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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Hi all just dropping in to say I told you so to all the Bernouts that are crying and shaking and triggered Those very same little pansies who all ganged up on me to laugh and point fingers yet still couldn't refute a single point I made.
You know who you are.So i'll ask you all this...Who's laughing now ?
I am that's who.

TRUMP2020 keeping America great

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Bernie should have been calling out the fake news and deep state and taken the Yang aproach to Trump ('He's not our biggest problem'). Bernie vs Trump would have been a hell of a fight. Now Trump can use the Bernie sabotage against the DNC during the election and win over 1/3 of the Bernie people who feel scornful wrath against the establishment.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
In November 2020 the american public will be aware of the deepstate.
The american public will see that Trump is fighting the deepstate.
It's going to be interesting.


Active member
Instead of berning up in a blaze of glory , he faded back into socialist obscurity with a whimper and a fizzle.

Feel the Bern Bernie bros
Feel the Bern

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Well, they did get Berned, but I think most Bernie supporters are good people at heart. I hope they pick themselves up and face who knocked them down.


Active member
Kobachar featured as 'The Worlds Most Useless Person' on the cover of WTF magazine

I think Buttigeg could be nominated Man of the Fear 2020

These assholes really showed their true colors Warren is still in? For what?

I think she is still ranting @ Mike Bloomberg... and hes gone.

What a bizarre hopeless excuse for a human being she turned out to be

Bernie could still run as Third Party candidate If and when this thing implodes completely

Right? The Socialist party! LoL

That would be quite the debate.....

End up a Legend if he could pull that off and Win!

He really needs to invent a new word for what he actually does.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Trumps numbers are looking pretty good. Biden is slipping mentally and is now under criminal investigations in at least two countries. They already threw everything at Trump in 2016. At this point people are going to see right threw the deep state.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Many are speculating that Biden's mental slippage may be a cover in order to switch and swindle in a new candidate. When he confused his wife for his sister it really looked staged to me.


Active member
Well, they did get Berned, but I think most Bernie supporters are good people at heart. I hope they pick themselves up and face who knocked them down.

Agree 100 percent...But can they put down the victim mentality long enough to see it ? Those liberals love them some victimhood


Active member
Kobachar featured as 'The Worlds Most Useless Person' on the cover of WTF magazine

I think Buttigeg could be nominated Man of the Fear 2020

These assholes really showed their true colors Warren is still in? For what?

I think she is still ranting @ Mike Bloomberg... and hes gone.

What a bizarre hopeless excuse for a human being she turned out to be

Bernie could still run as Third Party candidate If and when this thing implodes completely

Right? The Socialist party! LoL

That would be quite the debate.....

End up a Legend if he could pull that off and Win!

He really needs to invent a new word for what he actually does.


Why is propagandist not good enough ?

Capra ibex

Agree 100 percent...But can they put down the victim mentality long enough to see it ? Those liberals love them some victimhood

Us nasty liberals who 'weaponize' terms like 'per capita'?

The biggest victim in the history of the world is currently president :redface:


Active member
It's certainly going to be interesting watching the rest of us primary and the convention. The way I read it, a contested convention is going to happen. Sucks for the Bernie bros. I was kinda looking forward to a real winner take all war. Capitalism vs. Socialism. It's time to settle it for good.

Certainly excited to watch Biden stumble and Bumble, while Trump destroys him on the debate stage.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Hi all just dropping in to say I told you so to all the Bernouts that are crying and shaking and triggered Those very same little pansies who all ganged up on me to laugh and point fingers yet still couldn't refute a single point I made.
You know who you are.So i'll ask you all this...Who's laughing now ?
I am that's who.

TRUMP2020 keeping America great

Agree 100 percent...But can they put down the victim mentality long enough to see it ? Those liberals love them some victimhood


Capra ibex

I extend an olive branch to GWB.... no need for anyone to feel victimised :comfort:
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