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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Russia is a hoax. The moon is a hoax. Tides are a hoax. The weather is a hoax....
All you really need is compliant people who don’t listen, don’t think, just ride the wave....

Not *JUST* Trump: his appointments, his executive orders, his deep-state plants....

I hear the contempt, but have no idea how you got here unless you’re having great sex with a Sanders-hater

It will only stop when we roll back all the “public choice” damage, eliminate the structural residue of slavery & Jim Crow, stop putting agents of a traitorous scheme in office, start acting like accountability matters

“Principled conservative”

They only follow the laws they like: in other words, law according to those who sold off our industries and went into business farming *US*

This is why we need more than just a “different Resident“. The system needs fixing, so we need to send people who want to fix it, not secure it for the ages

I hope you used to tell your kids stories, you’ve got one hell of an imagination

I make the money, your scumbag politicians take it, yet, they aren't greedy, but I am. Man, I am glad you set me straight. All this time I have been thinking I worked to support my family.

White Beard

Active member
I see you catching up: Biden represents Delaware’s primary industry - which is allowing corporations to exist without restraint or limitation (to which our founders were unalterably opposed). FINANCE is Joe’s Party.

Which is why #NeverBiden


ICMag Donor
That statement reveals you have no clue.

Why has the US dollar lost 98% of it's value?

What causes inflation and what is the federal reserve's role?

On the contrary, you are showing your ignorance by posing the question as you did. We could put 12 Economic PHDs in a room and they would argue the question for a week.

You are bouncing around today going from Transvestite bars to the Meaning Of Life.

If I wanted a quality answer I would look to someone like Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank and former managing director of the International Monetary Fund.

Things that come to mind for me;
Going off the gold standard.
A national debt that began as part of the New Deal and was never paid off.
A true lack of honesty and financial conservatives in our government.
How Much gold do we still have and where is it?

If I wanted to be optimistic I might say the British Pound Sterling is only $1.25 now when the benchmark forever was always about $1.50.


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Ol sleepy just punches himself in the face at the end of Chuck Wallace
Interview..wadda maroon



Well-known member
Sanders raises $46.5 million in February, smashing own record

According to the campaign, the cash haul came from more than 2.2 million donations, including contributions from more than 350,000 donors who were giving to the campaign for the first time. The Vermont senator's fundraising efforts were fueled by victories in the early states of New Hampshire and Nevada, and a first-place finish in the popular vote in Iowa.


Well-known member
"Political oddsmakers are guessing if Sen. Bernard Sanders wins the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination that he is most likely to pick Nina Turner or Stacey Abrams as a running mate.

The handicappers with Bovada put the odds of Mr. Sanders picking Ms. Turner, a former Ohio state lawmaker and longtime Sanders advocate, at +185, and Ms. Abrams, who in 2018 nearly became the nation’s first black female governor in Georgia, at +265.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, the nation’s first open lesbian member of the Senate, comes in at +400, Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California is +550, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii is at +600."


Active member
I hear the contempt, but have no idea how you got here unless you’re having great sex with a Sanders-hater

Hey White Beard

When growing up my family wasn't that political. They did vote in every election but never pushed their beliefs on me or my siblings.

I really got into politics from listening to the Dead Kennedy's and Pink Floyd. Their music and lyrics were really intriguing. Even though both bands had broken up by the time I got into them I really enjoyed what both stood for. Pink Floyd "Wish you were here" is still one of my favorite recordings. Especially "Welcome to the Machine".

By the time I attended university I was regularly watching Cspan. If my roommates came home when it was on I'd say I was sleeping. Kinda embarrassed to let them know that's what I watched. lol

Turning 18 and registering as a independent I found Bernie very intriguing during my college days. I liked his ideas and enjoyed listening to him speak. Thought for sure he would be the new voice that would bring change to this country. 20 years later he spouts the same stuff without ever getting anything passed or forming a substantial coalition to get his ideas moving forward.

Bernie didn't get his first full time job until he became mayor at the age of 40.

Bernie was kicked out of a commune because all he wanted to do was talk politics and smoke weed. He likes having a following of minions who hang on his every word.

The last two times he ran for Senate he would get the nomination as a Dem then change back to his independent label when the election was held. Keeps people from running against him. I find this pretty sleazy.

When a bill is ready to be passed and Bernie likes it he hurry's to get an amendment added to the bill just so he can get his name on it. His fellow Senators don't call him the Amendment King for nothing.

30 years of being in government and nothing to show for other then trying to get people to follow him and donate to his campaign so he can travel the US on other people's dime. When he came to my town in 2016 did he hang out with the people who did all the work putting on the rally for him? Fuck no. He was off hanging with the elites in my town.

So for me Bernie Sanders is a fraud. The man has no real accomplishments to point too. Pointing out that the rich have an unfair advantage is like the dumbass on FB who posts a picture of the first snowfall of the year. Thanks Captain Obvious. Bernie isn't pointing out anything new that everybody doesn't already know. He just is able to make a following out of it.

With all this said I'd rather sniff Bernie shit for the next four years then eat Trump's shit for 4 more.


Active member
"Political oddsmakers are guessing if Sen. Bernard Sanders wins the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination that he is most likely to pick Nina Turner or Stacey Abrams as a running mate.

The handicappers with Bovada put the odds of Mr. Sanders picking Ms. Turner, a former Ohio state lawmaker and longtime Sanders advocate, at +185, and Ms. Abrams, who in 2018 nearly became the nation’s first black female governor in Georgia, at +265.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, the nation’s first open lesbian member of the Senate, comes in at +400, Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California is +550, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii is at +600."

Bernard's at +300 to win...so I wouldn't bet on any vp picks just yet
Trump is -165 for the win


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ICMag Donor
Stacey "babyback" Abrams for Bernies VP.......hahahaha
So that's the DNC's plan, kill Bernie by natural causes,cholesterol.

Chemdawggy Dawg

Active member
Oh yeah

Oh yeah

I got this underdog clone yesterday. What do you guys think about it? Babyback hahaha


  • 20200229_153202.jpg
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I got this underdog clone yesterday. What do you guys think about it? Babyback hahaha

You might wanna take the whole top shoot to clone,and the bottom is already a great start to a happy little bush.
Not sure if ya just veg in the tent,or if that's for flower.
Looks like she plans on being a long legged girl if ya let her get away with it.
Just my 2 cents.
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