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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If ya take that top,do ya have a t5 to throw it under,drop the lights down a couple of inches from the tops,and try n get some tighter spaced nodes.

If shes the real deal,it would be worth the extra tlc


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hit any of us up in a pm,democrat or Republican,we're all still ic maga's

Ok commence with the regularly scheduled beheadings!!!

White Beard

Active member
Hey White Beard

When growing up my family wasn't that political. They did vote in every election but never pushed their beliefs on me or my siblings.

I really got into politics from listening to the Dead Kennedy's and Pink Floyd. Their music and lyrics were really intriguing. Even though both bands had broken up by the time I got into them I really enjoyed what both stood for. Pink Floyd "Wish you were here" is still one of my favorite recordings. Especially "Welcome to the Machine".

By the time I attended university I was regularly watching Cspan. If my roommates came home when it was on I'd say I was sleeping. Kinda embarrassed to let them know that's what I watched. lol

Turning 18 and registering as a independent I found Bernie very intriguing during my college days. I liked his ideas and enjoyed listening to him speak. Thought for sure he would be the new voice that would bring change to this country. 20 years later he spouts the same stuff without ever getting anything passed or forming a substantial coalition to get his ideas moving forward.

Bernie didn't get his first full time job until he became mayor at the age of 40.

Bernie was kicked out of a commune because all he wanted to do was talk politics and smoke weed. He likes having a following of minions who hang on his every word.

The last two times he ran for Senate he would get the nomination as a Dem then change back to his independent label when the election was held. Keeps people from running against him. I find this pretty sleazy.

When a bill is ready to be passed and Bernie likes it he hurry's to get an amendment added to the bill just so he can get his name on it. His fellow Senators don't call him the Amendment King for nothing.

30 years of being in government and nothing to show for other then trying to get people to follow him and donate to his campaign so he can travel the US on other people's dime. When he came to my town in 2016 did he hang out with the people who did all the work putting on the rally for him? Fuck no. He was off hanging with the elites in my town.

So for me Bernie Sanders is a fraud. The man has no real accomplishments to point too. Pointing out that the rich have an unfair advantage is like the dumbass on FB who posts a picture of the first snowfall of the year. Thanks Captain Obvious. Bernie isn't pointing out anything new that everybody doesn't already know. He just is able to make a following out of it.

With all this said I'd rather sniff Bernie shit for the next four years then eat Trump's shit for 4 more.
‘Preciate the perspective

You mean, like this (or the attached image below)?


What can I say? The 60s were a formative time, and they didn’t form you. Fair enough. Having come up “through the movement”, I learned some things about the pressures put on us square pegs back then, so I credit Sanders for staying involved, for ‘keeping the faith’, for continuing to keep his temper, keep his voice, keep up the fight. For most of his career, it’s been a thankless task

It’s easy to say someone’s done nothing when you don’t know what that ‘nothing’ required; not saying you don’t know, but I feel you’re being overly harsh.

If you want to slam someone for never drawing a private paycheck and being on the public tit his whole life, there are real parasites, like Mitch McConnell
Stacey "babyback" Abrams for Bernies VP.......hahahaha
So that's the DNC's plan, kill Bernie by natural causes,cholesterol.
Ok, so fat jokes are cool again, or only for black women?

How ‘bout ugly jokes? Stupid jokes?
Asking for a friend...


Chemdawggy Dawg

Active member
Yeah it in a root riot with good roots. I put it in the coco yesterday. I can grow pretty good. I have the glue there and another called the donkey butter.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You mean, like this?
View Image

What can I say? The 60s were a formative time, and they didn’t form you. Fair enough. Having come up “through the movement”, I learned some things about the pressures put on us square pegs back then, so I credit Sanders for staying involved, for ‘keeping the faith’, for continuing to keep his temper, keep his voice, keep up the fight.

It’s easy to say someone’s done nothing when you don’t know what that ‘nothing’ required; not saying you don’t know, but I feel you’re being overly harsh.

If you want to slam someone for never drawing a private paycheck and being on the public tit his whole life, there are real parasites, like Mitch McConnell

Ok, so fat jokes are cool again, or only for black women?

How ‘bout ugly jokes? Stupid jokes?
Asking for a friend...

Not sure why you would ask that,I have a little nickname for all the canidates.Black,white,male,female,Asian,gay,straight,old,young.As earlier when I referenced joe as jukebox joe.
Maybe I'm just a white person who doesnt like white people.

Intriguing your inquiry as to the what jokes are cool.
I'm honored that you would pick me out of all the intelligent folks in this thread.

Usually you have the answer to everything,irregardless of subject matter.

This wasn't posted by New England,it was posted by a friend :tiphat:

White Beard

Active member
Pete Buttigieg is out

I guess Biden’s win in SC meant something. Will it mean Klobuchar is out as of Wednesday? Probably. Making it a THREE way race, with Joe and Mike competing to see who can bloody Bernie the worst? Again, probably. The net effect, though, I expect to be them tarnishing themselves and each other at least as badly - and each of them vying to be crowned Dog in The Manger, the spoiler du jour.

What happens then...dunno. If the Third Way gets its way, either Trump will stay in the White House, or our own home-grown taliban will start that holy war they’ve been stroking off to since Reagan. The Dems are not the party of Kennedy and Carter any longer; the Reps are no longer the party of Lincoln - or of Eisenhower. The bridges behind us are burning as we speak...and we can’t stay here. This is bat country.

We need someone at the wheel who can tell the difference between forward and backward...and we need a pit crew that can keep us on the road.

White Beard

Active member
Not sure why you would ask that,I have a little nickname for all the canidates.Black,white,male,female,Asian,gay,straight,old,young.As earlier when I referenced joe as jukebox joe.
Maybe I'm just a white person who doesnt like white people.

Intriguing your inquiry as to the what jokes are cool.
I'm honored that you would pick me out of all the intelligent folks in this thread.

Usually you have the answer to everything,irregardless of subject matter.

This wasn't posted by New England,it was posted by a friend :tiphat:

It just seemed out of character


ICMag Donor
That all sounds impressive however Bloomberg's only role can be that of a spoiler. His position and appeal are corporate. He will have to drop because he can do nothing more than divide the establishment vote.


Active member
Hello all,

Gonna go out on a limb here and say I think biden would do well to pick up warren as a vp....No the best idea, but most middle of the road.

Could be interesting...

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