin...
Panic poses a far more potential threat than the virus itself
A world travel ban would have had a devastating impact as can be seen from the euro ban alone, the influx of people is taxing the abilities of airports to process in an orderly fashion,and could lead to failures to screen and detect incoming infections
Perhaps controlling the number of flights per day would be a more prudent approach allowing the system to keep up...js

Not all "experts" are on the same page... Can he determine how many people that have died from the Flu in the US since January actually had covid 19? These "experts" are guessing based on incomplete data.

Tell me why China decided this virus that produces "mild to moderate" symptoms was enough to warrant the dramatic actions undertaken to prevent a low number of deaths mostly confined to old folks? Do you really believe China risked devastating their economy to save maybe 1 million lives in a country with 1 billion people? They have one of the worst human rights records in the world. Now I'm supposed to believe they killed their GDP to save some old folks?

How do we know they were honest about anything? As far the WHO is concerned I have no more faith in them than I do the CCP to report honest numbers and facts.


The economic impact for the US would have been much less if we nipped this in the bud with early meaningful actions. Than waiting until now and being forced to shut down everything.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Not all "experts" are on the same page... Can he determine how many people that have died from the Flu in the US since January actually had covid 19? These "experts" are guessing based on incomplete data.

Tell me why China decided this virus that produces "mild to moderate" symptoms was enough to warrant the dramatic actions undertaken to prevent a low number of deaths mostly confined to old folks? Do you really believe China risked devastating their economy to save maybe 1 million lives in a country with 1 billion people? They have one of the worst human rights records in the world. Now I'm supposed to believe they killed their GDP to save some old folks?

How do we know they were honest about anything? As far the WHO is concerned I have no more faith in them than I do the CCP to report honest numbers and facts.


The economic impact for the US would have been much less if we nipped this in the bud with early meaningful actions. Than waiting until now and being forced to shut down everything.

Stifling the spring break southern migration by students bent on partying and getting laid is probably a wise idea. I doubt it will happen.


Active member
Recently my wife has a tumor that will be removed. The lab work on the initial biopsy cost over $6k just to examine a few cells. Our insurance, blue cross, negotiated the price and paid a portion. Our share ended up being $2k.

Now, about the free testing for covid, is this going to be a demonstration that socialized medicine works for us or are the testing labs big trump contributors?

Let's be real here my friend. A socialized medical system caused this crap show we now deal with. If China wasn't such a fuck shit show of a country we could have been dealing with this, without all the unknowns. Not that the media wouldn't still be licking their chops, at the idea of increased ratings.


Active member
Let's be real here my friend. A socialized medical system caused this crap show we now deal with. If China wasn't such a fuck shit show of a country we could have been dealing with this, without all the unknowns. Not that the media wouldn't still be licking their chops, at the idea of increased ratings.

It was the capitalist system that brought it here. Americans in China returning home.


Well-known member
1.5 trillion corona stimulus for wall street

we could have given every American $1000/month UBI for nearly 5 months during this time

White Beard

Active member
Nevertheless, I recall the last ebola crisis was much more scary and there was a big outcry over how unfair it was to quarantine medical volunteers returning from Africa.

We have soap. This isn't 1492.

Let me lay it out for you, shortcake:

Ebola was scary because of what it could do if it wasn’t contained and controlled because there’s no human immunity to it (a ‘novel’ virus)

Covid is scary because it IS NOT CONTROLLED AND IS NOT CONTAINED...and we don’t know exactly *what* it can do yet, but we’re going to find out...because there’s no human immunity to it.

Just like we would have found out about Ebola under the *exact* same scenario...but *that* was scary, and *this* just inflames your paranoia center.

Because it is UNCONTAINED it is UNCONTROLLABLE. Very possible that *everyone* will catch it. Global death rate could well be catastrophic (~70 million deaths == 1% fatalities in 7 billion).

But...”something else” must be going on.

You mean like killing off Medicare and Social Security recipients? Would definitely improve the job market, maybe, but how do you spin that against “liberals”? Or do you figure they’ll all die and the Fourth Reich will settle in to rule the aftermath?

You have nothing. As usual.

My advice is to spend less time “thinking”, more time playing with your Ann Coulter doll.

Mr D

Let's be real here my friend. A socialized medical system caused this crap show we now deal with. If China wasn't such a fuck shit show of a country we could have been dealing with this, without all the unknowns. Not that the media wouldn't still be licking their chops, at the idea of increased ratings.

Socialized medical or US medical... the problems presented by this virus will result in the same problem.... rationed care.

I give Bannon a lot of credit for being on top of this and calling for our borders to be shut down in the final days of the impeachment sham.

Trump would have never done the right thing if he thought the economy and or his reelection chances would be hurt by early action. You can blame China for a shit show but they didn't have any say in the delayed response here.

The democrat/media vs. Trump blame game is just further stupidity by both sides. Both sides can focus on blame after we come together to solve the problem until that time those playing the game are just part of the problem and need to shut the fuck up.

Mr D

1.5 trillion corona stimulus for wall street

we could have given every American $1000/month UBI for nearly 5 months during this time

How about we spend it increasing capacity and training more medical professionals instead of handing out what amounts to little more than a monthly rent payment. Even if we don't need the extra capacity and professionals it should have net effect of lower health care costs.

Actually your math is wrong. It would not be enough for nearly 5 months. Try 2 months at best after we hire people to implement, manage and distribute, 1/2 of the money would end up going to fund government inefficiency. Remember how much healthcare.gov cost?

White Beard

Active member
I feel it is rude and judgemental of me for saying it. Not proud. But what I was saying is I have met women that have the same characteristics as her and also happen to be very very strung out. And I am not judgemental as much as cautious. I would hope anyone with a serious problem gets the help they need.

Her words are the disgusting part.
Just another reminder that ugly goes to the bone

Not bullsit. Sarcasm based in truth. Trump is a New York gangster not unlike John Gotti but much more of a failure / looser. The sleazy women, standard fare for a man of his stature.

Purpur's version, yup that's bs.
Caught me...I *was* in fact commenting on the purple part...

IMO you'd be a fool to believe or trust Trump and his team of experts where this virus is concerned. The administration dropped the ball when they put economic and reelection concerns first.

Did you pay attention to what China did? They sure as shit didn't blow up their GDP because this virus "is like the flu".

Most people who end up hospitalized need ICU. The US maxes out at 95,000 ICU beds. That's not even enough for a single state like California or Texas or Florida or NY......

The only thing Trump and his experts will accomplish is making people aware that our medical system is woefully inadequate as medical rationing becomes the new reality for many.

Every time I hear Trump go on about what a great job he did by restricting travel to and from China I just want to smack the shit out of him and anyone repeating that shit. It should have been a worldwide travel ban to the US back in early - mid January. Combined with widespread testing and a serious effort to increase hospital/ICU capacity in Feb. The current shutdown of schools and large gatherings is about a month late by my research.

Props to you, D, for these very cogent and very straightforward remarks. To your frequent and justified calls for increasing the capacity of our HCS, it is time to mention that we don’t have the mortuaries, graveyards and crematoria that may be required, either.

Salute - no irony, straight up. :tiphat:
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